Chapter 39: We’Ve Got To Go
- Mrs. Riley looked at Stella coldly, without any emotion on her face, and said, " No matter what Cathryn has ever done, she has never done anything wrong to you, Stella! You said you wore Cathryn's old clothes and played with Cathryn's old toys when you were a child... But do you know that those clothes and toys were not Cathryn's, they were bought specially for you. She tore off the labels and deliberately pretended that she had used them before she gave them to you!"
- "Your parents were so concerned about preserving their reputation that if Cathryn had bought you new clothes and toys, they would have felt uncomfortable. So when Cathryn realized that, she came up with this idea. The clothes that Cathryn gave you were all bought by her according to your size. Otherwise, how could her clothes fit you when you were half a head shorter than she was?"
- "I feel relieved that you want to repay Cathryn since you are rich now, and I'm also glad to see that you two love each other. Your mother and I have been sisters for more than forty years, and I never thought she would treat her this way, nor has she ever slandered me in this way. If you treat Cathryn in this manner again, I will cut the cord."