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Chapter 3

  • She left his arms quickly. “No.” She quickly said and covered her chest with her arms.
  • Lawrence didn’t sound like the person she knew three years ago, he was suddenly open-minded and straightforward.
  • She lowered her gaze, and Lawrence glanced down at her and exhaled sharply.
  • “Then what?” He questioned and Olivia lifted her eyes.
  • She was silent for a while, trying to pull herself together, as his words from earlier had clouded her mind.
  • “Why didn't you tell me you were back in Seattle?” She asked him, the last time she spoke with him, he had told her he was in Los Angeles.
  • Lawrence touched the corner of his lips. “I didn't see the need to tell you that.” He said coldly.
  • Olivia studied his expressionless face. “Aren't you being too harsh on me lately, Lawrence?” She questioned.
  • She considered him her best friend, but most times he treats her like she was unimportant.
  • “You didn't tell me you were leaving Seattle three years ago.” He clenched his jaw.
  • “I had to leave in a hurry,” Olivia said, her eyebrows gently creased.
  • “Do you know how I felt when I had to hear it from Chloe, do you know how it hurt me that you left like that before I even had a chance to say goodbye to you?” He blurted out and Olivia was taken aback.
  • Honestly, she had wanted to contact him and inform him that she was leaving, but she didn't since she wanted to stop the crush she had on him.
  • It always felt one-sided, ever since high school, she had loved only him, it had hurt her that he wouldn't look at her, so she wanted to drop all the feelings she had for him right here.
  • Now she was back, and her feelings didn't change, she is still in love with him, and she may never stop, but right now, his words had stirred her heart again.
  • 'Could it be him also…?' She thought in her head, searching his eyes.
  • “You know what?” Lawrence quickly said, running his hand through his hair.
  • “Just forget it, I am here now, that is all that matters, hurry and come out.” He said and walked out of the room and shut the door.
  • Olivia just stared at the door blankly for a while before exhaling sharply and turning around to change into something comfortable.
  • ***
  • Lawrence and Chloe thanked Mr. and Mrs. Parker for the meal as they bid them goodbye.
  • “I will walk them to the car,” Olivia told her parents, and they nodded and Olivia linked arms with Chloe as they walked towards Lawrence's car.
  • “I will be here tomorrow to see you, Olivia,” Chloe told her as they got to the car.
  • “I was thinking of coming over to your apartment, I should come to see your parents and greet them too,” Olivia suggested.
  • “Okay, that is a great idea, I will come here then we can both go over to my family's house,” Chloe said with a smile.
  • “Thereafter, we can go have fun since so much has changed since you have been away, I should show you numerous nice places.” Chloe became excited about the idea of hanging out with Olivia.
  • “Great.” Olivia paused her lips and turned her eyes to Lawrence, who was standing next to the driver's side of the car.
  • “Hang out with us tomorrow.” She invited him, and he gazed at her for a while, her heart filled with expectation.
  • Lawrence exhaled sharply and looked away from her pale blue eyes. “I have an appointment, so I can't go with you.” He told her.
  • The smile on Olivia's face disappeared as she lowered her eyes, she wasn't sure if things would be the same with Lawrence.
  • But, now she was back, she would try her best to muster up the courage to tell him about her feelings.
  • “Okay.” She said softly with a heavy heart.
  • “Chloe, I will drop you off at home, so, say your goodbye to her and get into the car, you will still see her tomorrow so don't make it long.” He said, and got into the car without sparing Olivia a glance.
  • “Aish!” Olivia gnashed her teeth. “He always gets on my nerves.” She glanced at the car with a frown.
  • Then she turned to Olivia and flashed a smile. “Olivia, I don't feel like parting ways now.” She pouts.
  • “Me too.” Olivia pushed her lower lips out as her eyelids drooped. “Can't you spend the night here?” She asked.
  • “I wish I could, but my mom needs me home today,” Chloe said, and Olivia pulled her into a hug.
  • “It's okay, I will see you tomorrow then.” She said softly and Chloe nodded.
  • “I will be here as early as I can. “Good night,” Chloe said and waved at her. “I love you.” She added, and Olivia blushed.
  • “I love you too,” Olivia called out and waved to Chloe as she turned around the car and got into the passenger seat.
  • Lawrence winds down his window glass. “Go in, it's freezing outside, you shouldn't risk catching a cold.” He told her, and Olivia froze up again as she stared at his face.
  • Lawrence pressed his lips together and started the car, winding the glass up again, he drove off and Olivia felt her heart thump inside of her chest.
  • “Does he care now?” She said softly to herself as she watched the car slowly disappear from her sight.
  • “I should probably tell her.” Mr. Parker said as he glanced at Olivia from the window where he stood.
  • “She just came back today.” Juliet voiced out, and Mr. Parker turned to her.
  • “She would still find out one way or the other.” The color drained off the face of Mr. Parker as he gazed at his wife.
  • Juliet raised her eyes to suppress the tears that filled her eyes. “I won't get that smile out of her face today,” She said firmly. “We won't tell her today, so put a smile on that face.” She told him and the front door was pushed open and Olivia walked into the apartment.
  • She felt the tension in the room and glanced at her father and mother. "Is there something wrong?” She questioned.
  • They both turned around and looked at her. “No, did you send your friends back safely?” Juliet asked as she took Olivia's hands.
  • “Yes.” Olivia glanced from her mother to her father, and he quickly forced a smile.
  • “You should go rest now, I will be inside.” Mr. Parker said and walked into the room, and Juliet drew a sharp breath.
  • “Is daddy okay, I noticed something is off about him?” Olivia questioned her mom with raised brows.
  • “He is stressed lately, nothing to worry about, go in and have some rest,” Juliet told her as she pulled Olivia toward her room.
  • “Okay mom,” Olivia smiled and pulled her mother into her embrace. “I am glad to see you both again.” She grinned.
  • “Me too,” Juliet patted her back. “Now go in and rest.” She told her and pulled from the embrace.
  • “Alright, goodnight mom.” Olivia flashed her a smile and went into her room, and Juliet drew a sharp sigh as years rolled down her cheek.
  • “I am sorry, Olivia.” She said softly and wiped her tears before walking away.