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Chapter 7

  • Rico.
  • The drive to Vulcun's residence takes us exactly two hours.
  • Alessio must have trusted me enough to finally tell me something about Mia, and also, allow me to know her home.
  • "Another thing Rico, just be yourself. Don't try to impress him or anything, act normal" Fuck! I hate being in this position. It sounds like I'm getting married.
  • The men guarding the front doors let us in without question, and Alessio leads us to the enormous living room. The only presence in the room is a man sitting in a wheelchair and facing a big window.
  • "So, I finally get to see my son-in-law before I die" The man chuckles and finally turns around.
  • He looks to be in his late thirties or early forties. His eyes are a dull blue and almost lifeless. The brown hair on his head is so little like it's falling away. I also didn't miss his thick Russian accent.
  • I haven't heard her voice yet, though I had a clue she was Russian, and now it's confirmed.
  • His physical nature appears to be fading away. You will know he is not staying just by a mere look in his eyes.
  • "What was that Seb, you could have killed her" Alessio snaps a little bit angrily, sitting on one of the chairs and I follow his lead.
  • "You have a little faith in my angel, don't you?" he nonchalantly answers, as if sending her in the ring was not a big deal.
  • "She is sick and we both know it was a dangerous move" Alessio pushes on in agitation.
  • "Look at me Alessio" he points at himself, and bitterly chuckles, "I'm dying, I have like what? two days? She's gonna be alone, I want her to be strong enough to handle shit"
  • "Mia is a strong girl, everything that girl does is beyond her limits and you know it. Give her a break dammit. " Alessio angrily snaps and it takes me aback. I will never understand his mood swings.
  • "That's why I wanted her to take part in that fight, I know when I'm gone things are going to become messy. Of course, I know Ricardo, his brother too. I don't want my angel around some weak idiot"
  • I have never seen him before, does he know me well though?
  • Just then, the door opens and she walks in. The look on her face shows that she didn't expect us to be there. Especially me, considering how her eyes linger on me a little longer.
  • Her eyes are swollen and her nose is red, I guess from constant blowing.
  • The man in the wheelchair instantly stops talking and his countenance saddens at the sight of his daughter.
  • She silently walks to her dad and hugs him from behind. Mia buries her face in his hair and closes her eyes inhaling deeply.
  • This scene is just heartbreaking. I think Alessio feels the same way because he quickly looks away.
  • Now that I think about it, at least I had a mum and she's still here. Carl came around too.
  • This young girl only has the man in the wheelchair.
  • "I love you " she mumbles kissing his hair, and the man attempts to smile but it's evident in his eyes that he is hurting.
  • "How many seconds did you take in the ring? " he brings his hands forward and places them on Mia's arms that are around his shoulders.
  • "45" She whispers without lifting her head or opening her eyes.
  • "Baby, that was too clumsy you know, I expected you to take 30 at most. I have been telling you from time to time sweetheart, every second counts. That one second you wasted is all it takes to end you" he snaps and I lowly sigh. She was perfect. How do these parents often forget their kids are human too? They expect too much without care for what we have to go through to meet their standards.
  • "It won't happen again, Father"
  • "I believe so because you know what happens if you do, you are forgiven for today"
  • "Thank you, I will be in my room" She places a soft kiss on his head and the man quickly holds her before she could walk away.
  • "You know I love you right?" he kisses her cheek and she wordlessly nods." I love you so much sweetheart, please take care of yourself for me, okay? " she nods again and her eyes start to water.
  • This is the saddest thing I have ever seen. This girl has indeed seen enough shit for her age. I thought I didn't have a heart.
  • I was wrong after all.
  • It's not easy knowing the only family you have is about to die, and what Alessio said about her mother's death, I can't imagine how strong Mia's heart is.
  • "Mmh, I need to take a shower" Mia quickly adds pointing to the stairs that I'm assuming lead to her room.
  • "Go ahead, I will let you know when dinner is ready"
  • "Fuck, dammit" Sebastian angrily shouts throwing the glass that has been on the table beside him across the room." Fuck" He clutches at his hair with heavy breaths.
  • "I wish I could stay longer for her but it's beyond my control Alessio, you saw her face right? She's scared. My baby needs me, dammit"
  • "I'm here Seb, you know you can count on me" Alessio instantly stands up to rub his shoulders. Now I understand why Alessio cares so much for Mia.
  • "I know man, I don't know what to do to make her feel better, I'm hurting her" he whispers with a sniffle.
  • "It will pass brother, she's stronger than we know. She has me, I love her and the family cares for her too"
  • "Do you think you can take care of her? " The man's eyes are now emotionless as they regard me.
  • "Yes," I nod without a second thought.
  • I can't bring myself to say no even if I wanted to. I guess I will have to try just for her. It will be the only good thing I will ever do with my life anyway.
  • "I will always be watching even in the darkest depths of hell, remember that" I share glances with my friend because he had said the same thing.
  • *
  • Mia.
  • I can feel it.
  • The painful contractions in my chest.
  • The constant fear that something bad is about to happen.
  • My frequent shaky and sweaty palms.
  • The recurring headaches.
  • Every time I look into his eyes, I see the life in them draining. But I still hold on to the hope that maybe I'm not seeing it right.
  • His hair is everywhere in the house.
  • His smile is becoming more forced and distant.
  • The silent groans of pain he releases in the middle of the night.
  • The hidden wipes that are soaked with blood.
  • I see how he sadly stares at me when he thinks I'm not watching.
  • My father is leaving me.
  • Tomorrow or the next day or the day after that, I will be alone. Just me and a whole crime world load on my young shoulders. Maybe I should quit like he said.
  • I should let Fabio run everything while I take care of the other business.
  • I'm trying to be strong but it's just not possible anymore. Old memories keep coming back, how mother died, the painful healing dad had to go through, only for me to find out he was sick.
  • It ruined me. It took away all the hope in me, and I had to act strong for his sake.
  • But right now, that strength is no more.
  • Yesterday I was informed of a king who is looking for his bride, and the fight was to happen in my arena.
  • As a norm, the owner of the place should be present in such ceremonies. So I had to appear even though it was against my will.
  • I had so much In mind, so I didn't pay any attention to whatever was going on. I didn't even know the said king was my crush.
  • My mind began to work when one of the contestants challenged me.
  • I didn't want to fight for any reason, especially when it has something to do with a man. But Dad had another thing coming for me.
  • As my advisor, I told him what was happening and after learning who the king was, he ordered me to get in the ring and win the fight before a minute elapsed.
  • Failure to comply would have led to punishment, and I'm completely not in the right mind to handle any kind of punishment now.
  • My dad adores me but since the attack, he took it upon himself to train me according to his perfection.
  • To this day, I still get punished when I fail to meet his expectations. I'm glad I was spared today.
  • I won the fight even though it took me much time according to my father, but it was a win regardless.
  • I don't know how to feel about claiming Rico yet.
  • The man is older than me, and he always has a permanent scowl on his face, I don't know anything about him.
  • He is the kind of man that every girl wants for themselves, a man that has bitches adjusting their cleavages to have his attention.
  • Having Rico means I will be fighting for him every minute of my life.
  • Again, do I meet his expectation?
  • Am I what he expected when he walked into that arena?