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Chapter 7 - Where Is He?

  • I had never expected last night to turn out the way it did. Moreover I didn't think I'd be so comfortable talking about Caleb to anyone, much less someone I just met a few weeks ago. I was a little shocked at Aaron's story, but found a bit of understanding with him. He needed to heal, and so did I.
  • I got out of bed, humming a happy tune. Today was gonna be a good day, I could just feel it. I made my way downstairs, eager to start the day. The house seemed quiet. Hm. I made breakfast for myself and set Aaron's plate aside. He still hadn't come out his room. I shrugged it off and decided he just wanted to sleep in. We did stay up late last night. I left the house and got on the road. Here goes nothing.
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • “Ma'am I need you to calm down. I'm gonna try to get the issue fixed.”
  • “My money has been gone for four days and you're telling me to calm down?! My son is in the hospital for Christ's sake!”
  • “Ma'am I asked you before, if you have the receipt for the transaction. If you don't, we can go on your mobile records and retrieve it. We just need the time and date, including your account number.” I tried to respond as calm as possible to the woman– no, the witch in front of me. So much for a good day.
  • “You're talking balderdash. I want to see the manager.” She blabbed on. I sighed in frustration.
  • “Okay. You want to see the manager? Go right ahead.” I showed her the manager's office and dumped her on him. He was gonna hate me for this, but I was tired of her. She had been to the bank every other day this week already. Doesn't she understand simple English?
  • I was attending to another customer when Aaron crossed my mind. My heart skipped a traitorous beat. It had been weird this morning. He usually gets up the moment I leave my room. I also didn't hear the slightest movement when I passed his room.
  • “Ma'am? Hello?” A pair of fingers snapped in my face. I got so absorbed in wondering what was strange with Aaron that I forgot I was supposed to be signing off his paper.
  • “Sorry about that sir.” I sighed. I didn't think about Aaron again up until the end of the day.
  • “Bye Georgina!”
  • “Bye Helena, see you tomorrow for hot cocoa!” I laughed as I clocked out of the office. Georgina was one of the oldest employees at the bank. She was a little elderly and had this habit of making hot chocolate for anyone who came earlier than 8am everyday. Her mugs were so good I couldn't afford to miss them.
  • Time to head home, take a shower and probably get Aaron to cook again. I giggled at the thought.
  • I skipped home, not bothering to take a cab. I was that happy. “Aaron?!” I yelled the second I shut the front door. “Aaaarrrroooooonnnnnn” I called again when I didn't get a response. Was he still sleeping? That's unlikely.
  • I walked to his room, and opened the door softly. He wasn't there. I knocked on the bathroom door. “Aaron?” Nothing. My pulse kicked. Where could he have gone?
  • I checked every other part of the farmhouse. He wasn't in any room, and he wasnt in the stables either. Where was he?
  • He wouldn't go out, he doesn't know anywhere here. He'd have waited…. Or did he decide to go back home? My pulse increased. He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye….would he? Something grabbed my gut and twisted.
  • He had only been here three weeks, but I missed his presence. The house felt….empty. I stared outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of his silhouette. Give me something….anything….
  • I stared as if he would materialise from my hope. It was pointless. I dropped my shoulders, feeling dejected and…hurt.
  • He shouldn't have just disappeared like that.
  • Maybe his people came for him when I was out and he couldn't wait. Maybe he realised he had stayed here too long and they would search for him. Maybe…. I felt liquid down my face. I wiped it off quickly. My throat was tight and my pulse was still roaring in my ears. He could have dropped a note…..he could've let me know at least.
  • I hugged my knees as I stared out into the darkness, wondering what actually happened to him. After what felt like hours, I got up, took a shower and went to the kitchen. I was damn hungry. I stared at my fridge and groaned. I forgot to buy more groceries on my way home, and it was too late to go out alone now. There was absolutely nothing.
