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Chapter 4 Someone To Talk To

  • After two weeks of turning off my mobile line, getting off my social media,I decided to take care of myself.
  • Surprisingly, I got an email from our company to come back for an interview. I was less burdened. I thank God at least no job hunting if this turns out good for me.
  • I put on my best corporate wear that day. A new hair style too, I don't want to look as miserable as they all wanted to see me. I got to the company and walked towards the reception.
  • The assistant has been replaced with a new lady,but she seems very nice.
  • “Please wait ,I will tell you when you have to go in".
  • "Thanks"I replied politely, she smiled back and walked to the boss's office.
  • Just then I heard familiar voices like I guessed it was her.
  • The newest bride in town and former bestie Kamsy with a few of our colleagues that are retained in the company, I guess she wasn't sacked.
  • I can hear them from where I was seated waiting for the receptionist.
  • "Some people are witches in disguise, why will she pull off the ring on that day to disgrace you" I heard one of them say.
  • "Imagine she was even crying gosh I know that girl is childish but that's the most stupid thing,Is she the first to be proposed to and dumped"another one added.
  • "I wonder,"another responded.
  • "My sister, these people pretending they're soft-hearted are the most heartless human beings who fear them,"Kamsy replied.
  • They laughed out loud.
  • "You can now go in,Excuse me….hello, ma'am!!" I was lost in thought but the receptionist just caught my attention back.
  • I apologized and went into the office after knocking. Unexpectedly I saw my ex chatting with the new boss, my heart did a backflip.
  • This is not a good sign.
  • Worse,they seem to know each other and it's certain that I am doomed.
  • "Why are you here!?"
  • The new boss's voice thundered.
  • "…"
  • I was speechless,confused and helpless at that question.
  • Luke laughed then stood up.
  • "Oh it's my faithful ex,let me introduce her".
  • "I don't give a damn"the new boss replied in his British accent.
  • My ex laughed out loudly again and sat down. "What do you want?".
  • He thundered again,his voice can wake a dead corpse and his face wasn't as innocent as my ex's.
  • He looked like he didn't know how to smile.
  • His jawline was sharpened in a way that you can mistake him for a model,his cheek bones lined with his one sided dimple and danced each time he speaks,I tried not to stare too much.
  • "I am here for the interview"I gathered the courage to talk.
  • “Get out,you are disqualified"he replied without hesitation.
  • My ex was just laughing.
  • It's not a surprise if I got told I was called here to get laughed at.
  • “Sir please look at my …."
  • “Are you dumb!!"
  • His voice thundered again.
  • “Very dumb"Luke replied.
  • "I'm sorry"I replied quietly and left the room. I was so ashamed that I couldn't look at the receptionist,my whole body was shaking.
  • I saw Kamsy approaching, I thought she wanted to talk but she Ignored me and went into the office.
  • Then the latest couple came out and left the company hand in hand.
  • I sat down slowly on the reception seat to get it off my mind,this job, my past,my friendship,my whole life has been a mess because of what?
  • The boss wants you to come back in"the receptionist said after answering her telephone.
  • My eyes opened wide,I hesitated but I had no choice but to go for it.
  • As soon as I came in,he stood up,I never imagined he could have such height, literally I am at his armpit length. I can't tell if it is because I am too short but he is definitely too tall.
  • I noticed they removed the ceiling fan and replaced it with another air conditioner.
  • "Do you think I will let you work for me?"he started. So I was called back for another round of embarrassment.
  • "I am sorry sir, my mistake". I turned to leave.
  • "You don't remember me do you?" I stopped and stared at his face closely. It can't be, the man in the bus that I dozed off on his shoulder, still the same man I bumped into at the church wedding entrance that I Ignored to apologize to. He is the new boss?
  • "You remembered right? or is your brain that dull?" I can't admit it ,it is the most embarrassing thing ever.
  • "Sir I normally have..... memory loss....,I don't remember".
  • "You are not a good liar".
  • He snapped back. Then he sat back on his seat.
  • "By the way you can't work here, look for somewhere else,now get out of my office".
  • **DANIEL'S POV**
  • So bad, things aren't going well with her these days. I wish there's anyway I can help,being too good in this cruel world isn't balanced,poor thing.
  • “Babe do you want honey or soya?"
  • My girlfriend asked to get the tray with a bowl plate of pap on the dining table.
  • "Soya".
  • “Alright".
  • She came to me and peeped at my phone .
  • "What ..who are you chatting with now?"
  • She is always curious and possessive,well if you got Mr perfect like me,you should be.
  • "With a friend"I pecked her cheek,put down my phone and we went to the dining room hand in hand.
  • "Your bean cake is the best, those market women know nothing!!"I exclaimed excitedly rubbing my palms , staring at the moi moi cups.
  • I have the attitude of complimenting her each time food is served.
  • "You haven't even tasted it yet" She snapped blushing.
  • "I don't have to!!, nothing bad comes from you anyway".
  • "Stop being silly,"she chuckled. I kissed her neck and played with her hair.
  • "Don't mess the hair up, it's expensive!!" I laughed.
  • "I bought it with my money".
  • She frowned back, pouting angrily.
  • "Sorry ma'am"I apologized immediately.
  • She passed me my plate and put three spoonfuls of soya, replacing hers with honey. We enjoyed our meal.
  • After a few seconds of silence.
  • “Emmm about that your Co worker,the one her fiance dumped".
  • "My friend?"
  • "Whatever,why is she that stupid,can't she move on,why embarrassing herself,I literally feel like giving her a slap ,gosh her attitude was so ....ugh!!!"she snapped.
  • I swallowed and stared at her for some time, she could tell I was judging.
  • "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked,and hissed.
  • “I know you don't like her but put yourself in her shoes you don't know if you will be the next".
  • I replied,I knew I just called for war but that's the only way to divert this discussion.
  • She dropped her spoon.
  • "Daniel, am I the one you just talked to?" She also dropped her queen's english.
  • "Daniel did you just say you want to dump,try me Daniel, I am no Valerie I did kill you and kill myself".
  • I laughed out loud.
  • "You never even experience it and you are this mad at me ah,sorry ma'am".
  • "In Fact I am not eating again"she stood up and left the dining room.
  • “No, you can't leave all this food for me".
  • She Ignored me,I shook my head smiling, I covered her food and put them back in the kitchen. After some time,I finished eating ,cleaned the table and went to her room.
  • "Should I frog jump or push up?"I teased. She Ignored me, buried in her phone. I played romantic music on my phone, connected it to the Bluetooth speaker and removed my shirt.
  • Don't do this if you have a pot belly,I was blessed with four packs, thoughI am still working to get to six. I started doing the push ups She cat walked and sat on my back
  • "I guessed I have been forgiven"I said, catching my breath because of her weight I continued the push ups. Suddenly the doorbell rang,I had a call at the same time ,I guess it must be the person at the door.
  • Thank goodness I had to get out of this punishment. I went to get my phone wiping myself with my face towel. My girlfriend went to get the door.It was her,I was excited to see her, really.
  • "Good day, can I borrow your boyfriend for a minute?"Valerie said.