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Chapter 4 The Professor's Invitation

  • After a brief two-minute walk and seeking directions, I found myself standing in front of the office belonging to the new professor. A sense of anticipation and delight washed over me as I contemplated the fact that this professor was destined to be my mate. The pursuit of finding my mate had been a fervent prayer ever since my eighteenth birthday, and now, at the age of twenty-three, the moon goddess had finally answered my heartfelt plea.
  • Aurora, my loyal wolf, couldn't help but playfully tease me about my palpable excitement. "You seem absolutely thrilled to meet our professor in his office," she remarked with a mischievous tone.
  • I couldn't suppress a grin as I responded, "Of course, I'm excited. This is a moment I've longed for."
  • Aurora couldn't resist adding her cheeky input, "I just hope you don't mess things up when you're face-to-face with our mate in his office."
  • I scoffed at her comment, momentarily forgetting about the importance of the occasion. With a resolute sense of purpose, I knocked on the professor's door three times, ready to embark on this new chapter of my life.
  • As I stood there, waiting with bated breath, the door to Professor Blake's office slowly creaked open. Professor Blake appeared in the doorway, and I almost lost my breathe as I gazed at his enchanting and handsome face. His green eyes met mine, and there was a warm, knowing twinkle in them that sent shivers down my spine. It was a gaze that seemed to confirm what we both already knew: the undeniable connection that marked us as mates.
  • "Come in," Professor Blake said, his deep voice resonating in the room. The words were both an invitation into his office and a deeper acknowledgment of our bond.
  • I stepped inside, my heart racing, and Aurora, my inner wolf, hummed with contentment. This was the moment we had been waiting for, the culmination of years of longing and anticipation. As I entered the professor's office, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness.
  • The professor's office was a reflection of his personality - organized, filled with shelves of books and academic papers, yet adorned with a few personal touches that hinted at a life outside of academia. As I took a seat in front of his desk, my hands trembled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
  • Professor Blake walked around his desk and took a seat, fixing his gaze on me. The atmosphere in the room seemed to crackle with energy as we both grappled with the intensity of our connection.
  • "Please, have a seat," he offered with a warm, reassuring smile. His eyes never left mine, and I could sense the same anticipation and recognition mirrored in his gaze.
  • "Thank you, Professor Blake," I replied, feeling a sense of comfort wash over me. The formalities of the academic setting seemed to melt away in the presence of our shared destiny. "I'm honored to be here."
  • He nodded, and a silence settled between us, filled with unspoken words and emotions. It was as if we both understood that this moment was not just about a professor and a student, but about two souls fated to be together.
  • As our eyes locked in an unspoken understanding, Professor Blake finally spoke, "I believe we have much to discuss, and not all of it is related to academia."
  • "Yeah... yeah, we do," I replied, my voice trembling slightly, but a nervous smile played on my lips. The air in the room felt charged with anticipation, as if we were both on the precipice of a new chapter in our lives.
  • "Bella, isn't that your name?" Professor Blake inquired, leaning back in his chair. His use of my name sent a shiver down my spine, a confirmation of the connection that bound us together.
  • I nodded, trying to keep my composure despite the flutter of excitement in my chest. "Yes, that's right. Bella."
  • A knowing smile continued to grace Professor Blake's face, and his penetrating gaze seemed to delve into the depths of my soul. His words, however, took me by surprise, sending a shiver of astonishment and delight down my spine.
  • "Bella, I have been praying to the Moon goddess for my mate. I have been searching for my mate ever since I turned eighteen, which was eight years ago..." He paused and slowly rose to his feet. With deliberate steps, he moved to stand behind my chair. I could feel the presence of his warm breath near my ear, and a delicious anticipation surged within me.
  • "But now, I think I've found my mate," he whispered into my ear, his voice a tender and intimate caress. "And that's you."
  • His confession sent my heart racing, and I turned my head slightly to meet his gaze, our eyes locking in a profound connection that went beyond mere words. In that moment, it became undeniable that our fates were intricately entwined, and the realization of finding my mate, my soulmate, right here in the professor's office left me breathless with joy.
  • Professor Blake's touch was gentle yet deliberate as he reached for the sides of my chair. With an affectionate smile playing on his lips, he slowly and romantically turned my chair around, positioning me to face him directly. His hands lingered for a moment longer than necessary, sending shivers down my spine.
  • As I met his gaze, I could see the depth of emotion in his eyes, a mixture of longing and affection. We were no longer just a professor and a student; we were two souls who had found each other against all odds.
  • Our hearts beat in rhythm, and for a while, the world outside the professor's office ceased to exist. It was just us, bathed in the soft, warm glow of the afternoon sunlight filtering through the curtains. The room was filled with an electric tension, as if the universe itself had conspired to bring us together.
  • "Bella," Professor Blake said, his voice a tender whisper that only we could hear. "From this moment on, our lives are forever intertwined. I promise to cherish and protect you, to love you with all my heart."
  • I nodded, my heart filled with an overwhelming mixture of love and desire, yet I remained lost for words to convey the depth of my emotions.
  • Professor Blake, sensing the intensity of the moment, leaned in closer. His lips met the delicate skin of my neck, and a shiver coursed through my body as I felt his warm, moist mouth tenderly caress my skin. His warm breath sent waves of sensation through me as he inhaled my scent, an intimate act of claiming and connection that left me breathless.
  • He continued to place gentle, wet kisses along the curve of my neck, each one a silent declaration of his love and devotion. The world around us seemed to fade into insignificance as we became lost in this electrifying moment of connection and intimacy, a testament to the bond that had brought us together.
  • The tender kisses along my neck were like a beautiful symphony, each one resonating with the promises and emotions that had bound us together. The sensations were electrifying, and I couldn't help but close my eyes, savoring the blissful intimacy of the moment.