  • I searched through my cupboards and found half a loaf of bread, some lettuce and of course, bacon. Guess I'll be having that for dinner. I assembled two sandwiches and headed to my room. I needed a book to distract myself. I searched through the PDF files on my phone. Who's gonna be my lucky book tonight? Ah ha! I chose Satan's Affair by H.D. Carlton and started reading, munching on my sandwich.
  • AARON.
  • Another night in these annoying woods, and I couldn't wait to leave. I found a small creature in the woods last night, and it told me something about the “All Knowing being” wanting to see me. Something didn't sit right, but if it meant I was gonna stop hearing those voices calling me out at night, it was worth a shot.
  • The creature, whatever it was, was a little over 2 feet tall. It had blue skin, short claws on equally short arms, eyes as blue as it's skin, and pointed ears. It wasn't a goblin, not an imp, and certainly not an elf. It also looked…female. It didn't pose any threat, and it was extremely friendly, so I agreed to follow it.
  • I followed the creature through a patch of weirdly squeezed bushes, as my mind drifted to Helena.
  • She was probably searching for me now, worried sick. I felt a pang of guilt gnaw at my chest. I shouldn't have left her alone. I didn't even tell her why I'd run out in the middle of the night. Sigh.
  • Beyond the patch of bushes, I saw a small glowing orb. It was bright purple and emitted an abnormally bright light. I wondered why it wasn't seen from back there. The creature sat in front of it and muttered something incoherently. The orb floated up to my height, and I could see something like an image forming on the glossy exterior.
  • It was Lunaville. Dark clouds, and towering homes. Werewolves of different sizes walking around, tending to their duties. The horizon gave a brief view of what was believed to be a gate into another world. The image shifted to the royal house. I could see the elders, seated hierarchically, all frantic. “We have to find him!” One of them yelled.
  • “Why would Walter's son run away? It's unlike him! And I blame Walter too! He spent too much time keeping that boy from the truth!” Another interjected.
  • “Look, all of this doesn't matter. We need to find him before the next luna festival or else we're doomed.” The eldest said. They nodded in unison.
  • “Stop this!” I roared. I had seen enough. The orb’s light dimmed and it slowly floated to the floor.
  • “Why did you show me this? Why did you remind me of that place?”
  • “Because you have to go back, Aaron.” I heard a feminine, but stern voice behind me. I turned around.
  • She was big, maybe bigger than me. And she was a wolf. She was in human form, but I could still sense her energy. I hadn't seen her anywhere in Lunaville, and she seemed like someone who would hold some sort of power. Was she a stray?
  • “And who are you to tell me that?” I said, betraying no emotions. If she was a stray, she was likely banished like Ryker. And probably very strong too. I was in no mood for a fight.
  • “My name is Luna. I was the mate of Theodore, the last alpha of-”
  • “My dad's pack….” What?!
  • “Ah yes, you remember.” She walked over to the orb. I examined her features. Blue eyes. Long legs. A weird tattoo on her left arm. Tall. She left her tail, and it had a few markings on it. Weird.
  • She touched the orb with her claw, and it vanished, melting away in a cloud of smoke.
  • “Walter was such a good beta. Too bad, he had to marry a human.” She said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
  • “How have I never heard of you?” I questioned.
  • “Well, we all know how Thedore died. Did you expect me to hang around? I left long before you were brought to Lunaville, Aaron. And I like what I see here.” She looked at me with scrutiny.
  • The little creature was nowhere to be seen, and Luna walked closer to me. She was visibly taller than I was, and had a faint scent. She grabbed my jaw, tilting it upwards so I could meet her gaze. “You have two options. Either you go back to Lunaville now and continue your preparations to become the next alpha and I leave you alone, or you help me find something of importance and I'll protect you and your little human.” She smiled, showing razor sharp teeth. It was the kind of smile people did when they were committing mischief.
  • “You will not harm her.” Whatever was going to happen, I would not drag Helena into this.
  • “Who said anything about harming her?” She laughed. “Tell me your choice, Aaron.” She rested on a nearbg tree stump and flicked a piece of bone out of her teeth, her gaze still on me. I grinded my teeth.
  • “Fine. I'll help you.”