Chapter 190 Always The King
- “But probably the hardest thing for me to believe is the whole scent thing.” This time, my laugh was more honest and less nerves. “How stupid is that? The only people who could love me the most smell me?”
- Charles let out a growl. “How can you doubt the goddess?” He scowled. “If you weren’t going to take anything she said seriously, then why even go there and get her advice? You wanted her to give you information. Then you got it, and now you don’t believe it.”
- “And you do?” I arched an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms. “That’s so ridiculous. How can a smell bring peace to everybody? I mean, I understand if she was talking about the work that I do. I try very hard to make sure that the truth brings closure to people and that it ends badness. But how is my smell supposed to do anything?”