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Chapter 2 Dark Surprises

  • Buzzzzzz……. Huh? Ouch!
  • I groaned in frustration as I got up to turn off my phone's alarm. The time showed 6:00am. What the heck? How did I sleep for so long? My brained was still covered in haze, until the fragments of what happened a few hours ago came to mind.
  • Ringtone. Caleb. Crying….
  • I ran my hands through my hair. I had hit my head on the headboard when my phone's alarm went off. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. Oh yeah, farmhouse. I looked at my suitcase on the ground beside the bed. It was still half opened, a few dresses sprawled on the floor. Outside, it was dark. Eerily dark. For a moment I thought I could feel someone watching me. In the woods…. silently….creeping-
  • I was startled out of my thoughts as my phone jerked. I stared at the screen with trepidation. Veronica, phew!!
  • “Heyyy girl, how've you been? I been trying to call since 10pm yesterday but you weren't answering. I figured you had an early night. How's the house? Do you need help unpacking?” Jeez. She didn't even let me say hello.
  • “Veronica, I just woke up. Please don't say so much at once…” I scratched my eyes. The eerie feeling was back, but I shrugged it off. It's 6am goddamnit.
  • “Sorry, sorry, I was just worried you know… I miss you already. And I just wanted to make sure you didn't drink yourself to stupor.” She said with a hint of mischief in her voice.
  • “We both know who would do that.” Almost immediately, we burst out laughing. Veronica was the more, crazy one. I wouldn't drink unless I was so depressed I couldn't use my phone. Or worse, read. And I love reading, alot.
  • “Well… if you ever need a drinking partner, just ring me up.” I let out a small laugh as she spoke.
  • “Sure, why not? I mean what's the worst that could happen?” Well, that could go both ways. Either she finds a man and completely ignores me for the rest of the night, or I get subjected to listening to three hours of her most random intrusive thoughts. And this girl is crazy wild.
  • “Don't be so sure Lenny.” She sighed. Uh oh. “Be for real with me now, are you okay?” I knew where this was headed.
  • “I'm fine, I promise…”
  • “I'll always be here you know that?”
  • “Yes Veronica, I know. Thank you.” I said, a tiny tear falling to the floor. When did I start crying?
  • “Alright, now you go get ready for the day. I'll come by next week. Okay?”
  • “Okay.” The dial tone sounded as she hung up. I zoned out for a moment, my mind drifting over the last few years. I went through my contacts and tapped on Caleb's name. Block. Delete. Done.
  • There we go. If I was gonna start over, I'd rather do it the right way. But first, an hour of TikTok, at least…
  • After what seemed like ages, I got up, stretched, and started out arranging the rest of my dresses in the closet. Then I tucked away my suitcase and went to my dresser, carefully placing all my makeup, and skin care products. Nothing feels better than a little aesthetic.
  • I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Smudged mascara, red, swollen eyes, a teensy purple smudge beneath them, long lashes, and chapped lips. Who is this?
  • I cant believe I let myself go like that just because of a guy. A guy that doesn't even know my worth. A guy who….
  • I love you.
  • I shook my head, trying to get rid of his silly voice. I headed downstairs, eager for breakfast. The kitchen was….okay in the least. It wasn't as big as the one I owned back in Jemstown, but it was sizeable. There was one thing missing though, groceries.
  • I said I was gonna head out for some before my night was cut short by someone I shall not name.
  • Oh well, time for some shopping.
  • I grabbed my purse and headed out of the house. I could only remember so much about this place, including where the grocery stores were. Back then, my dad used to grow everything. And I mean everything. The farmhouse lived up to its name. Now, it was nothing but dried up fields and an old, rusty house.
  • After walking for a while, I finally found a store. It was relatively small, but the employees were more than friendly. I'd probably need a job soon.
  • I paid for my stuff and headed out, my stomach grumbling in approval. As I crossed the road, an old tractor sped past. It reminded me of the days my father used to yell at his tractor for not starting when in fact, he had to put in the keys first. It was so funny back then. Now …..
  • “Helena? Is that you?” A voice jerked me out of my thoughts.
  • Huh?
  • I stared at the woman in front of me. Large brown eyes, long blonde hair, and maybe half an inch taller than me. This was….
  • “Mrs Parker! Oh how nice to see you again.” I said after a few seconds of reckoning.
