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Chapter 3 Heading To His Office

  • ~ BELLA ~
  • As Professor Blake returned to the front of the lecture hall and resumed his teaching, I sat down with my cheeks still tinged with red. I noticed the envious glares from almost all the ladies in the class, and their jealousy was palpable. However, I decided to ignore their hateful gazes. I was too enthralled by the unexpected turn of events to be bothered by their negativity.
  • My best friend, Sandra, who had also been a witness to the entire encounter, leaned in and whispered naughtily, "What was all that about, Bella?"
  • I replied, her voice still tinged with awe, "Professor Blake wants me to see him in his office after class."
  • Sandra gasped in shock, then whispered back, "Bella, he must really like you."
  • I couldn't help but smile and feel a surge of nervous excitement. It was indeed a surprising turn of events, and I had no idea what awaited me in Professor Blake's office after class. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but think of Sandra's comment about the professor's preferences. Did he really like him? Is this what they call love at first sight?
  • Sandra's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist asking me, "So, are you going to go to Professor Blake's office after class?"
  • I hesitated, her thoughts still in disarray from the whirlwind encounter with the professor. I replied, "I... I don't know yet. It's all so sudden."
  • I didn't know if I should tell Sandra that my mate is the new professor. Maybe I should keep it a secret for now until I have confirmed that he's truly my mate.
  • With a subtle adjustment of my eyeglasses, I returned my gaze to Professor Blake, who was now deeply engrossed in his lecture. His enthusiasm was palpable, and he taught with such energy and charisma that the entire room was captivated.
  • I watched as his lips moved with every word he spoke, and a forbidden desire welled up inside me. The temptation to kiss him was almost overwhelming, and my thoughts spiraled into an illicit fantasy. I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to taste those inviting lips, to feel the connection I had sensed between us when our eyes met.
  • The classroom seemed to fade away, leaving only me and the bewitching professor. The lure of his words and the magnetic pull of his presence left me longing for more. I managed to pull myself back from my captivating fantasy, although the allure of it lingered in my thoughts. As a writer, my imagination was my most potent asset, but it also had a tendency to lead me into daydreams that bordered on the risqué.
  • I contemplated whether or not to go to Professor Blake's office after class, an invitation that had left me with more questions than answers. What could be the reason he wanted to see me in his office? My rational side suggested that it could be related to my academic or a discussion about the lecture. Yet, the enigmatic connection I had felt and the suggestive wink made me wonder if there was more to it.
  • Unable to resist the tug of my vivid imagination, I began to entertain a fantasy, much like the smut novels I had penned in the past. My mind painted an alluring scene of a passionate encounter between me and Professor Blake in his office. The temptation of such a rendezvous was undeniable, and I found myself longing for a connection with the magnetic man who had ignited my desires.
  • I fixed my gaze on professor Blake, who was still passionately delivering his lecture. I couldn't help but continue my tantalizing fantasy, which caused my heart to race and my body to respond in a most intimate manner. My thoughts were drenched in desire, and I fought to suppress a moan of longing.
  • Sandra, my ever-observant friend, noticed my unusual behavior. Concerned, she leaned in and whispered, "Bella, are you okay?"
  • I was startled by the sudden interruption of her reverie. I quickly nodded and replied, "I'm fine." Inwardly, I mentally scolded myself for letting my mind wander into such forbidden territories, especially in a classroom setting.
  • The battle between my desires and my rationality raged on as the lecture continued. I was caught in a whirlwind of emotions and unspoken desires, my imagination running wild with the tantalizing possibilities of what might transpire between me and Professor Blake in his office after class.
  • As Professor Blake continued his lecture, I struggled to regain my focus. The vivid images of my fantasies with the professor in his office that had occupied my thoughts were becoming increasingly difficult to push aside.
  • My mind was a battleground between my the ongoing lecture and the alluring fantasies that continued to dance in the corners of my imagination. The strange connection with Professor Blake was undeniable, but I couldn't allow it to cloud my judgment or jeopardize my academic pursuits.
