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Chapter 2

  • "How can you do this without my consent dad?" Tessa questioned as she set down the glass of wine on the table.
  • She glared at her father who chuckled.
  • How can they tell her to come back from England only to give her the shocking news that she is getting married to the least person she expected.
  • "You know that the Anderson and us are like family, it was through their company that our company got to the height that we are currently now. They made us what we are now, we owe the Anderson a lot and this will also be beneficial for our company." Her dad Mr Oliver said trying to convince her.
  • Tessa pursed her lips trying to process everything that her father said
  • "But you should have consulted me about it first before going ahead with your plans, dear dad." She emphasize.
  • "We are your parents sweetheart, we know what is good for and Hayden is good for you, we watched him grow up." Her mother chipped in.
  • "I know you and dad are my parents, but when it comes to the issue of marriage you both have no right to make the decision for me, mom you both are way out of line." Tessa spat trying to control her anger.
  • "But dear, please do this for us, we owe a lot to the Anderson. Please, please." Her mom pleaded.
  • "I know that we owe our company success to the Anderson for their support when our company was going through a hard phase, but isn't there another way to help them out without making me get married to that Hayden" She questioned holding the wine glass tightly.
  • She can't bear the thought of getting married to Hayden Anderson, she surely knows that he detest her after their last encounter.
  • "I am not some sort of trophy or goods that you can just hand out." She whispered yelled.
  • "The only way to save the Anderson companies is by getting you both married, that way we will be able to convince the shareholders and investors that the company was merged as one because of marriage, the bankruptcy will be covered as well, we will get more investors to invest and we will also benefit from the partnership." Her dad explained.
  • "I don't care dad, partner, invest with them, do whatever you want but not the marriage." She gritted out.
  • "Tessa sweetheart, i thought you and Hayden were close and best friends, so why are you objecting this marriage, i thought that you will be glad when you find out about your marriage with your best friend." He mother said.
  • "Not anymore mom, that was a long time ago, I don't have any feeling whatsoever for him, beside i am a completely different person and so goes with him."
  • "Do this for our sake pumpkin and for the sake of our business and that of your God parents the Anderson's, think about the people that will loose their Jobs if the Anderson go bankrupt." Her dad pleaded.
  • "Fine dad, i will do this for you, the Anderson and the workers. We owe the Anderson a lot, I can't bear to see them fail in business."
  • "I will endure and go through this hellish arrangement even though i am against it." She sighed sipping from the glass of wine
  • "So is this a big yes?" Her mom asked as she used her finger to rub the tip of the glass of wine
  • "Partially i am doing this for you, dad and the company so none of you should think that i want this marriage." Tessa rasped using her fingers to brush her hair.
  • Her dad chuckled, sipping down the rest of the tequila on his glass. " Thanks sweetie." He appreciated with a proud smile on his face.
  • Tessa got up from her seat, picked up her car keys from the table.
  • "Are you heading out?" Her mother asked which she nodded in response
  • "I have got to hangout with Joan, beside i need to rethink and clear my head about this whole marriage stuffs. I am looking forward to changing my mind and finding a accurate solution to this charade."
  • "I hope and pray that you don't have a change of mind." Her mother said and she shook her head sideways
  • Tessa watched as her father poured himself another glass of tequila, she chuckled when her father sent a cheers in the air to her before she headed out.
  • ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆
  • As Tessa drove down the road heading to the club, that she hanging out with her best friend Joan and Mona, she spotted a car which was wrongly parked in the middle of the road.
  • "How the fucking hell will someone parked a car so carelessly on the road." She mumbled glaring at the car
  • She honked at the car severally but it wasn't getting the attention of the driver of the car, she got down from her car, walked to the car and knocked on the window of the driver of the car which was parked carelessly on the road.
  • She knocked severally for sometime but she got no response from the occupant of the car, she was growing impatient before the person opened the door of the car, she had her eyes on the incoming vehicles which was driving with great speed.
  • She turned to looked at the owner of the car so as to give the person a piece of her mind but the owner of the car ducked, the person was a man, he slammed the door roughly and quickly started the engine of the car and drove off with speed before she could see his face.
  • "Hey you fool, wait up." She shouted and cursed at the driver
  • "Who on earth is that big fool." She cursed out loud glaring at the speeding car
  • "Such such foolish and rude behaviour, I am sure his mama didn't have enough time to give him a good upbringing." She thought out loud still looking at the direction that the speeding car took.
  • "I should have just let a car fucking smash his car from behind, that way he won't park his car wrongly." She mumbled getting into the car, turning the engine and heading straight to the club.
  • ∆∆∆∆∆∆
  • "Here comes the latest bride." Her friend and cousin Joan shouted the moment she walked close to her in the club.
  • "Cut it out." She snickered picking the glass of cocktail which she was served.
  • "Why didn't you tell me that you were coming back because of your wedding with Hayden?" She questioned.
  • "I never knew anything about the damn wedding, my parents planned this, they both trick me into coming back." I revealed shocking both Joan and Mona.
  • "Oh my God! This is bad, do you think Hayden planned all this with them so he can exact his revenge on you." Joan asked.
  • "He probably does, but too bad, this marriage is going one hell of fun." Tessa mocked.
  • "What reason did your father give for arranging this marriage?" She questioned.
  • "He said that the Anderson are having financial problem and the only way to help them is by getting I and Hayden married that way they will be able to merge both companies and covered the bankruptcy." She explained picking up the glass of cocktail.
  • "But i thought Hayden have his own company, why is he agreeing to marry you?" Mona asked.
  • "Maybe he wants to help his parents company from going bankrupt. You and I know that Hayden company cannot be able to raise a huge amount of money to cover the bankruptcy, his company is just a little company." Tessa explained to her.
  • "You are right, but I just hope that Hayden doesn't have ulterior motive for agreeing to the marriage." Joan spoke in a worried tone.
  • "I don't care if he have any ulterior motive, I am just accepting this arrange marriage because of my dad and I am doing him a huge favour by saving his family's ass." Tessa sighed sipping the cocktail.
  • "Girl your life sucks so bad right of all the hot guys that you dated, you are going to be stuck with that nerdy docky Hayden for life, Tessa Cooper Hayden Anderson " Joan teased giggling.
  • "That name suck dear friend." Tessa giggled.
  • "You will need a lot of luck Tessa.' Joan laughed.
  • "Get up let's hit the dance floor." Mona screamed running to the dance floor.
  • Tessa got up from my seat and went to join her
  • She was still dancing when someone bumped into me and I almost lost my balance, the person walked away hastily with apologizing.
  • "Weird." She mumbled and continue with her dance.
  • "Why I am encountering weird people today." She muttered moving to the bar to get herself a drink.