Chapter 6 How Does It Feel To Be On The Loosing Side
- I see you managed to get yourself into this gaming hell again. Someone should just do me a favor and lock you up already, let me see how you would escape," Sebastian grunted out, casting his eyes about to make sure nobody had seen anything fishy.
- When he turned back to her, Julia was fuming with anger. Scratch that, rage. The way her eyes narrowed as if he had annoyed her, her chest heaving up and down beneath the greatcoat she was wearing. She had whiskers today. It had to be artificial, Sebastian mused, no way was that thing natural.
- Julia was good, very good. What with the way she had fooled everyone around here, except him. Never him. She couldn't fool him easily. He took her hands from under the table and jerked her forward. A gasp escaped her, and she frowned.
- "It wouldn't do to be caught possessing such feminine characteristics." Leaning closer, Sebastian said: "It could ruin your carefully thought-out personality."
- Julia tugged her hands backward, trying to release them from Sebastian's grasp.
- "Release me at once, or I will...I will..."
- "You will what?" Sebastian barked, his voice rising.
- Julia couldn't think of anything annoying to say.
- "I will...I will bite your hand off." That's it, this was all she could manage. She wanted to say something that would irk him, but somehow this was the only thing she could think of. She felt like a fool.
- Quirking one brow up.
- "Careful there, it wouldn't do to get ahead of ourselves, I am sure you would agree with me," he drawled out.
- Julia glared at him and fought the urge to stamp her foot on the floor at this injustice. She had specifically come here for Lord Hanton. She had wanted to use this opportunity to know him better, to see him in another light. Maybe, discover any information that would be beneficial to her. Now all her hopes would be crushed, together with her eagerness to understand Cole in a new light.
- Julia exhaled and resigned herself to whatever Sebastian had in store for her.
- "What say you to a game of faro," Sebastian muttered.
- Surprised that he would play with her, Julia searched his face for any devious plan and found nothing.
- "That would be nice," Julia said, agreeing quickly before he had time to change his mind.
- Sebastian signaled for a banker to be sent over to their table. In the meantime, he was content to watch Julia. For some reason he didn't know about, she seemed nervous, edgy. Had she finally realized that this wasn't a place for a gently bred lady? Gentle? He mused, silently laughing at himself.
- This was not a word that should be associated with Julia. There was nothing gentle about her, the way she rode, astride, there was nothing gentle about it, or was it her walk, fast and with purpose, as if she already had in mind where she wants to be. The banker was already at their table, the board already facing them, with the 52 cards. The betting board laid out from the king to the Ace.
- "What do you bet," Sebastian asked her.
- "No, you first."
- "If you say so," he said, moving his chips to the king on the card rank.
- Concentrating on her gameplay, her brows furrowed, as if she thought hard on what to play. Julia moved her chips to the ace on the card rank. The banker turned the first card over, it was a king, and the second card, an ace. She was on the winning side. Julia felt the first taste of victory. She smirked at Sebastian and smiled prettily at herself.
- "Cat cut your tongue? I bet you didn't think I was this good," she murmured.
- He scowled at her and made a face.
- "I never thought pride was one of your finest features, and it surely isn't now," he said, moving in for his second bet.
- Surely this couldn't be any more fun, Julia thought. Oh! how she would love to fleece him of all his money, teach him a thing or two about her. She wasn't the same with other women.
- The tables had been turned.
- Sebastian was purposefully grinning now. He had won seven bets and lost only five. He had to admit, Julia made a fine opponent.
- When he had won the seventh time, her eyes had widened, and when he thought it couldn't go much further than that, it seemed to widen more as she noticed she was losing the next round.
- Worrying her lower lip, Julia tried to concentrate on her play. Sebastian seemed to do the same thing. He looked so serious suddenly, there only seemed to be three cards remaining. It was Julia's turn to bet first. Betting on the order of the cards, a jack, a queen, and an ace.
- Sebastian took his time betting, the more he wasted time, the more Julia got nervous. Finally, he played his bet. A Jack, a queen, and a king. The banker turned over the cards. The first was a Jack, a queen, and then a king. Julia was highly disappointed, she thought she would win. Perhaps, Sebastian was a better player than her.
- "How does it feel to be on the losing side? You had won several times in the last three months. I'm sure you don't know what it feels like. Perhaps, if you had, you wouldn't have come here so often," he said, amusement dancing in his eyes.
- Julia scowled at him and muttered, "I'm sure it was only luck on your side. For a moment or two, I thought I would actually win," she murmured distastefully.
- "Well, you thought wrong, that will teach you not to think so highly of yourself. I had a mind to fleece you of all your money, but I think somewhere along the line I remembered that I must have had a conscience somewhere. At least I left you with a penny or two," Sebastian said, shrugging. His lips stretching in what was looking like a smile.
- Julia crossed her hands over her chest and closed her eyes before she succumbed to the urge to claw his pretty eyes out. Even with her eyes closed, she could still feel Sebastian's face mocking her.
- * * *
- Julia was fuming with renewed anger. She was sitting in Sebastian's carriage facing him, fuming, and he acted like he had all the whole care in the world. Oh, God! What she would give to just claw his eyes out, perhaps, his hairs just so she could satisfy this urge she had to do bodily harm to him.
- She crossed her arms over her chest and contented herself with glaring at him. The way he had insisted. No, commanded that he would see her home as if she couldn't handle herself, infuriated her in a way she couldn't even comprehend.
- Then he looked down at her with eyes full of mirth and chuckled.
- That did it, her control snapped, and she launched herself at him, attacking him with all her might. He tried to restrain her, grabbing hold of her two hands which she used to create havoc on his chest, all the while shouting.
- "How dare you! You had no right!" Julia bellowed.
- Sebastian finally restrained her hands behind her back, but she was like a wild cat set loose, intent on damage because now she was trying to bite him anywhere she could get her mouth on.
- "Bloody hell! Julia, what is wrong with you?" Sebastian tried shaking Julia with his free hand and when she didn't budge, he did the only thing he could think of that would put an end to her fight.
- Sebastian lowered his lips to hers. It was delicious and terrifying, his big body pressed up against her. By now she had ceased to struggle and his hold on her was no longer strong.
- He tucked her more securely in his arms.
- Wait, his arms? How did she get there?
- Julia tried to pull back, but he held her still. His right hand was hovering near her neck and before she knew it, it had found its way beneath her greatcoat. He palmed her breast, and she shivered. Heat pulling at her.
- Julia tried to pull back, and he murmured against her mouth, "Not yet sweet." His voice lured her back to his arms, and she quickly succumbed to his touch. But when the strong hand that palmed her breast moved again, Julia used all her willpower and disengaged from him.
- One glance outside the carriage window and she was glad to know they were already outside her house. She snatched her hat from the carriage floor, opened the door, and ran straight towards her house without a backward glance. Her red hair bouncing in its wake.