  • “Oh sweet child, I haven't seen you for years now. I was afraid you'd left Henley for good.” Hehe.
  • “How could I do such a thing?” I placed my hands on my chest in pretense shock. She smiled.
  • “You know, after the incident with your…..parents I thought you wouldn't want to come back. Especially with all the rumors going around.” Rumors?
  • “I'd never leave Henley Mrs Parker. It's my home. And what rumors are you talking about?” She fidgeted with her clothes, and bit her lower lip, as if regretting why she mentioned it in the first place. Hm.
  • “It's nothing to worry about child, just some farces about dark spirits invading the town.” She said, avoiding my gaze.
  • What??!
  • My pupils constricted, my palms turned sweaty, and I suddenly wanted to get away from here as quick as possible.
  • “I assure you, it's just rumors. No one has seen anything.” She added when I stared at her in shock. It felt like she was supposed to say yet. My stomach grumbled again, reminding me of why I came outside in the first place.
  • “Well, I gotta run now Mrs Parker. It was nice seeing you. Extend my greetings to the twins.” I left before she could respond. I was already far out of my comfort zone.
  • I exhaled in relief when I got back to the farmhouse and set the groceries on the countertop. The house needed a renovation, so I called my dad's former construction team, The Grouchy Builders. Yes, that's the name. He worked with them before he moved us to the farmhouse here in Henley. Something about them not meeting up. Oh well.
  • They showed up in less than 30 minutes and I showed them all the defects in the house. The mouldy floorboards, the huge hole in the staircase, the rusted taps, hinges and the sink, and a few doors needed changing too. This was gonna cost me. Alot.
  • I went back into the kitchen and almost stepped over a black-ish substance on the floor. Gosh it stank. I examined it. It looked like something died and was rotting. The dead rat smell. Of course.
  • I'd leave that for the construction crew to pick up.
  • I whipped up some bacon and eggs and had a quick breakfast before I retired to my room.
  • I started dusting, cleaning and mopping the space. I changed the bedsheets and the duvet as well. Then, I plopped on the mattress and stared at the ceiling. I needed a hobby. Something to take my mind off all of this. I also needed a job. But where would I work? I studied accountancy in college, and I couldn't think of anything else to do with my life.
  • I took up my laptop and started writing applications wherever I could find. I was so engrossed in the task I was startled when someone knocked on my door. Must be one of the workers. “Coming!” I yelled from behind my desk.
  • I got up and opened the door, with the best smile I could muster. But…there was no one. The heck…..
  • I checked the halls that led to my room. No one. Was this some sort of joke?
  • I went downstairs and asked everyone, “Was anyone looking for me? Who knocked on my door?” They all stared at me like I was mad.
  • “No one has been upstairs since you went there, ma'am.” The head of the team said.
  • This was weird, too weird.
  • I nodded and ran back to my room. Was I imagining things? I certainly haven't had any drinks. Was something in the bacon I bought? That's unlikely. What was that?
  • I needed some air.
  • I grabbed my coat and ran back downstairs. “Call me if anything goes wrong!” I yelled as I sped past the team. They probably thought I was an unstable woman now.
  • I walked around, aimlessly. I stared into a space that led to the entrance of the woods. A place I always loved when I was a child. Breatheeeeee…..
  • I walked towards the path, embracing the wave of nostalgia that washed over me.
  • I loved nature. I always will.
  • I ran my hands across the tree trunks as I walked past them. This is what I needed. It was late morning, so there weren't much people on the paths. I sang and danced between the leaves, relishing in the smell and peace.
  • It had been so long since I did this. I smiled softly. My peripheral caught a sharp movement from the corner of my eye. I turned sharply. Nothing.
  • My breathe hitched. I kept walking. Another movement.
  • The heck?
  • I kept my gaze focused. There it is again!
  • Now I was sure something or someone was there.
  • Whatever it was stopped. I tried to focus my vision, deciphering what it was. My eyes widened in horror. I sucked in a sharp breathe as I pinched myself, I had to be dreaming. I had never heard of wolves in Henley. But this…this was huge. It stared at me, bloodshot eyes, and its right shoulder gashed badly. It started walking towards me, where I was fixed. I couldn't move.
  • I swallowed with effort. Oh no.