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Chapter 70 The First Night

  • While my husband took a shower I quickly looked for a place I could put Blue. The floor won, not risking him rolling off the chair at night. I took the cushions and made a boundary for him. I dared take the throw blanket on the bed and folded it before laying it on the floor.
  • If Hendrix decided to crucify me for going into his closet then I would face his wrath head on. I looked through the shelves until I saw the spare blankets. I took one, rushing back before he came out of the bathroom. I wrapped my baby with the blanket before lowering him to the makeshift bed.
  • I could not take my eyes off him, scared something would happen. My shoes were kicked off and I sat on the chair right in front of Blue. I folded my legs up on the chair and lay my head on my knees, staring at him sleep.
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