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Chapter 68 The Unwanted Child

  • I jumped on the passenger seat so fast, quickly pulling my seatbelt before shutting the door. Hendrix closed his door and start the car. He did not get the urgency I was in, turning his head to me only for me to nod for him to get a move on it. For all we knew they were taking my baby away at that very moment. The thought squeezed my heart so hard I had to clench my chest because it felt like a heart attack was very near.
  • The car tires screeched before the car moved, turning. In my head I was saying nothing but prayers.
  • The way seemed to stretch long, my eyes on Hendrix, wanting to scream at him to go faster but too defeated for words. I kept looking out to see if we were going to catch up to my family but they were far gone.
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