Chapter 194 – Daddy
- Kent does precisely what he’s told over the next few hours, signing papers and obeying instructions – standing, sitting, waiting, not giving anyone an ounce of trouble and saying as little as possible. Inside, his mind churns, wanting desperately to consider every single possibility and how he’ll react in any situation. But he forces himself to still inwardly as well, knowing that it’s impossible for him to know.
- That instead, his best option – his only option – is to remain calm and vigilant so that when it’s time to act he can avoid panic.
- Kent’s breath comes cool and easy as he is loaded into the transport van with two other convicted criminals, all headed to the state prison for their longer-term sentences. As the guard uses a chain from the van’s floor to link Kent’s ankle shackles, stomach chain, and the cuffs around his wrists, Kent takes note of everything: the driver up front, the cop car that’s going to follow behind. From what he knows, it all seems like a standard prisoner transport.