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Chapter 8 Blood Jade Drake 4

  • Our store door was locked, so I couldn't escape to the street. He was blocking the back entrance.
  • "Dad... Dad! Wake up!" I searched around the store in panic for items that could ward off evil spirits.
  • There were Fengshui coins on the tray and I grabbed a handful and hurled towards him. The coins fell clinking on the floor and I saw father's eyes flickered.
  • "Qingxiao, RUN!!!!" I heard father cried out in anguish.
  • I wanted to flee, but I wanted to save my father... But I didn't know any Taoism spells! Nobody had ever taught me to dispel evil spirits.
  • The drawers were messed up by me and there were tons of counterfeits in the store... There just weren't so many authentic ones around!
  • I couldn't tell the real from fake and I simply hurled everything on him. All off a sudden, he was letting out a sinister laughter.
  • "Geekekeke...Qingxiao... be good, come to feel my love..." The hoarse voice rung once again and his hand stretch over to catch me.
  • I instinctively raised my arms to defend myself. Suddenly, the blood jade ring on my finger gleamed brightly. It was all blood red before my eyes.
  • It all happened in split second! When I looked back at my father, he was lying flat on the floor!
  • "Dad!" I dived forward and carried him up, the back of his shirt was torn open by great force.
  • A pair of sinister eyes stared at me through the holes from the shirt.
  • "Gekekeke... the spirit embryo is formed... Gekeke, his action is so quick... Qingxiao... you are my wife... how can you have his baby..."
  • The blood red grimace was laughing sinisterly on my father's back. It was as if he wanted to break free but was dragged by an unknown force.
  • My hands were shaking fiercely and there was laughter of pedestrians outside.
  • Just a door's distance and it was all sunshine and rainbow outside while darkness and fear inside.
  • "Guan Qingxiao... Guan Qingxiao..." The grimace called me repetitively with his hoarse voice.
  • "Shut up!" I was frustrated and roared back. The ring on my finger then glimmered in a gentle red light.
  • "Gekeke...." His laughter slowly faded away and completely disappeared under the red light.
  • The grimace behind my father disappeared again.
  • Didn't my hideous phantom husband say I was his wife? I always believed that before. But then why would this man with red grimace also tell me I was his wife?
  • I looked at the jade ring on my ring. It was an ancient, flat bar design.
  • The ring was dark red in color just like fresh blood. But now it changed into a crystal, glimmering red. The blood stripes inside had formed an ancient totem.
  • A dragon soaring the clouds. Its body was curling in majesty and the claws were pointing upwards. The torso was showing strength and flexibility and it seemed to be rising to the sky.
  • Brother took a special magnifying glass for antiques and carefully examined the ring on my finger.
  • "This is a red drake." He said.
  • "What?"
  • "The second child of the dragon is called drake. If the drake is red, it is a female dragon." Brother explained in simple terms, "Your ghost husband must have a special reason giving you this... It was this that fend off the grimace today?"
  • I nodded and asked, "What on earth have happened to you and father before?"
  • He kept quiet and shook his head, "Dad wouldn't allow me to tell you that. He didn't want you to know about these things."
  • After that he forced a smile, "Qingxiao, you'd even agreed to your ghost husband to have a spirit embryo? Seems like your marriage is quite harmonious..."
  • Harmonious?
  • How laughable.
  • Before knowing his objective, I passed out every single night from his abuse. After finding out his objective, it was quiet like a business dealing. He didn't seem to have the slightest interest in me.
  • Of course, that was for the best.
  • I can't even close my legs because my private part was sensitive and in pain. Every step was an excruciating pain.
  • And now, my father was hurt by another ghost...
  • I couldn't help but weep.
  • The Guan family... coffin family.
  • "Qingxiao... did your ghost husband bully you?" Brother asked.
  • I nodded and hesitantly told him everything.
  • Brother's eyebrow knitted closely, "We can't even get close to your room when he comes. The entire room was under magical barriers."
  • "I am just an amateur, I wouldn't be able to face-off with him. What more, the two of you had done a blood pact... It was between two willing parties and even if you sue him in hell... nobody will help you." Brother pondered for a moment and slapped his head, "But I have something that could help you! Damn it, why didn't I think of it earlier!"
  • He hurried upstairs and came back to put two small packs in my hand.
  • "What is this?" I flipped it over and read – A Lubricant.
  • My face instantly blushed.
  • "Don't be shy. You're the one in pain. Look at how difficult you've been walking these few days. If your lower part was feeling a burning sensation, it means it wasn't wet enough... I know it's hard to become excited in front of a ghost with a terrible mask!
  • "Don't just think that you can grit your teeth and swallow it. You better tell me if you're feeling unwell. If you have pain urinating then it means urethritis and you need to take medicine...
  • "Do you know how to use the lubricant? You can apply it on his or your lower part, and..."
  • "Yanhao, enough!" I interrupted my brother.
  • As a medical student, he was really able to talk about sex bluntly.
  • When he saw I was blushing like a cheery, he laughed loudly, "I'll go upstairs and take care of dad. He should've found out the problem of his own body by now. We will discuss on a remedy later."
  • Brother had this special packaging lubricant. I doubted he was experienced. After all, he was already 22 years old, handsome and rich. Even if he planned not to marry, he might have some NSA relationships.
  • ...
  • When it was about midnight, the time for the routine was coming. I hesitantly opened a pack and squeezed out the lubricant.
  • I placed it on my fingertip and applied it on the swollen red areas. The cold and slicky feeling were accompanied by a weird sensation.
  • When I was still contemplating whether to apply more, my ghost husband appeared.
  • I wasn't sure if it was my own imagination, but his figure was getting clearer to me. At first I felt that his body was hard and cold... but now, he seemed to resemble a live man more and more.
  • He looked at my ring and mumbled to himself, "Soon..."
  • What's soon?
  • He climbed on top of me and silently wanted to begin the routine. I hurriedly muttered, "Wait, please wait a while..."
  • I looked down and gave my sensitive area a generous apply. My heart was beating fast at the time...
  • This gel was cold and tingling, could it really reduce the pain during sex?
  • I accidentally saw that his thing was ready to go... As expected of evil spirit, he was fiercer than any monsters.
  • The moment I recalled the pain his thing brought me, my head numbed. I gritted my teeth and said, "You... don't move..."
  • With the remaining gel on my hand, I shut my eyes and rubbed around his thing.
  • The thing pulsed abruptly against my finger and gave me a shock. His body jerked strongly at the same time...