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Chapter 4 Unacceptable Mate

  • As Alpha Leo's eyes locked onto mine, I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through my body. It was as if my soul recognized him before my mind could catch up. He walked toward me, his eyes never leaving mine.
  • As he got closer, I noticed how muscular and strong he was. His silver fur shone in the sunlight, and his scent filled my nostrils, causing my heart to race. I couldn't deny that I was attracted to him, but the realization that he was my mate was too much for me to handle.
  • "Hello, Sophia," he said in a deep, melodic voice that sent shivers down my spine.
  • "H-hi," I stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence.
  • "I see you have discovered the rumours going on about me" he said, referring to the fact that no one had seen him in a human form and there was something striking about him as well, he could communicate like a human though in a wolf form.
  • "Yes, I have," I said, my mind still reeling from the shock of it all as I tried to shift away from him but then, he stepped in front of me and blocked my path.
  • "Excuse me," I said, trying to step around him. But he didn't move. Instead, he looked at me with those intense green eyes and said, "You're my mate."he said, his eyes never leaving mine.
  • I felt a mix of emotions at his words. Part of me was overjoyed that I had found my mate, while the other part of me was scared and unsure of what to do. I couldn't just abandon Kelvin, the love of my life, for a werewolf I had just met. I stood there, staring at Alpha Leo in disbelief, as he spoke about us being mates.
  • "I... I can't be your mate," I stammered, trying to distance myself from him.
  • "Why not?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
  • "I already have someone in my life," I said, trying to sound firm and resolute.
  • "But you cannot deny the bond between us, and having a boyfriend doesn't stop it" he responded.
  • "You're mine." he added, stepping closer to me.
  • "I'm sorry, but I can't just abandon the life I've built for myself," I said, my heart racing with fear and uncertainty.
  • "I still refrute that," he answered, his voice low and comforting. "Just know that I will always be here waiting for when you are ready to accept your true destiny." He declared.
  • With that, he turned around, his gaze focused on one side. My mind was racing, trying to process everything that was happening. I couldn't believe that I had been mated to a wolf—and the leader of the pack at that.
  • As he continued speaking, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching us. Alpha Leo's twin sister, who I later learned was named Emma, walked up to her brother and began speaking to him in a hushed tone.
  • I couldn't help but overhear their conversation, and it made me feel uneasy. They were talking about me, and Alpha Leo was complaining about how I had rejected him. Emma was telling him to stop being a coward and to take what was his, reminding him that he had waited for so long to find his mate.
  • After a few minutes, Alpha Leo dismissed his sister, and she left us alone. He then turned to face me his face contorted with anger.
  • "Alpha Leo, I can't be your mate." "I already have someone I love, and I don't want to have anything to do with a wolf," I said, trying to explain my situation.
  • My words seemed to anger him, and he began to bark loudly, causing everyone around us to flee in terror. I was scared too, but I tried to remain calm.
  • "Please, Alpha Leo, calm down," I said, trying to reason with him.
  • But he wouldn't listen. He continued to bark and growl, and I knew that I had to leave. I turned and ran back to my tent from where I took permission from the teacher to leave the place.
  • "Sophia, what's wrong?" "You don't look too good" the teacher asked.
  • "I'm fine ma'am, just that something came up," I answered my voice shaking a bit.
  • I knew that I couldn't stay at the werewolf academy any longer. The events of the day had been too much for me to handle, and I needed to get away.
  • As we packed our bags and left the academy, I couldn't help but wonder what would become of me. I had just discovered that I was a werewolf, and now I had a mate who was a wolf. It was all too much to take in.
  • But one thing was for sure: my life would never be the same again.
  • I got home and saw my mom in the garden, trimming the flowers. I could tell she was lost in thought because she didn't hear me approaching. When she finally turned and saw me, her eyes widened in shock.
  • "Sophia! What are you doing here? "Why aren't you at the academy?" She asked in confusion.
  • I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I broke down and told her everything that had happened. From the moment I met Bradley, learning about Alpha Leo's unusual form, and finally discovering that he was my mate, I told her how I rejected him and how he barked at me in anger.
  • My mother listened to me patiently, taking it all in. When I was done, she didn't know what to say. She just stood there, looking at me with a mixture of concern and sadness.
  • After a moment of silence, she spoke up. "Sophia, this is a lot to take in. "I wish I could say something to make it all better, but I don't know what to do or say."
  • I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes again. I had hoped that my mother would have some wise advice or a solution to this mess, but it seemed like even she was at a loss.
  • "What am I going to do, Mom?" I asked, feeling helpless.
  • "I don't know, sweetheart," she replied, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "But we'll figure it out together."
  • With that, she led me inside, and we sat down in the living room. We spent the rest of the evening talking, trying to figure out what to do next.