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Chapter 144

  • A look crossed her face that I couldn’t read, not clearly. She scrunched up her nose in disgust, but only for a moment. Sometimes it felt like she hated her father as much as the rest of us, but if you didn’t know how to read people, you’d have missed the tics.
  • Maybe I’d get to see how Lauren really felt about her father. Or maybe I’d see another act. I felt like that’s all they were - an act. They pretended to be a perfect family unit for the press, but something didn’t sit right for me. I was actually looking forward to this opportunity, not just for journalistic integrity, but to see if my gut was right about Lauren really despising her dad, even though she put on a front to the press.
  • She was, after all, delegated to PR while her brother was being groomed for a career in politics, working as Daddy’s campaign manager. I always wondered how Lauren felt about that, but we weren’t close enough for me to ask.
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