Chapter 22 Kellie- Chapt-three
- Kellie (POV)
- My first day was quite busy as I had to run around doing errands for not only Carly but the big boss as well. Going on coffee runs, lunch runs and even had to pick up suits from the dry cleaners. My desk is just outside the door that leads to the boss's receptionist's desk and then the door to his office. So that means people get through me to get to Carly to get to the big boss Mr. Spencer. All this to pay back the damage cost to his old car. But I need this job as well. I just hope after the cost is paid off that I can talk him into keeping me on permanently. I really can use this job. I have my share of the rent to make up as well as half of the utilities. At the end of the workday, I clock out enter the elevator and hit the button for the lobby. Just before the door closes a hand stops it and he walks in.
- The big boss himself. He let the door close and turns toward me. I look up at him as he is at least a foot taller than me. And broad-shouldered, and… okay I need to stop. This is my boss I am lusting over.