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Chapter 6

  • Rico.
  • "Damn that idiot," The man cusses, pulling out his phone.
  • "What's wrong? " I whisper to my friend without looking away from the girl.
  • Her name is Mia. I knew her name would be beautiful too.
  • "You have no idea. That girl in there is sick. What if something happens? And if she stays in the ring one minute longer, that idiot is going to hurt her" He stressfully runs a hand through his hair and shifts his attention back to his phone.
  • The cheers from the crowd bring us back to the main reason we are here.
  • Mia just got in the ring, and unlike every other girl, she doesn't pick a weapon.
  • Her opponent has a gun in her left hand, and a dagger in her right. What did he mean when he said she only has a minute or she ends up hurt?
  • "The final fight starts in 3, 2, 1" Before the announcer could say one, a dagger goes flying in Mia's direction and my heart thumbs harder in anticipation.
  • I can only imagine what will happen If their queen gets hurt. I don't think I will be spared either. I'm the reason she's in that ring after all. Some part of me doesn't want a beauty like that to get hurt either.
  • The crowd goes quiet, you could hear the sound of a pin dropping.
  • That's how much they respect her.
  • As if she has done it so many times before, she swiftly catches the blade and aims it back at the sender's neck.
  • The blade precisely pierces Jessy's neck and before she could register what is happening, Mia flips in the air and knocks her down using her both knees.
  • It takes Mia a second to take out the knife and mercilessly slice her opponent's throat. I can't believe this.
  • This is so fucking hilarious.
  • Her movements are swift and precise. She is quick and she knows exactly what to go for. So she's not just a good dancer but a brilliant fighter too?
  • Mia just killed her opponent within seconds and without breaking a sweat or attaining a scratch on herself.
  • The whole crowd erupts into merriment and whistles, cheering on their queen.
  • They must be proud of her. Fuck! Anyone will be proud to have a girl like that.
  • "You were worried for nothing Ryan" Alessio cheers giving me a bro hug. ''Congratulations idiot, hurt her and you have me to face" I offer him a small smile though I'm not sure about this.
  • She's young and she's the 'queen'. Is she gonna leave all of this behind, and give me what I want? What if she gets attached and I end up hurting her, will this crowd come after me?
  • Fuck! What did I get myself into?
  • "You owe this to me brother, see who my idea got you? A fucking goddess" Alessio exclaims tapping on my shoulder, but my attention remains on the girl who is still kneeling beside the dead body she just killed.
  • "As much as I want to congratulate you, son, it's too early for that. This crowd will do anything for their queen, and to recognize you as their king, you need to defend that honor in that ring with all her admirers, I think you know what to expect," The old man beside us says a little bitterly.
  • Does he have a problem with me?
  • "When? " I whisper but my eyes are still on her.
  • "In two weeks when she turns eighteen" Fuck! She is too young for me. So I only have two weeks to claim her as mine as she claimed me as hers today.
  • "Not only that, you are meeting her father. I think you two have a lot to talk about. Trust me, Ricardo, you hurt his angel, and the devil will hunt you from the dead" Alessio adds with a chuckle. Why all the threats?"
  • "Look Rico, watch over her man. I have never asked you for anything. You owe me brother, and this is the only way you can repay me" Allesio's tone saddens and I shake my head in confusion.
  • "I told you my plan right, and it looks like it's about to backfire, I'm not capable of taking care of anyone and you know it"
  • "Not when you decide to bro. She has been through shit and more is coming her way. I can never think of anyone who will understand her better."
  • "I don't know how to do this" I sigh stressfully releasing my hair from the band " My head is stuck in the past Alessio" I murmur opening up to someone for the first time.
  • "Just get close to her, and let everything else fall in place. Do it for me please"
  • A man like Alessio begging me is eyebrow-raising. The heaviness in his tone tells me a lot is going on that I don't want to push for.
  • So with an uncertain mind, I simply nod.
  • I will think about this first.
  • "Tell me what's wrong?" It's clear something is wrong with how she is behaving, also Alessio sounds different when he is talking about her.
  • "Someone close to her is dying and it's killing her inside. Recently, she refuses to eat or talk to anyone, and the stress is making her sick"
  • Now, this is more confusing.
  • "Can you please talk clearly"
  • "Three years ago Mia lost her mum to murder. Herself and her dad barely survived the attack when this man arrived on time just when the building was about to go off and rescued them." he points at the scowling man beside us. I just met him but there is something fishy about him.
  • Why is he glaring at me just because Mia got in the ring? Is he concerned about her health or something else?
  • "Mia didn't know her dad was dying because they hid it from her, and when she found out, it broke her, and she had to bury the pain of watching her parents tortured, and the death of her mum just to be strong for her dad"
  • "Sometimes when it gets too much, she resolves to harm herself, she chooses to end it all and in most painful ways"
  • "She owns this club and she comes here for the fights to the death, anyone who stands in her way to stop her, doesn't live to see the next minute"
  • "So what happened to him that makes her this way?" I point at the ring. She was entirely different at the club.
  • "He fell unconscious and the doctor confirmed he only has a week or less" he remorsefully whispers.
  • "Does she know this?"
  • "No, she refuses to listen to that. She has this belief that he's gonna stay"
  • Looking at the girl, you can never guess that she is going through that.
  • "How did you know her parents, and why do you want me with her?" I need to know the relationship between the two before considering anything.
  • "Her father is my friend, he trained me and I lived with them for a while. I consider her as my little sister. You two share so much in common and trust me, Rico, your idea of finding a woman to only sire your kids is bullshit. Everyone deserves a chance to be happy, and you will never know what it feels like until you give it a try."
  • "I don't know man, what if she's not even into me, plus she's too young for me" here goes to doubting myself again.
  • "The fresh the flower the better, don't you think Rico?"