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Chapter 5 Rejected

  • "Wha…"
  • Before my girlfriend could finish.
  • She rushed to me.
  • "Daniel, where will I start? The new manager is my ex's friend ,how will I start looking for a new job".
  • She was crying, hugging my waist,I turned to my furious girlfriend to calm her.
  • "We will talk later"she snapped angrily and went back to her seat.
  • "Emm look hey ,stop crying,it's not the end of the world,you are smart and the best designer I have seen,I will help talk to the guy, I promise I must convince him".
  • Her face brightened.
  • "Thank you ,thank you Dan," She dried her eyes.
  • "Thanks Abigail bye" She waved at my girlfriend who seemed not interested,so she completely ignored her.
  • After she left,Abigail walked up to me with her hands folded over her chest.
  • "So what's the meaning of that, friends with benefits?"
  • "You know me better and why you Ignore her,she's the last person to get into someone's relationship, so stop fighting her,we are good friends and that's it".
  • "Bla Bla bla bla once upon a time!!!, fairy tales!!" She snapped and walked back to her seat.
  • "Baby, Can you at least help me with the bathing"
  • "Last time I checked you are old enough to impregnate a woman and become a father and bathe yourself!!"
  • I shook my head,I went to her and carried her heading to the bathroom.
  • “Put me down,or I will bite you".
  • "So you telling me what?"the new boss snapped at me.
  • Seriously this dude got anger issues,or is he just naturally mean.
  • I stared at him ,scared of my fellow man's visuals.
  • "You will regret it if you don't get her back in your team sir".
  • "You know who I am?"
  • "Words 9th richest under 30 ,the owner of F&F fashion brand,the giant icons,you have branches all over the world, yes and I am a fan".
  • "I am impressed,but you just described the little you know, next time you talk to me,keep it low ,just like you".
  • I smiled, hiding my anger. I am this spoiled rat's elder yet he talks to me like a child,I don't blame him, he’s rich, it's one of their things.
  • "Well I won't try to force it on you but I am sure you will regret it sir, please give her a chance".
  • "You are the only one who said something nice about that lady out of the other co-workers".
  • "Believe me they lied to you sir".
  • "Her ex told me their story".
  • "He probably made it up sir, also every story has two sides, you don't know her own story".
  • "So tell me what it is that you want to gain from her by doing this, trying to convince me to get her back here"he said ,twitching a thick brow as he lay back on the office chair.
  • "She's a good friend. I am just doing what I have to, not to mention she's a very hard-working person sir".
  • He glanced at me for some time.
  • "Fine I will give her a chance to prove her worth,you can go now".
  • "Thanks boss".
  • I went outside the office and called Valerie on the phone to inform her about it.
  • She was so happy.
  • "Are you kidding me now,I had the dream last night I was praying and waiting patiently,I know you will do it thanks Daniel,God bless you".
  • "Amen,so prepare yourself too,this guy is not just a CEO,he is huge and if we eventually start working for him in due time we will be a big name and famous,you know what I mean ,the F&F brand is a worldwide iconic fashion brand".
  • "I heard of it too,I can't believe we are working with F &F, I mean ,we are going to be working with F&F ,it's like a dream come true ,I will give it my best shot".
  • "Take care, don't think too much".
  • "I won't ,stop worrying! I am fine,say Hy to Abigail for me when you get home".
  • "I will".
  • "And hey, remember to take your drugs". "How did you know I'm sick?"I was shocked.
  • "Malaria,I had the dream of you being sick and refusing to take your drugs".
  • So accurately,I refused to take my drugs this morning.
  • "I wish I was that gifted too".
  • She chuckled.
  • "Bye Dan,you are an irreplaceable friend".
  • She hung up.I can't help smiling.
  • "Well tomorrow we start work, goodluck to us". I said to myself.
  • The next day at work,I dressed my best. It's not a small opportunity to work with the F&F Famous and fantastic Fashion brand. My happiness was written all over me not until I sighted Kamsy.
  • I greeted her first,she Ignored me,I regretted taking the first move immediately, but I was doing that to pretend I was hurting.
  • I saw Daniel standing by the other side waiting for his turn for the interview too, I sneaked through to him.
  • I hit his shoulder playfully ,he laughed.
  • "You are as excited as I am right?"he asked. I nodded and took a deep breath, my heart was racing so much,I could feel the sweat.