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Chapter 8 Dinner With The Bennett's

  • The morning sunlight flowed through Ann's curtains, creating a pleasant warmth over her room. The words Kat had said the night before were still fresh in her mind, but the memory of Alex's laughing lingered vividly.
  • She got up from bed and decided to take a walk around the manor to clear her head. She stopped at the poolside admiring its beauty when she heard someone call her name.
  • “Hello Ann”
  • “Hello Arthur”. What are you doing here this early?
  • “Well I came to pick up some files, what were you doing here all by yourself?
  • “Nothing, I just came out for fresh air”.
  • “Mind if I join you?” He asked, sitting down beside her without waiting for an answer.
  • “Yeah, sure”. She replied, a small smile playing on her lips.
  • “You know Ann, I think you are very beautiful.
  • Ann chuckled, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear,” am sure you say that to all the girls.”
  • Arthur leaned in slightly, “Only to the ones that deserve it, I noticed something was bothering you when I walked in. Care to share?”
  • “Nothing exciting.”
  • Arthur tilted his head, studying her. "Well, maybe I can help take your mind off things. How about a swim?"
  • Ann raised an eyebrow, her smile returning. "Are you suggesting a race, Arthur?"
  • He grinned. "Only if you promise not to be too disappointed when you lose."
  • Before Ann could respond, Alex walked into view from across the pool. He came to a halt when he spotted Arthur and Ann together, his mood deepening as he observed them. He clenched his hands, jealousy rising within him. Ann noticed Alex and waved. "Hey, Alex! Come join us!"
  • Arthur turned to see Alex arriving, and his smile faltered for a second before returning to normal. "Hey, Alex," he said, his tone less cheerful.
  • Alex forced a smile, trying to hide his irritation. "Hey, Ann. Arthur. What are you two up to?"
  • "Just talking," Ann replied, her eyes flicking between the two men. "Arthur was trying to convince me to race him in the pool."
  • "Is that so?" Alex said, his gaze locking onto Arthur's. "Well, maybe I should join in. Make it more interesting, the more the merrier”.
  • Arthur chuckled, but there was a tinge to it, Ann glanced between them, seeing tension but unclear of its cause."Alright, how about we all race then? The last one has to buy the drinks tonight."
  • Arthur and Alex exchanged a competitive glance before nodding in agreement. As they prepared to dive in, the unspoken rivalry between them hung in the air, unnoticed by Ann but palpable to the two men.
  • The two men swam for hours without emerging with any winner, they just had to give up and call it a day.
  • “That was fun bro, it's been a while since we hung out like brothers, let's do this more often, " Arthur said with a smile on his face he was happy he didn't lose to Alex.
  • “I will leave you too, I have a business meeting to catch up with, and with that, Alex left them both at the poolside.
  • On his way to the office, Alex couldn’t get his mind off Ann and Arthur, he was worried for Ann, Arthur is the kind of guy that uses women and dumps them, and he was worried Ann might fall victim, not that he care that much for her he was only looking out for his unborn child that Ann was carrying. He needed to do something fast before Ann fell into Arthur’s trap. Immediately he picked up his phone to call his secretary.
  • “Hello James, I need the documents for my contract marriage ready before I get to the office”.
  • “Okay, sir James replies from the other end of the call.
  • Later that evening Alex invited his parents for dinner at his manor. The dining space was tastefully arranged with fine plates, crystal glasses, and a fresh floral centrepiece. Alex had worked hard to ensure that everything was just right for tonight's dinner. He had prepared his parents' favourite foods and had chosen a vintage bottle of wine that his father enjoyed. Regardless of how complicated the news he had to convey was, he wanted this evening to be special.
  • The doorbell rang as the chef was arranging the final dish on the table. Alex took a long breath, bracing himself for what was to come. He stood to open the door, and his parents smiled warmly at him. "Mom, Dad, come in," he murmured, stepping aside to let them enter. His mother offered him a hug. "Alex, it smells amazing here. "You've outdone yourself."
  • His father, a tall guy with a harsh demeanour softened only by love for his family, patted Alex on the back. "Good to see you, son."
  • Alex's heartbeat as he closed the door. "I am delighted you made it. Please have a seat. Ann should be here any moment. They went to the living room and talked briefly while waiting. Alex's mind raced as he planned how he would break the news to them. Soon Ann joined them.
  • Ann was dressed perfectly and looked beautiful as always. "Alex!" she exclaimed. Ann gave him a warm grin and sat down.
  • "Ann met my parents." Mom, Dad Ann.
  • "Mr and Mrs Bennett, it's lovely to meet you both Ann greeted with a smile.
  • "Hello, dear, you look lovely," Alex's mother responded kindly. They approached the dining table and took their seats. The chef dishes out the food. As they began to eat, the conversation flowed well, with compliments on the meal and updates on family happenings. But Alex realized he couldn't postpone the inevitable much longer. Halfway through the dinner, Alex cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention.
  • "There's something important I need to tell you all," he said, his voice firm despite his inner distress. "I've made a decision that will change everything." His parents exchanged puzzled looks.
  • "What is it, Alex?" his mom asked, her tone mixed with curiosity and anxiety.
  • Alex took in a long breath. "I had a one-night stand, Ann, and now she is pregnant with my child. The room became silent as if stunned. His mother's hand shot to her mouth in horror, and his father's face tightened.
  • His mom gazed at him, surprise and pain visible in her eyes. "Alex, what are you saying?" What about Kat?
  • “We have already spoken about this,” Alex whispered, his heart aching. "He didn't mean to hurt Kat.
  • Alex's mother eventually found her voice, albeit it was trembling with emotion. "Alex, this is quite sudden. Are you sure about this?
  • "Yes, Mom," Alex replied firmly. "I'm certain." I want to be there for Ann and our baby.
  • His father, who had been silent, finally spoke up. "Alex, you've always made your own decisions." This is your life, and if you believe it is the right road, we will be there for you."
  • "Alex," his mother continued quietly, "we trust you to make the right decisions. However, this is a major step. Are you prepared for it?" Alex nodded, his determination growing. "I am, Mom. I know it won't be easy, but I am prepared to face whatever comes next." His parents exchanged looks, and his father nodded. "Then we'll stand by you." The rest of the evening was a haze, with the talk quiet yet encouraging. As Alex cleaned up after supper, he was already thinking about what would happen after his marriage to Ann; he was not sure how Kat was handling the whole issue.