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Chapter 2

  • Perhaps if you're watching this now, I'm already dead. I just hope you're not one of them. I am James. I used to work for Rodrigo Navarro, who is now the governor here in Eastern Samar. I was his bodyguard, and I followed all their orders. Wherever he went, I was with him. So I knew everything he did. Until the past two months. Boss was furious. We stormed Governor Marco's place. He ruthlessly killed the governor! Governor Marco didn't give up the wealth they acquired from the land where they built the new university in Artiche. The boss knew there was hidden wealth there, so he bought it, but Governor Marco's men were the first to find it. And Governor Marco didn't hand it over. He just told Boss they didn't find anything. So when Boss found out the truth, he killed Governor Marco. That was the first time I saw Boss like that. He looked insane while he was killing the governor. I couldn't do anything but watch him, fearing that I would be next.
  • We seized all the wealth Governor Marco acquired, which is now in my possession. I know. I was so foolish to take it, but I couldn't bear it anymore. After the first killing, it happened again. Boss plans to build a huge resort, and an entire barangay will be affected by it. My conscience couldn't take it anymore because now he orders me to kill! I can't do it! That's why you, whoever you are, there's an address in a file where you'll find the money and gold I took from him. I also obtained documents containing Boss's illegal activities. It's up to you whether you expose them. But use the money for good. And never let Rodrigo Navarro get his hands on it again! As long as you can, stay away from that demon!
  • Jane
  • I can hardly move in my seat. My whole body is trembling from a mixture of pity and fear that I feel. Why did I even think of meddling in this? Oh God! I feel like I've discovered something I shouldn't have. Something that really shouldn't have been discovered. Rodrigo Navarro? If my suspicion about the person the man in the video is referring to is correct, then I'm sure that person is our governor. Rodrigo Navarro. But it's impossible, right? As far as I know, he's a good person. He's the owner of our school, after all. But if it's true...
  • "Enough, Jane! Stop meddling!"
  • My hands are shaking as I turn off my cellphone and put it in my bag. I stare at the wallet wrapped in my handkerchief. It's still so red because of James' blood. I'll just think of James as that person from last night. Suddenly, I feel a wave of dizziness. If what he said about Rodrigo is true, it's not surprising that he was killed last night. I shake my head.
  • "What a wicked person. How could they do something like that so casually? Aren't they haunted by what they did? Can they even sleep at night?"
  • I stand up from my seat and walk towards the sink. There, I let water flow over the wallet. I wait until the blood gradually disappears. Then I squeeze it. There are still some stains left, but I leave them be.
  • I can't sit still throughout the whole class. I can hardly focus because I keep hearing James' voice in my mind. This is what it feels like when you discover a profound secret. What if I just tell the police about it? Give them this memory card. But if what I heard about the governor is true, wouldn't that be dangerous?
  • "Annoying!"
  • "Huh? What did I do? I'm just reading here."
  • I'm startled as I look at Lana. When I glance at our table, I realize the three of them have been staring at me. I force a smile.
  • "Huh? Um, sorry. I was just lost in thought."
  • "You know, Jane. You've been like this for a while now. You have a boyfriend, don't you?" Carlo jokes.
  • My eyes widen. "Boyfriend? Do I look like I have a boyfriend?"
  • "Yeah, right! You seem too busy with our activities," Lawrence says.
  • "Wow... the one who doesn't hope is the one who speaks up. You've gotten back together, huh?"
  • I throw a piece of paper at Carlo. "Shut up!"
  • Lana laughs. "Oh come on! We won't complain."
  • I glared at Lana. They never stopped thinking about such things. It's impossible for us to get back together. Besides, that's not what I'm thinking about. It's James. I struggle to decide whether I should just let go of what I've learned and not dwell on it. But even if I close my eyes, my conscience won't quiet down.
  • "Well, we better continue this in our room then. Let's grab something to eat first, you all seem hungry," Lawrence suggested.
  • "Yeah, that's a good idea!"
  • We packed our things and walked out of the room. Lana and Carlo were still teasing each other. Meanwhile, I walked quietly. We were about to leave the campus when we passed by four students sitting on a bench, snacking.
  • "That's terrible, right? I feel sorry for him."
  • "Yeah, what they did to him was extreme."
  • "I'm sure that person who shot him is a bad person."
  • "Didn't they say he was an addict? Wasn't there a sign on his body?"
  • I stopped walking and looked at them.
  • "I don't know. But the gunshot to the head was brutal. I saw the hole in his head."
  • I couldn't hold back anymore. I approached them and looked at them. They looked back at me with curiosity.
  • "Yes?"
  • "What are you talking about?"
  • "Huh? Um, we saw a dead body on the side of the road. On the way to the barangay."
  • "Really? Is it still there?"
  • "Maybe. We just arrived here. There were no police when we saw it earlier."
  • I nodded at them and hurriedly walked away. I didn't wait for Lana, I walked ahead. My heart was pounding, and I started running. I needed to confirm who that dead body was. I hope it's still there.
  • "Jane! Wait!" Lana called out to me.
  • I stopped walking when I saw a crowd of people. I was about to start walking again when Lana grabbed my hand.
  • "Jane! What's going on?"
  • I looked at her. "Wait a minute, Lana! Just leave me alone for now!" I gently pushed Lana and hurriedly approached the crowd of people. I pushed through the crowd until I reached the center. And there, I felt a wave of nausea from what I saw.
  • It was James Marasigan. I couldn't be mistaken. He was the man in the video. I covered my mouth with my hand. My knees immediately went weak. As I took another step, I suddenly lost my balance. Fortunately, someone caught me and prevented me from falling.
  • "Sorry," I weakly said.
  • "You shouldn't see this if you don't like this kind of thing."
  • I immediately looked up. My eyes widened when I saw who was holding me. I trembled even more, and my mouth fell open. I couldn't be mistaken! It's Rodrigo Navarro!