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Chapter 8 Departure

  • 8.~ISSA
  • "How do you intend on living in the same house with the girl you almost banged at the club last night?" He asked
  • I shot him a stare. He had chosen a white shirt and blue jeans today. He had always liked things that made him look younger.
  • He was my best friend— the only person I trusted in the world as well as my Beta. Perhaps, this was the reason why he had the guts to ask me this question.
  • "I'll ignore her and move my attention to someone or something else, Miles." I assured myself it was possible even if my wolf stirred in protest.
  • The sun was beginning to set and it was a beautiful sight. We were leaning against my car as we waited for my supposed niece to make her decision.
  • "You and I both know that once you become obsessed with a woman, you won't get over her until you bury your damned cork into her."
  • There was so much confidence in his voice that it got on my nerves. How could he be so sure that living with her would be pure torture for me?
  • "She's my fucking niece for the goddess' sake. Keep that obscenity out of your mouth!" I scolded him and my wolf growled at him.
  • He lifted his hands in the air, to show that he had surrendered to my authority yet he wore an annoying smile.
  • He was enjoying my predicament way too much.
  • "This will be fun to watch," he whispered and I gritted my teeth.
  • Then he suddenly snapped as if he had remembered something. "Before you passed out due to excess alcohol last night— you kept saying that you had found your mate."
  • I frowned at him as the memory of me talking about my mate suddenly flashed through my mind.
  • "Nah, I was drunk. She can't be my mate. Makes no sense. It was probably a false alarm," I protested.
  • Miles narrowed his eyes at me. "You were pretty confident that she was the one."
  • "How can she be my mate when she's my fucking niece, Miles?" I suddenly snapped.
  • He lifted his hands in the air again and we fell silent for a few more minutes before he broke it again.
  • "Do you think she'll show up?" Miles asked as he stood beside me.
  • I shook my head at the fact that I believed I could get a minute of silence with Miles around.
  • "I expect her to. Unless if she's stupid," I muttered as I stared out at the horizon.
  • "You said that stubbornness is her greatest attribute. What if she decides to be just that and stay behind?" He asked.
  • "That would be her loss. I'll leave," I stated.
  • "You can't do that. Her mother left her in your care."
  • I furrowed my brows at his words. "Which is very odd. We hardly ever got along yet I was the one she left her daughter to."
  • I scratched my head as I thought of the few times we spent living together in the same house. It was not a pleasant memory.
  • "I can safely say that she hated me."
  • Miles shrugged. "Maybe she never really hated you deep down. After all, she understood that you're the best person to protect her child." He raised his brows at me as if that was going to help him make his point.
  • My wolf stirred and I sighed. "Yulia is stubborn and abandoning her will be the best way to handle her."
  • Suddenly, Yulia appeared at the end of the road, dragging a traveling bag while wearing a backpack.
  • "Speak of the devil and here she comes," Miles muttered.
  • She was looking around in search of me, so I helped her by waving. When she saw me, her eyes brightened up and I could swear that I saw mischief in them.
  • This made me feel uneasy for a reason I could not understand. My wolf shifted slightly as I released a heavy breath.
  • I was damned sure that Miles was watching my every move. So I had to make sure that I did not give my true feelings away.
  • Yulia lifted her head high and I could feel the pride oozing out of her. When she reached me, she bowed slightly.
  • "Who's this gentleman? Your driver?" She handed him all her luggage without waiting for an answer and Miles gasped in disbelief.
  • I coughed in an attempt to hide the laughter that was about to burst out of me.
  • Yulia shot her inquisitive gray eyes at me. "What's funny?"
  • "None of your business," I shot back and pulled the door to the backseat for her.
  • She rolled her eyes at me before getting in. I gave Miles a knowing stare before getting in the front seat. Once Miles was done dumping her belongings at the boot, he got behind the wheel and brought the car to life.
  • "For the record, I'm his Beta, not driver." He stared at her through the rear view mirror hoping to get her attention.
  • Then he sped off immediately and was soon on the deserted road of the outskirts of their pack.
  • The Yulia he was addressing took out a chapstick and a small mirror before she began applying it on her lips.
  • I suddenly found myself engrossed in the way she pouted her lips and admired them once she was done. I was watching her through the outer side view mirror.
  • Was it strange that I wished my lips could be substituted for the chapstick instead?
  • "Oh? My bad. I thought Lycans didn't need Betas. I guess they're not as strong and dangerous as they are rumored to be." She shot a stare at me before looking away instantly.
  • She had thrown a direct stone at me and this time, Miles gasped not because he was shocked for me but because he was enjoying my downfall.
  • I chuckled deeply, it was more of a sarcastic laugh that I used to push the shame away.
  • "Maybe you should try getting stuck in a dark room with me so that you can see just how dangerous I am," I whispered.
  • She shot her eyes at the mirror I was watching her from. They were wide as she understood what I meant.
  • A smirk played on my lips and she looked away instantly, shivering visibly at the meaning of my words.
  • "Coward, pick on someone your size," she spat.
  • I was about to hit her with another comeback when something suddenly crashed against the closed window on Yulia's side.
  • She screamed.