Chapter 106
- *Emperor’s Castle*
- The wave hit the lowlands when the sun was beginning to rise high in the atmosphere. By the time the sun was midway, the tidal waves had covered all of the lowlands. Creeping up the clift side. Spectators watched with fascination and fear. Never seeing a sight like this, they continued to watch how rapidly the location filled with water.
- Prince Roman was in his office as reports were coming in from all of the other Kingdoms. Ermine Heath reported that the community was a foot underwater with no signs of the flooding stopping. Llangarth reported that their port was swallowed up by the rising water. Reaching the height of their cliff. It did not seem like it was going to pass the ridge. Borne Keep was not as lucky. Settled in the grove of two hills. The land was taken over by the seawater within minutes of the killer wave's arrival. The last to send a message of the situation they were in was Briar Tower. Slightly elevated over the sea level they, at the point of sending the message, had not received damages to their port or land. Only stating that the waves were higher than the norm for the season.