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Chapter 3 Mate

  • Mrs. Wilson was one of my favorite teachers at the Academy. She was kind, patient, and always had a way of making difficult concepts easy to understand. One day, she taught us about finding our mates. According to her, every werewolf had a mate out there in the world, and it was up to us to find them.
  • She explained that when two werewolves found their mates, they would experience an intense connection that was almost impossible to describe. It was like a magnetic pull, drawing them toward each other. They would also be able to communicate telepathically, just like we did with mind links.
  • I was fascinated by this idea. I couldn't help but wonder if I had a mate out there somewhere. And if I did, would I ever be able to find them?
  • As Mrs. Wilson spoke about finding our mates, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I had a boyfriend, Kelvin, who I loved deeply. But according to Mrs. Wilson, if I had a mate out there, I would feel an intense connection to them that couldn't be ignored.
  • I turned to the student sitting next to me and whispered, "I don't think I need to find a mate." "I already have a boyfriend."
  • The girl looked at me incredulously. "You can't get away with that," she said. "If you have a mate out there, you have to find them." "It's part of being a werewolf."
  • I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. What if I did have a friend out there somewhere? What would that mean for my relationship with Kelvin? I didn't want to hurt him, but at the same time, I couldn't ignore the possibility of finding my true mate.
  • As the class ended, I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty from my mind. I knew I had a lot to think about before the upcoming school trip.
  • As Mrs. Wilson wrapped up her lesson, she announced that we would be going on a school trip in a few weeks to see a real-life example of werewolf packs in action. My classmates and I were all excited to hear the news, and we couldn't wait for the trip to begin.
  • I couldn't help but wonder what we would see and learn on this trip. I had never been to a real-life werewolf pack before, and I was both nervous and excited at the prospect.
  • As the days passed, my excitement continued to build. I couldn't wait to see what this trip had in store for us and what new things I would learn about being a werewolf.
  • The day of the school trip arrived, and my classmates and I were beyond excited. We boarded a bus and traveled deep into the forest until we arrived at our destination. We had come to a massive clearing in the woods where several werewolf packs had gathered for a meeting.
  • As we stepped off the bus, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. I had never seen so many werewolves gathered in one place before. There were all kinds of wolves, from small and wiry to large and muscular.
  • As I walked around, I met a girl named Bradley. She told me that her father was a beta in one of the packs and that she knew a lot about the wolves that lived there.
  • We started talking, and I couldn't help but ask her about the leader of their pack.
  • Bradley told me that the alpha of their pack was a wolf named Leo, and he was unlike any other werewolf she had ever known.
  • "What's so special about him?" I asked, intrigued.
  • Bradley hesitated for a moment before answering. "It is rumoured that he doesn't have a human form and i think it's because no one had seen his human form before." she said finally.
  • I was shocked. I had never heard of a werewolf who didn't have a human form. It seemed impossible, but Bradley seemed convinced.
  • "And he has a twin sister," Bradley continued. "She's the only one who can communicate with him, and they're inseparable." "If they're apart for too long, he starts to get agitated and restless."
  • But why is it like that? "Why aren't they like normal werewolves?" I asked.
  • "I don't know, but their mother gave birth to them that way," Bradley replied.
  • " What? But can't anything be done about it?" I asked.
  • Bradley shook her head. "That's what I don't know." "But they have been that way since birth." She responded.
  • I sighed. It all seemed so unfair. "So they can never be apart?"
  • "Well, they can, but not for very long," Bradley said. "Leo gets really agitated if he's away from her for too long." "It's like they have some kind of connection that can't be broken."
  • I nodded, trying to take it all in. "It's just so strange." "I've never heard of anything like it before."
  • Bradley smiled sympathetically. "It's okay. There's a lot about being a werewolf that you don't know yet. but you'll learn. That's what your school is for."
  • I nodded again, feeling slightly overwhelmed.
  • I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was like something out of a fairy tale. had so much to learn, and it seemed like every day brought a new revelation.
  • As Bradley and I were discussing Alpha Leo, I couldn't help but feel a strong pull toward him. I had to see him for myself. I told Bradley that I wanted to meet him, and she warned me about the dangers of approaching an alpha without permission. But I couldn't resist the urge to see him.
  • As we walked around the pack grounds, I stumbled upon a hidden clearing, and there he was—Alpha Leo. He was much bigger than I imagined and had a majestic aura about him. I felt a strange energy coming from him, and I was drawn to him like a magnet.
  • But as I got closer, I saw something that shocked me to my core. He was accompanied by a girl who was his exact replica, except that she was human.
  • They were inseparable and seemed to communicate through some sort of telepathic link. I later learned that this girl was his twin sister, and she was the only one who could keep him grounded and connected to his humanity.
  • I was frozen in shock and awe as I watched them, and that's when Alpha Leo noticed me. He turned to me and locked his piercing green eyes on mine. I felt as if he was looking right through me and seeing my innermost thoughts.