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Chapter 7

  • The group of people walked out of the restaurant without even noticing that they were being watched.
  • Instead of entering the car with the Jonas brothers Nelly took a cab back home along with Her sister.
  • A few months past within a blink of an eye for Nelly as she was fully booked for appearances as well as the performance of her new single which was released during the final stages of the competition.
  • It was only after seven months when she was released from her duties as her secret was close to being revealed to the public.
  • Her belly had started showing and she too had started feeling tired easily.
  • "Could this be the one? What do you think sis?"
  • Nelly asked her sister as they finished touring the last townhouse, it was located on a newly developed estate which had only a few houses readily built, the house was spacious compared to their rented apartment and was beautifully laid out and what topped it off was the fact that the townhouse was fully furnished, all they needed was to finalize the purchase and move in right away.
  • "Well it is big enough for all of us, even the twins will be able to have their own room."
  • Nelly nodded to her sister enthusiastically as she reached out to hug her,
  • "I can't believe we've finally done it, we now have a home."
  • "Yes our own place to call home and you did it sis."
  • After agreeing on their new home they followed the housing agent back to the agency and finished of the paperwork and also made her full payment for the townhouse.
  • Just like that Nelly was now a home owner and would not have to worry about being evicted as she would not be making much in the months to come.
  • After getting their house keys they returned to their apartment and packed up all of their belongings that they'll be taking with them to the new house.
  • Just as they were taking a water break, they heard a knock on the door.
  • " Hey you get the door, I bet it's one of your friends who came to visit you."
  • Nelly didn't have any friends so she didn't expect anyone to come looking for her. Nonto on the other hand didn't have much to stress about and had the time to make friends, hence she had more visitors coming in their apartment.
  • When they heard the knock for the second time, Nonto stood up and walked up to the door and checked who it was.
  • "Uuh.... Hello, may I help you with anything?"
  • This was an unfamiliar visitor, a middled aged woman who looked like she was someone from a very important family or someone who had achieved a lot for herself, hence Nonto thought the woman was probably lost as they had never seen each other before.
  • The old lady looked annoyed seeing the girl in front of her, her lips even twitched a little as she looked around.
  • "Tell me where Nelly is, otherwise there's nothing that someone like you can help me with. "
  • " Excuse me?"
  • Nonto was shocked by the woman's disrespect but looking at how powerful she possibly could be, and thinking how her response might ruin Nelly's reputation or career she decided to let it go.
  • "May I ask, who are you and why do you need to see her so urgently?"
  • "How dare you ask me that question, do you know who I am?..."
  • "What's taking so long, who's at the door?"
  • Just when the woman was about to loose her patience and go off on the poor little girl in front of her Nelly came to her rescue as she showed up.
  • When Nelly saw the middle age woman standing at her door she greeted her politely and asked if there was a problem.
  • "She wanted to see you."
  • Responded Nonto in a low voice but her annoyance was clearly written all over her face and Nelly knew right then that the woman at her door front wasn't really here with good intentions.
  • "May I help you?"
  • "Nelisiwe is this really you? Thank the heavens I've finally found you."
  • The enthusiasm in the lady's voice freaked Nelly a bit, no one ever calls her by her full name. The way the woman addressed her was a clear indication that she knew her from back home.
  • 'Who is she, and what could she possibly want from me?'
  • "Uuuh I'm sorry, but you are?"
  • The woman froze for a second but soon returned to herself.
  • "Silly girl, I'm your mother how could you forget such."
  • Those words were like a bomb dropped in Nelly's ears and her heart skipped a bit from the news. She had never imagined that day would come.
  • As she remained frozen for a while now without saying a word, Adelaide started panicking.
  • "I know we've been separated for a long time now, but Look, now that we've finally reunited why don't you come move in with me. My husband and kids would be very happy to have you there, besides the mansion is very spacious and your room alone will be bigger than this whole apartment of yours."
  • Adelaide's voice snapped her back to reality, as she lifted her head back to look at the woman before her.
  • "What?"
  • "Yes it is, and you won't be sharing it with any random person like in this apartment, I'll really take care of you, I promise."
  • "I mean who are you, what's your name and why would you come here and claim to be my mother?"
  • Lord knows the hurricane that was brewing down within her, although she was huge ball of mixed emotions, her voice didn't not reveal any of those as it remained calm and low as always.
  • "Ohw my child, it's mommy's fault. My name is Adelaide, have you forgotten? It doesn't matter though as you will soon get to know me. Get your things let's go."
  • Adelaide forced her way in, she could not even hide her face of disgust as she walked around.
  • "Why now? You could've looked for me all those years, why now?"
  • "Why is this place so small? See this place isn't right for your image now that you have such a big name. My husband is also a very important person in the society so he can help you with your careerr."
  • "It's big enough for the two of us. You don't have to trouble your husband Adelaide my career is alright."
  • "What do you mean? " She then looked at Nonto's direction as she continued with her question.
  • "Young lady where do you work?"
  • "I don't work."
  • Nonto replied in a low voice and remained quiet where she was standing.
  • "See, this is not good for you. You can not let people leech on you like that, it will be better if you come with me."
  • Her words were like a knife on both the girls hearts, it was her job as their mother to take care of them. Not only did she abandon them but she also doesn't recognize one of her own, how bad and heartless of a mother could she be.
  • Nelly walked up to the door and looked straight in her eyes.
  • "I think it's time for you to leave. You can't just pop in to our lives and expect us to do however you wish. Ooh and by the way,"
  • She then looked at Nonto and back at Adelaide.
  • "Nontobeko Smith, your daughter, is a law student. She is not leeching off from me, I'm doing what you failed to do as a mother."
  • Hearing that Adelaide was so embarrassed to stay even a second longer, she hung her head low and apologized.
  • "I didn't mean to offend you two, I will come some other time when you are not this angry."
  • She then left right after speaking, leaving a sour atmosphere in the apartment.