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Chapter 4 Kissing Her All Over

  • Zayver looked at Arsana's beautiful face that was in pain.
  • Zayver never thought that in this day and age he would find a girl who was still sealed and untouched by anyone.
  • Zayver was silent with his own thoughts before he finally started running his hips up and down.
  • "Slow down the pain." Arsana pleaded, while squeezing Zayver's back until there were many claw wounds caused by her nails.
  • "You just enjoy it!" Zayver said so coldly.
  • "How can I enjoy it it hurts so much, damn it!" shouted Arsana looking frustrated with the pain she felt for the first time.
  • "How dare you yell at me." growled Zayver, getting angry.
  • Zayver who was about to be gentle to Arsana, after knowing the woman who became his wife was still a virgin instantly returned like a monster.
  • Zayver accelerated his movement even more.
  • Plok! Plok! Plok!
  • "Ah... It hurts."
  • The sound of stomping accompanied by sighs echoed in the room that was a silent witness to Arsana's chastity that she had been guarding. Arsana could only endure the pain and sting, while Zayver raged over her. Lust, anger, and jealousy became one.
  • Did Zayver feel jealous?
  • The wrath of a husband whose wife came home at night with another man, what else is it called if not jealousy. Although in his heart, Zayver denied the feeling and thought that it was normal for a husband to be angry when his wife lied or betrayed him.
  • Pride had closed the eyes of his heart, Zayver poured out all the anger in his own way, namely to fuck his wife mercilessly, not caring if Arsana was in pain because this was the first time he did it.
  • Zayver tried to change the position, before inserting her back, Zayver took the time to kiss Arsana's whole body from hair to feet, then re-inserted hers into Arsana's body.
  • Zayver started to pump Arsana's body again.
  • "Ah! It hurts ahh..." sighed Arsana.
  • Arsana couldn't distinguish between pleasure and pain, all of them became one, Zayver deliberately made Arsana couldn't enjoy what she should have, because of her selfishness.
  • Sometimes Arsana would struggle in pain, not to mention Zayver would slap her.
  • Arsana's pain became many times more, and she could only cry in the confinement of Zayver who was like a madman.
  • "Say my name," Zayver ordered.
  • Arsana was silent, not looking at Zayver.
  • "Say my name!" Zayver snapped, her hands gripping both of Arsana's cheeks.
  • "Zayver," Arsana whispered.
  • "Harder," Zayver pleaded, stomping her hips.
  • "Zayver, ah..."
  • "Stop, Zayver... Ah... Ah, stop! I'm tired," Arsana begged, and Zayver took it as a request.
  • Every time Arsana said it was over, then Zayver would return to the action with a spice of violence. Slap, grab, and punch, Zayver enjoyed it and she did it all without getting tired. All night long. Until Arsana's body felt like it was crumbling, her bones seemed to be shattered, only flesh remained.
  • "Want some more?" whispered Zayver and this time Arsana pretended to be asleep in order to maintain her body that seemed to be dying from exhaustion.
  • "You're pretending to be asleep?" chuckled Zayver looking at the wall clock that showed two in the morning.
  • "Arsana! Arsana!" he called in a loud voice because he knew that his wife was only pretending to be asleep.
  • Zayver then stepped into the bathroom to wet his body to refresh himself, because he wanted to do it again. Meanwhile, Arsana opened her eyes slightly, feeling relieved that Zayver would finally end this tiring and painful activity. That's what she thought.
  • However, without Arsana expecting it, Zayver pressed her body again after returning from the bathroom. Arsana, who felt claustrophobic with the overlapping, made a sound and opened her eyes, until she could see Zayver was already fresh on top of her. Smiling grinning, just like a tiger about to pounce.
  • "There's still plenty of time for us to do it again," Zayver said, turning Arsana's body to face down and entering her roughly along with a tug on her hair.
  • "Eghhh" Arsana moaned.
  • Arsana could only surrender, because resisting was useless, because she would only get another torture if she dared to resist.
  • "Ah... Zayver, it hurts..."
  • Zayver always ignored Arsana's words.