  • The lecture seemed to stretch on forever, each minute feeling like an eternity. I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me in Professor Blake's office, the reason behind his invitation, and the true nature of the connection we shared. Was it mere attraction or something deeper, more profound? The unknown elements of the situation left me both anxious and intrigued.
  • As the lecture finally drew to a close, Professor Blake concluded with a charismatic flourish, leaving the entire class in a state of admiration. The temptation to visit his office was strong, yet I remained hesitant. I had to weigh the consequences and potential complications of pursuing such an unconventional path.
  • As Professor Blake packed his lecture notes, a mischievous glint in his eye, he winked at me. It was a subtle yet electrifying gesture, one that sent a shiver down my spine. The enigmatic connection between us seemed to intensify with that simple act. It was as if he was silently reaffirming our unspoken connection, leaving me both excited and bewildered.
  • The moment Professor Blake stepped out of the lecture hall, dozens of ladies rushed to my seat. It was as if they sensed something extraordinary had occurred, and the curiosity in their eyes was unmistakable. I found myself at the center of attention, and the envious glares I had experienced earlier were now mixed with intrigue and speculation.
  • The ladies bombarded me with questions, their voices filled with curiosity and envy. "Bella, what did Professor Blake say to you? Why did he wink at you?" They seemed determined to uncover the mystery of our encounter.
  • I tried to maintain my composure, uncertain of how much to reveal. I gave them a sly smile and replied, "It was just a discussion about the lecture. Professor Blake wanted to clarify some points."
  • While it wasn't entirely untrue, I couldn't bring myself to share the depth of our connection or the invitation to his office. The truth was too complex, too personal to be casually discussed with my classmates.
  • Their interest, however, didn't wane, and they continued to press for details. It was clear that the wink had not gone unnoticed, and the atmosphere in the lecture hall was now filled with a mix of admiration and intrigue.
  • "Is there something going on between you and Professor Blake? Do you guys know each other from somewhere?" The kept throwing different questions at me and I was already getting sick of their questions.
  • "Ladies, professor and I don't know each other from anywhere. This is the fire time I'm meeting him." I replied, but they still gave me questioning looks.
  • "Then why did he wink at you?" One of them asked.
  • "Just because he winked at me doesn't mean there's something going on between us." I replied.
  • "You sure there's nothing going on between the both of you?" Another lady asked.
  • As the ladies continued to press me with their questions, it became clear that they were not going to let this go easily. Their curiosity seemed insatiable, and their doubts about the nature of my interaction with Professor Blake persisted.
  • Feeling a bit exasperated, I decided to take a more direct approach. I said, "Ladies, I truly appreciate your interest, but there's no hidden story here. Professor Blake and I had a brief discussion about the lecture. There's no secret connection or history between us. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some assignments to get to."
  • With that, I collected my things and left the lecture hall. The ladies, while still whispering among themselves, began to disperse. They seemed to accept that the wink from Professor Blake might have been nothing more than a friendly gesture between a teacher and a student.
  • As I walked towards the exit, a familiar voice called out to me. It was Sandra, my best friend, who had caught up to me just outside the lecture hall. I turned around and saw her quickly making her way toward me.
  • "Were you planning to leave me behind just so you could visit the new professor in his office?" Sandra asked with a playful frown as she reached my side.
  • I chuckled and replied, "No, not at all. I just needed to escape the endless questions those ladies were bombarding me with, so I decided to leave the hall."
  • Sandra raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "So, are you really going to meet the professor in his office?" she inquired as we began walking down the hallway.
  • I nodded with a mischievous smile and confirmed, "Yep."
  • "I'm crossing my fingers that nothing goofy happens when you two meet at his office," Sandra playfully remarked, flashing a mischievous grin. After her comment, she strolled off to our dormitory, and I, on the other hand, proceeded towards Professor Blake's office.
  • As I walked to his office, I couldn't help but wonder about the reason why he winked at me, and why he asked me to see him in his office. The uncertainty of the situation only added to my curiosity, and I was eager to know what was in store for me in his office.