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Chapter 5

  • "W-Wait, what do you want? Is this legal? You're inside the school!" I exclaimed when I saw the men outside our room. They just looked at me and without a word, entered inside.
  • "Get out," they ordered.
  • Lana held onto my arm tightly. "J-Jane, what's happening?"
  • "W-Why? Who are you?" I tried to sound brave, although I could hear the pounding of my heart.
  • The men didn't answer. Instead, they started rummaging through our belongings as if searching for something. My mouth dropped open as they scattered our things and threw them on the floor.
  • "Wait, mister! What are you doing? Those are our belongings-"
  • "Shut up!"
  • One of them suddenly turned towards us and pointed his gun. Lana and I both stepped back. Lana was already crying while clinging to me.
  • "If you don't stop, I'll blow your heads off!" he threatened.
  • I took a step back. I tightly held Lana's hand and quickly pulled her out. Let them do whatever they want. But before we could leave the room, someone blocked the door, causing me to stop. I accidentally let go of Lana, and my forehead hit a hard object. I groaned and immediately raised my head. I stepped back when I met the cold gaze of Rodrigo Navarro. Shit. Rodrigo Navarro is right in front of me now!
  • "So, you're here. Where did you go yesterday? I was looking for you," he asked without any emotion on his face.
  • I swallowed. If earlier I still felt a bit courageous, now fear dominated my emotions.
  • "W-What do you want from me?"
  • He took a step forward, and I instinctively stepped back. He glanced at Lana. "Can you leave us for a moment?" he asked Lana calmly and smiled.
  • I held onto Lana's hand even tighter. "D-Don't leave me," I whispered to her.
  • Rodrigo's smile grew wider as he looked at me. "If you don't let her go, you won't like what I'll do to her."
  • "Jane," Lana said in a frightened voice.
  • Tears welled up in my eyes. I didn't want to leave this room alone with this person. He's a murderer! I exhaled deeply and gradually loosened my grip on Lana's hand.
  • "I-It's okay."
  • "But, Jane..."
  • "Get out." I looked at Lana and forced a smile. She sadly nodded and quickly left the room.
  • "You can search elsewhere," Rodrigo ordered his men.
  • They immediately stopped and left the room. I leaned against the bathroom wall, staring down at the floor. I couldn't bring myself to look at him in the eyes because I felt like I was melting. Rodrigo Navarro's gaze sent a strange kind of fear through me.
  • I straightened up when he closed the dorm room door. I continued to step back, but there was nowhere else to go as he slowly approached me.
  • "W-What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice trembling.
  • I almost held my breath when he touched my chin and slowly lifted my head. "Open your eyes," he commanded. His voice was calm, but it sent shivers down my spine because of its depth.
  • I slowly opened my eyes. I froze when our gazes met. Yes, Rodrigo was an incredibly handsome man. I wasn't surprised why so many women were attracted to him. His gray eyes were lively, yet they suited his seriousness. He had a straight nose and reddish lips. This wasn't the first time I had seen Governor Rodrigo, but it was the first time I had seen him so serious, contrary to his usual smiling demeanor.
  • "You look scared. Why?" he asked, running his fingers along my cheek, causing me to close my eyes again. "Jane, right?"
  • Numbly, I nodded. I opened my eyes again. "P-Please have mercy. I-I'm studying here. I-I'm not doing anything wrong."
  • "Okay."
  • I gasped when I felt his hand at my back. I immediately crossed my arms between us when he tried to embrace me. While his other hand was on my neck.
  • "W-What are you doing? Please!" I tried to push him away, but it was like pushing against a wall. He didn't even flinch; instead, he tightened his grip on me. "Ahh!" I held onto his chest when he suddenly grabbed my hair and tilted my head back. Tears streamed down my face. "P-Please..."
  • "Shh. Jane Acosta. From now on, you are mine."
  • I widened my eyes at his words. I wanted to speak, but he forcefully covered my mouth and kissed me passionately. What was he doing?! Why was he kissing me?! I cried even harder as I tried to push him away, but his movements became more intense. He made me moan as he forcibly pushed his tongue into my mouth, moving it like a serpent. I whimpered as our tongues collided and closed my eyes tightly. This wasn't the first time I had been kissed, but it was the first time I experienced such an intense encounter. I couldn't even breathe properly, so I just kept my mouth open while tears continued to flow.
  • I was confused. I didn't know why he was doing this to me. I didn't even know him, and all I knew was that he was the governor of our town. But why? Why was he doing this to me?
  • He suddenly released me and stepped away. I gasped for breath, my mouth still agape.
  • "I will come back," he said. "Make sure you are ready when I'm back."
  • I looked at him with a frightened expression. "Why? W-What are you going to do?"
  • He wiped his lips and adjusted his polo shirt. "You will like it." He smiled mischievously and left our room.
  • Feeling weak, I sat on the floor, still gaping. What did he mean? Why was he doing this to me?
  • I recoiled when the door suddenly opened. "Jane?" Lawrence entered. His eyes widened when he saw me sobbing behind the door. "Jane! What happened to you? Lana said Gov asked
  • her to leave?"
  • I sniffled. "I-I don't know, Lawrence. I-I'm scared," I confided in him and continued to cry. Maybe Rodrigo found out what I did. Maybe that's why he wanted me back. But how did he find out? I cleaned up everything that could lead to me. Yes, I mentioned in the video that we were doing something at school when I saw it. But I didn't say which year and course we were in.
  • Could it be because of that? I cried even harder. I was such a fool! Was it because of that that he found out? My God! What should I do now?