  • Zayver did it with various styles, even telling the novice Arsana to move on top of her. Reluctantly, Arsana climbed onto her husband's body that smelled of soap and let Zayver pound her body, while Arsana just stayed there.
  • Zayver repeatedly moaned in pleasure, in contrast to Arsana who squealed in pain, because Zayver always did it roughly and violently.
  • The first night that every married couple always looks forward to became a terrible thing for Arsana. Her heart was far from happy, and maybe Arsana was even traumatized and hated her husband even more.
  • "Do all women experience something as painful as this?" hissed Arsana when she was about to wake up from her sleep.
  • Arsana got up from the bed carefully, feeling her body crushed so that she grimaced in pain. then picked up her clothes that were scattered on the floor and headed for the bathroom to clean herself.
  • By now, it was already 6 am. Nearly twelve hours of Zayver playing with her, and now the man was able to sleep without guilt and innocence. Zayver didn't see the blood stains on his bed that was messed up due to his actions in violating Arsana, Zayver also didn't see Arsana who had difficulty sleeping because of her pain and fatigue.
  • The man was just snoring, enjoying his fly moment after releasing the hot lava that burned Arsana's womb.
  • ***
  • Even though she was tired and her face looked pale, it didn't make Arsana forget her duty as a Volunteer Teacher. After taking a shower and covering the lebab wound on her face, she got ready with neat clothes and left Zayver who was still fast asleep.
  • Who knows when her husband would wake up, Arsana didn't care. She just wanted to do her duty as a Secret Agent without thinking about how Zayver would get angry again later. Arsana's determination was already made and could not be contested.
  • Arsana recalled the road she took yesterday, until she finally arrived at the school where she taught. Edward was also there and both were about to enter the classroom.
  • "Good morning, Mrs. Arsana. You look pale?" said Edward.
  • "Maybe I lack vitamins A, B, C, and U," Arsana replied.
  • "What is vitamin U? I just heard," said Edward, raising his eyebrows.
  • "Money. Hahahaha ...." Arsana laughed out loud as if she never felt the pain that hit her last night.
  • "You have a sense of humor too, huh!"
  • "Yes, if life is straightforward, it's not fun!" said Arsana and went to class 4, where her students were waiting.
  • ***
  • At one o'clock in the afternoon, Arsana was allowed to go home, and she used the free time to communicate with her superiors. Arsana was ordered to immediately look for a drug kingpin who was said to be around his residence.
  • "You find the factory but don't be obvious, for fear of your life being threatened. You just investigate and if you find a suspected place, contact us, and an elite team from the police will immediately jump in to make an arrest."
  • "Yes, Commander!" exclaimed Arsana and she immediately played the role of an ordinary citizen when she was about to go home.
  • "Hey, wait!"
  • Someone called him and it turned out to be Edward.
  • "Edward?"
  • "Going home?" asked Edward who was near.
  • Arsana nodded and they walked hand in hand.
  • For a while, no one spoke between them, until Arsana found an old building on the way to her house. Arsana even just realized that there was an old building near her house.
  • "Edward, do you know what building it is?" asked Arsana pointing at the building.
  • "Oh, it's an empty and abandoned building," replied Edward.
  • "Oh, yes? Why not use it when the building looks still sturdy, if someone takes care of it, it won't be obsolete like that."
  • Edward was silent, not responding to Arsana's words that seemed curious about the existence of the building.
  • "I want to go there," said Arsana, making Edward turn his head and immediately forbid him.
  • "What for? Danger! I'm afraid there is ...." Edward hung his words.
  • "What's wrong, are you a scared bule? Come along, let's go," Arsana invited in reply to the man's shaking.
  • "Ah, wimp. I'm a Volunteer Teacher here, besides teaching, I also have to read the situation and see the situation. It's a shame if the building is empty, I can propose to the government to be refreshed and used for the benefit of the community. Right?"
  • Arsana walked towards the building, and Edward who was also curious finally followed Arsana too.
  • "Huh, follow you too!" Arsana teased.
  • "I want to forbid you, Mrs. Arsana! It is said that there is an association of criminals! As long as I devote myself here, no one dares to get close let alone enter there!" Edward explained, making Arsana smile happily because slowly, she found a bright spot.