  • Professor Blake's hands gently cradled my face as he continued to shower my neck with affectionate kisses. His actions were filled with both passion and tenderness, and I could feel the love and desire that flowed between us like an unending current.
  • As his lips moved upward, his eyes met mine, and in that shared gaze, we communicated a profound understanding. This connection was not just about physical desire; it was a union of hearts and souls that defied the conventional boundaries of professor and student.
  • With a soft, longing whisper, he said, "Bella, you are my mate, and I will cherish you for all eternity."
  • I couldn't give him a response because all I wanted at that moment was for him to touch me; to touch every inch and corner of my body like he owns it.
  • Professor Blake started leaning closer, and I shut my eyes as out lips met. As our lips met, it was like two stars colliding in the vast expanse of the night sky. His lips were soft, warm, and inviting, and the taste of his affection was sweeter than any dream I had ever known, or any book I've ever written. The kiss was a slow, sensuous exploration, as if we were savoring every moment, every sensation, of this long-awaited union.
  • I could feel his fingertips tenderly caressing my face, as if he were tracing the contours of my heart. His touch was electrifying, sending shivers down my spine and awakening every nerve in my body. The world outside seemed to blur into insignificance as we lost ourselves in this intoxicating embrace.
  • With every passing second, our kiss deepened, and the world around us melted away, leaving only the two of us, entwined in a dance of love and passion. Our breaths mingled, and I could hear the soft, melodic sighs of desire that escaped our lips.
  • In that stolen moment of romance, I knew that I had found my soulmate, my true love, and Professor Blake was the man I was destined to spend my life with.
  • As we continued kissing, a sensible thought suddenly crossed my mind. It reminded me that, despite our strong connection as mates, I barely knew this man. It cautioned that perhaps we shouldn't rush into a romantic relationship. Instead, we should take the time to get to know each other better.
  • This thought made me pause and break the intense kiss I was sharing with Professor Blake. It was a difficult decision, but I felt it was the right one.Professor Blake stared directly at my face, and I knew he was wondering why I suddenly broke the kiss.
  • "Professor Blake," I stammered, my gaze avoiding his face, particularly his captivating, emerald eyes. "I must depart now, as I have pressing matters to tend to."
  • Professor Blake stared at me for a while before returning to his seat, the air still charged with the unspoken affection and the understanding that had passed between us. With a soft smile, he looked into my eyes, his gaze filled with a warm and inviting light.
  • "Bella," he began, "I think it's important that we do get to know each other better, as you mentioned. But I also don't want to waste any time. How about this? In two days, I'm hosting a party at my house. It's an opportunity for us to spend time together and get to know each other in a more relaxed setting."
  • His invitation was met with a mix of surprise and excitement on my part. The idea of attending a party at his house was both thrilling and a bit nerve-wracking, given the unique nature of our connection. But I could see the sincerity in his eyes and sensed his genuine desire to build a relationship beyond that of mates.
  • "Two days? Umm.... That sounds great," I replied, my heart fluttering at the prospect of getting to know him better. However, as the excitement settled, a nagging thought crept into my mind. I realized that I would be swamped with academic commitments in two days and attending the party might not be feasible.
  • "So, Bella. Will you come to the party?" Professor Blake asked with an inviting smile, his eyes filled with anticipation.
  • "Professor, I'd love to come to the party," I began with a hint of regret in my voice, "but I'm afraid I'm quite busy with my academic responsibilities, and I don't think I'll be able to make it."
  • I saw a flicker of disappointment in Professor Blake's eyes as he absorbed my response. It was clear that he had been looking forward to our time together.
  • But then, a sharp and critical voice echoed in my head, and it was my wolf, Aurora. "What?! Are you being serious? Your mate is inviting you to a party, and you're giving excuses? You must be crazy!"
  • Aurora's blunt words stung with a harsh truth. It was true that this was a rare opportunity to strengthen the bond with my mate, and I had initially agreed with enthusiasm. Now, I had to find a way to balance my responsibilities with the chance to build a deeper connection with Professor Blake.
  • I couldn't help but feel the weight of my wolf's words echoing in my mind. The disappointment in Professor Blake's eyes tugged at my heart, and I knew that my academic responsibilities couldn't be an excuse to neglect this rare opportunity to build a connection with my mate.
  • Taking a deep breath, I met Professor Blake's gaze and offered a more hopeful response. "Professor, I'd really like to come to the party. It's just that I have some academic commitments in two days, and I need to figure out if I can make the necessary adjustments to my schedule."
  • His face brightened with a hint of relief, and his warm smile returned. "I understand, Bella. Academics are important, and I don't want to put any pressure on you. Take your time to see if you can make it, and let me know your decision when you're ready."
  • After our conversation about the upcoming party, I adjusted my eyeglasses with a delicate touch, a small, nervous habit that often betrayed my feelings. The frames perched on the bridge of my nose had become a part of me, a shield that sometimes concealed the emotions swirling within.
  • "Thank you, Professor," I said with a hint of gratitude in my voice. "I'll make sure to let you know as soon as I can."
  • With a warm smile and a nod of understanding, Professor Blake replied, "Take your time, Bella. I'll be looking forward to your decision."
  • As I excused myself and turned to leave his office, my heart was aflutter with a mix of emotions. The scene of our kiss lingered in my memory, and the prospect of getting to know him better filled me with anticipation. It was a pivotal moment in our budding relationship, and I was eager to see where this extraordinary journey would lead.
  • The walk back to my dormitory felt like a journey filled with sunshine and joy. My heart was light, and a radiant smile graced my lips. I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of happiness and contentment. The knowledge that I had finally found my mate, someone with whom I was destined to share my life, was like a dream come true.