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Chapter 4

  • At precisely 6 pm, there was a knock on the door. Lucy's heart skipped a beat as she hurriedly opened it, revealing Noah standing there, a smile spreading across his face. He was dressed impeccably, a clear indication that he had put thought and effort into this important occasion as well.
  • Noah's eyes widened as he took in Lucy's appearance. His jaw dropped slightly, and for a moment, he was rendered speechless. "Lucy," he finally managed to say, his voice filled with awe, "you look absolutely stunning!"
  • A warm blush crept up Lucy's cheeks as she basked in the genuine admiration in Noah's eyes. She had hoped to make an impression, but his reaction surpassed her expectations. She couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence knowing that she had succeeded in catching his attention.
  • With a gentle smile, Noah reached out and lightly brushed his fingers against the delicate lace of her dress. "If I weren't gay," he said playfully, a mischievous glint in his eye, "I would have fallen head over heels for you. Seriously, you look incredible."
  • Lucy's laughter danced through the air, mixing with the excitement that filled the room. She appreciated Noah's lightheartedness and the way he always managed to put a smile on her face. His comment reaffirmed the bond they shared as best friends, a connection that had only grown stronger with time.
  • Noah's expression turned tender as he continued, his voice filled with sincerity, "Lucy, you know you didn't have to dress up to impress my parents, right? They already adore you. They've seen the incredible person you are, and they've welcomed you into our family with open arms."
  • "I know," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. "But dressing up today was more about me, about feeling confident and celebrating this moment with you. And your parents' acceptance is what we need tonight and so didn’t want to leave any bad impression besides, I don’t know who might be there apart from your parents.."
  • Noah wrapped his arms around Lucy, pulling her into a warm embrace. In that moment, she felt safe, cherished, and deeply loved. They stood there, holding each other, knowing that their bond extended far beyond any societal expectations or labels. Lucy was glad to have Noah as a friend and likewise Noah.
  • As they prepared to leave for the evening, Lucy took one last glance at herself in the mirror, the reflection of a woman who had embraced her beauty, both inside and out. She knew that meeting Noah's parents as his fiancée would be an extraordinary milestone, not just in their relationship, but in her life. Never has she expected to be meeting any parents anytime soon because she has not been in a relationship for the past three years. But here she was.
  • "Before I forget," Noah said with a hint of excitement, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a small box and passed it to Lucy. She looked at him curiously, her heart fluttering with anticipation. What could be inside?
  • With trembling hands, Lucy carefully opened the box. Her eyes widened in shock as she beheld the exquisite diamond engagement ring resting on a bed of velvet. The brilliance of the stone captivated her, reflecting light in a dazzling display. It was a breathtaking symbol of commitment and love.
  • "Oh, Noah," Lucy gasped, her voice filled with awe. "This is... it's beautiful! But you didn't have to spend so much money on a real ring. After all, our engagement is just a pretend one, right?"
  • Noah's eyes softened as he looked at her, his gaze filled with sincerity. "Lucy, you deserve the best," he said tenderly. "The ring may be symbolic of our fake engagement, but your importance in my life is very real. I want to show you how much you mean to me."
  • Lucy's heart swelled with warmth as she listened to his words. So this why every girl wants a gay best friend. Noah had always been there for her, supporting her dreams and celebrating her victories. Their bond went beyond any label or relationship status. It was a friendship built on trust, understanding, and unwavering love.
  • "Noah, I don't know what to say," Lucy replied, her voice filled with emotion. "You've always been so thoughtful and caring. This ring... it represents so much more than our pretend engagement. It's a symbol of our friendship, our connection, and the beautiful memories we've created together."
  • Noah took her hand gently in his, sliding the ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly, as if it was meant to be there all along. Lucy marveled at the way it sparkled, its brilliance mirroring the love that bound them together.
  • "You're right," Noah said, his voice filled with tenderness. "This ring may not hold the traditional significance of an engagement, but it carries the weight of our journey, our dreams, and our unbreakable bond as friends. It's a reminder that our love and commitment to one another, even as friends, is something special and worthy of celebration."
  • Lucy gazed at Noah, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. In that moment, she felt an overwhelming sense of love and appreciation for him. The ring on her finger served as a tangible reminder of their deep connection and the unspoken promises they shared.
  • As they prepared to embark on the evening with Noah's parents, Lucy knew that the presence of the ring would be a testament to their commitment to one another. It was a reminder to cherish the moments they had together and to continue building a future based on trust, understanding, and unwavering support.
  • As they drove through the sprawling estate, Lucy's eyes widened in awe as she took in the magnificent houses that dotted the landscape. The sheer size and beauty of each residence were unlike anything she had ever seen before. It was her third time visiting the estate, yet the grandeur of it never failed to captivate her.
