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  • My heart skipped as Akira spilled the wine on Niran. If Father wasn’t in a good mood, that would have been the end of her and I would have done nothing about it, whereas it was all my fault.
  • “You were staring brother.” Hana whispered to my ears and I turned my head to look at her.
  • “Of course not.” I denied keeping a straight face.
  • “I saw you. And you staring at her almost cost her her life. You should be careful.” She whispered and I sighed.
  • “It isn’t what you think, and I never meant for her to get into trouble.” I whispered to her ears and she nodded.
  • “I know Arjun. But our big brother doesn’t see it that way.” She said and I turned my head to look at Niran.
  • I could see anger in his eyes, and I knew he wanted nothing less than for father to order for her head to be fed to the dogs.
  • He stood up all of a sudden and walked out of the party. I looked at Hana and she sighed shaking her head.
  • “Akira is already marked by Niran. And you know what that means.” She said and I bowed my head. It was all my fault.
  • “I will talk to him.” I said standing up and running after him. I caught up with him on the way to his Chamber on the forth floor.
  • “Niran.” I called and he stopped without looking back.
  • “Didn’t you see what Father just did? He spared that lady who didn’t deserve to be spared.” He said angrily and I walked to his front.
  • “Niran that was a silly mistake and Father saw that too okay?” I muttered and he shook his head negatively.
  • “No. Father spared her because he was too happy to kill, not considering the fact that I was just mocked by that filty thing. She spilled Wine on me, on Prince Niran’s apparel. There is no mercy for that.” He said and I breathed out not knowing what to say anymore.
  • “Niran I know you are angry, and she ought to pay. But since Father gave her another chance, you should to. And the next time she acts like that, I will be there to support you.” I said and he looked at the throne again where father was seated.
  • “Well that’s exactly what I want. That she crosses my path and Father gives her that judgement he should have given her today.” He said walking away. 
  • I turned to look at him as he walked away. I know Niran is this heart hardened man. Akira must do anything in her power to about him.
  • If not, she would be killed. And I can’t let that happen. I need to warn her. I began to walk back to the party when I saw Nikita walking towards me.
  • “Nikita.” I called stopping her and she bowed her head immediately.
  • “We need to talk.” I said taking a turn away from the party and she followed me. We got to a corner where no one was and I stopped walking and faced her.
  • “I’m all ears my Prince.” She said with her head bowed.
  • “I need you to place a warning to the new ladies brought in. You saw what just happened with one of them, and I think they are your responsibility now.” I said and she nodded.
  • “What do you need me to do?” She asked calmly.
  • “You need to tell them to stay away from trouble. Most especially away from Niran if they love their lives. He hates them now, and if they cross his path next time, he won’t hesitate to execute them.” I said and she nodded.
  • “I will do exactly what you have asked of me. And I am sorry about Akira’s foolishness.” She said with her head bowed and I nodded.
  • “You should tell that to Niran. He was the one that got messed up.” I said walking away. I walked back to the party and sat next to Hana.
  • “How was your chat?” She asked and I sipped my wine.
  • “She is still on the edge of his anger. If she doesn’t any little thing to him, or anyone, he would execute her.” I said and she nodded.
  • “I think she should just be a good girl then.” She said.
  • “I hope so.” I mumbled staring into space.
  • I got to their room and opened the door, I walked in to meet Akira sobbing on the bed.
  • “Akira.” I called and she sprang to her feet at the sound of my Voice.
  • “I am so sorry Ma’am Nikita. I didn’t know what happened.” She mumbled in tears.
  • “No one knows when mistakes are going to happen. But in this Place, ruled by Maeko, you need to be extra careful and do without mistakes if you want to live.” I said and she nodded sadly.
  • “I acted stupid and I almost got beheaded. It’s terrifying.” She muttered in tears.
  • “I know Akira, and that’s why I am here. To warn you never to make that mistake or any mistakes again because you won’t be spared.”
  • “You are my responsibility now. And anything that happens to you is all my fault here. So I have come to warn you, do what is right and stay away from troubles. Not from only Prince Niran, but from everyone.” I explained and she nodded cleaning her eyes.
  • “Don’t you think I should go apologize to the prince after some hours? Maybe he would listen and would have calmed down.” She said and my eyes widened.
  • “You would so no such thing Akira. Going to his presence will trigger his anger even more. Prince Niran is the most complicated person in this palace.”
  • “He doesn’t calm down. The same anger he is feeling right now, is the same he will feel when he keeps seeing you.” I said and I saw fear in her eyes. I could see fear radiate all over her body.
  • “How are you so sure? Has this ever happened before?” She asked and I nodded.
  • “Rhoda was to take food to him in his Chamber, she was careless and the she spilled the food right in front of Prince Niran.”
  • “He was so angry, that he requested for her head. They did exactly as he ordered and the king could do nothing about it.” 
  • “You should so thankful to your ancestors that this happened when the king is in his best moments, he would have left you to Prince Niran, and you would be dead by now.” I said and she began to shiver.
  • “Does anyone even survive here at all?” She asked in frustration.
  • “I am still surviving. Do as I tell you and everything will be just fine.” I said to her and she nodded slowly.
  • “Thank you Ma’am Nikita.” She said and I smiled.
  • “You should get back to the party.” I said and her eyes widened.
  • “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Not after I just escaped a cruel death sentence. I don’t want to come face to face with the Prince again.” She said and I smiled.
  • “Prince Niran left the Party in anger. And you can’t stay here when you have things to do out there. So pull yourself together, get back to work and make sure you don’t make an silly mistakes anymore. Two mistakes In a day can lead to death.” I said and she nodded.
  • She reached for her jar which was empty already and carried it.
  • “You should fill that up. You won’t stop serving wine till the Party is over, which is at dawn.”
  • “I will pass the message I told you now to Mei and Vanna Tomorrow morning. They can’t get Into trouble under my watch, most especially Mei.”
  • “I don’t know what to do with her. She is just so stubborn.” I mumbled sighing.
  • “I will talk to her too. She is still not believing we are slave for real.” She said.
  • “You all should start believing now. I was once In your shoes, and after a while I knew I should focusing on one thing, staying alive.”
  • “If you are wise enough you would do the same. Get back to work.” I said and she nodded walking out of the room.
  • TBC…..
  • Prince Arjun is feeling guilty
  • And Niran is damn angry….