  • Lost in her thoughts, Lucy couldn't help but wonder how everyone in Noah's pack seemed to be wealthy. The lavishness of their surroundings was apparent, and she couldn't help but ponder if it had something to do with their unique nature as werewolves. Perhaps, she thought, their enhanced abilities and longevity provided them with opportunities to accumulate wealth over time.
  • As they passed by one particularly grand mansion, Noah glanced at Lucy, noticing the wonderment on her face. He smiled softly and reached over to squeeze her hand, a gesture of reassurance and comfort.
  • "It's quite remarkable, isn't it?" Noah said, his voice filled with pride. "The prosperity within our pack is indeed extraordinary. But it's not solely about material possessions or wealth. It's about the sense of community and support that comes with it."
  • Lucy nodded, her curiosity piqued. "I've always wondered how everyone in the pack seems to have such abundance," she admitted. "Is it because of your werewolf nature? Does it bring some kind of advantage?"
  • Noah chuckled, understanding her curiosity. "Being a werewolf certainly comes with its unique perks," he explained. "Our enhanced abilities and senses provide opportunities for success in various aspects of life. Many pack members have utilized these advantages to build businesses, invest wisely, and create wealth for themselves and their families."
  • He continued, "However, it's not just about individual prosperity. Our pack has a strong sense of unity and mutual support. We look out for one another, pooling resources and expertise to ensure the well-being of our community. It's not simply about the money, but about fostering a thriving environment for everyone."
  • Lucy listened intently, gaining a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics within the pack. She marveled at how their supernatural abilities and their close-knit bonds contributed to their collective prosperity.
  • "I see," Lucy replied, a mixture of admiration and curiosity in her voice. "It's truly incredible how you all come together to support each other. It's not just about wealth but about creating a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive."
  • Noah nodded, his eyes reflecting pride in his pack. "Exactly," he affirmed. "While the opulence of the estate may be impressive, it is the relationships, the sense of belonging, and the shared journey that truly make our pack unique. We work hard to ensure that every member has opportunities for growth, success, and fulfillment."
  • As they continued driving through the estate, Lucy couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to witness the harmonious coexistence of wealth and community within Noah's pack. It served as a reminder that true prosperity went beyond material possessions, extending into the realm of genuine connections and the support of loved ones.
  • As they pulled up to Noah's parents' house, Lucy stepped out of the car, her heart brimming with gratitude and admiration for the world she was about to enter. She knew that the richness she had witnessed on their journey was not just about the physical surroundings, but the richness of love, acceptance, and shared experiences that awaited her in the warm embrace of Noah's pack.
  • As Lucy stood before Noah's parents' house, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over her. The grandeur of the residence surpassed anything she had ever imagined. It was a stunning testament to the power and influence that Noah's family held within their pack.
  • Lucy had always known that Noah came from a lineage steeped in strength and authority, but the true extent of their power had remained a mystery to her. Curiosity burned within her, and she turned to Noah, her eyes filled with wonder.
  • "Noah," she began, her voice filled with excitement tinged with a touch of apprehension, "your family's house... it's beyond anything I could have imagined. Just how powerful is your family within the pack?"
  • Noah's expression softened as he reached out to gently cup Lucy's cheek. "Lucy, my family is part of the Alpha bloodline," he explained, his voice carrying a mix of pride and responsibility. "My father is the current Alpha of our pack, which means he holds the highest position of authority. And my elder brother, Damien, will succeed him as the next Alpha."
  • Lucy's eyes widened in astonishment as the weight of Noah's revelation sank in. She had known Noah to be a strong and capable individual, but to learn that his family held such a significant role within the pack brought a whole new level of understanding to his upbringing and the expectations placed upon him. She understood why he is keen on hiding his sexuality.
  • Noah continued, his voice filled with a mix of respect and admiration for his family's legacy. "Being part of the Alpha bloodline means that our family carries a great responsibility in leading and protecting the pack. It's a position that demands strength, wisdom, and a deep connection to our werewolf heritage."
  • Lucy nodded, her mind racing with newfound insight. She had always admired Noah's unwavering dedication to his pack and his sense of duty. Now, knowing the magnitude of his family's role, she realized the weight that Noah carried on his shoulders, inheriting the legacy of leadership that his father and brother had upheld before him.
  • "I had no idea, Noah," Lucy admitted, her voice filled with a mix of reverence and affection. "You and your family embody strength and grace. The way you care for your pack and embrace your role as a leader is truly inspiring."
  • Noah's eyes shimmered with gratitude and love. He gently took Lucy's hand in his, intertwining their fingers. "Thank you, Lucy," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Your support and understanding mean the world to me. It's through the love and encouragement of those closest to us that we find the strength to fulfill our responsibilities."
  • As Lucy stepped through the doors of Noah's parents' house, she carried a newfound appreciation for the history and power that surrounded her. She felt privileged to be welcomed into this world.
  • And as they entered the house, Lucy felt a sense of belonging. She was purely human. But since the first time she came here, she felt belonged. As if she was meant to be here. Lucy doesn’t understand why. But only time will tell.