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Chapter 2

  • Lisa’s POV
  • Everyone seated looks like they are here for a Forbes business issues photoshoot. I suddenly felt ashamed of my outfits. I should have prepared a better outfit. But then again I don’t have any outfit that will match with what these ladies are wearing.
  • I slowly made my way inside the office and start down. The lady seating close to me shifted way from me as if she Is afraid that i will contaminate her with some kind of disease.
  • Apart from the fact that the other ladies in the room where nicely dressed, some of them where where wearing super revealing clothes that made wonder they are here for a job interview or something different.
  • The girl seating opposite to me is wearing a very short suit skirt and a black blazer with out any inner therefore leaving her breast in display.
  • A minute of seating down, a mid age woman cooperatively dressed made her way into the office.
  • “Good morning ladies Welcome to A and A enterprise. My name is Jennifer Nathan. I am the secretary to the CEOs of this company!”. The woman Introduced herself before she continued talking; “ Each everyone of you is here for the interview of the position of the CEOs personal assistant. Please I want all of you to be on your best behaviors during the interview and also don’t in any form try to seduce the CEOs. I am clear?”. Mrs Nathan asked and we all nod our head.
  • I have nearly laughed when she said the last part. Why will such thing be announced in an introduction? But then maybe the CEOs are tired of ladies throwing themselves on them. Judging by the way some of the girls are dressed, it’s as if that’s there sole purpose of coming here.
  • “Okay if there it’s no question, the interview starts now. We are going to go in according to how you are seated.” Mrs Nathan instructed and then beacon on the First Lady to enter the inner office.
  • Just great! I have to be the last person. By the time that it will be my turn, I am very sure the CEOs would have already made their choice my then.
  • The First Lady came out after just some minutes. Although she had a neutral look on her face, she look a little bit shaken.
  • And after her the ladies next in line kept entering the office. Surprisedly, they don’t take a long time before they come out.
  • When it was the turn of the lady opposite me, security had to be invited In to drag her out of the office because she supposedly didn’t ahead to the warning of the secretary and try to seduced the CEO.
  • Soon it was my turn to go in. I immediately began to feel nervous. With shaky legs, I made my way into the inner office. I entered into the office and was amazed at how big and spacious it is.
  • “It’s bigger than my room” I thought to myself as I looked around.
  • “I am sure you are here for the interview and not to stare at the office!.” A husky voice said making me to look straight ahead.
  • My legs almost gave up on me when I stare at me man seating before me. He looks like those type of Greeks gods I use to read about.
  • His jaw is righty shaped giving him an Alpha man look and his hair is nicely combed in a way that makes me want to run my hand through it. His suit perfectly fit his muscular body. The first three bottoms of his shirt where open which add to my distraction.
  • Suddenly the office don’t feel as spacious as before any more.
  • “Take a picture it last longer.” The man said with a smirk on his face.
  • “I am sorry Mr Hudson, I didn’t mean to stare!.” I apologize. I don’t want to escorted out of the building by securities. I mean even if I am not getting the job at least let me leave with my pride still intact.
  • “No need to apologize and please call me Aspen . Mr Hudson is my grandfather.” He man said to me.
  • So he is Aspen. The nicer twin. I thought know much about the twins but my flatmate is obsessed with celebrity gossip and never fails to share it with me even if I ask her not to. The Hudson twins knows as the billionaire Twins usually leave a low key life and there are not much information about them.
  • When I applied for the interview, I browse about them so that I will be be prepared to answer any questions that might be thrown to me. It was on the internet I saw most of the blog news referring to Aspen as the nice twin while Asher is the ruthless one.
  • Maybe is true and that’s why Aspen is doing the interview since he is the nicer one.
  • “Is it that you love staring at me or you just find me attractive?”. Aspen asked bring me out of my thoughts. I have not realized that I was still staring at him.
  • “S- Sorry..” I stuttered with my head bow.
  • With the way I have been behaving so far, I am surely not getting this job
  • “It’s fine. You can come forward and have your seat.” Aspen said and pointed at one of the two seats in front of him.
  • I slowly made my way to the seat. But then the clumsy me decided to kick in. And just like that I found myself falling to the ground.
  • It’s official I am not getting this job.
  • Aspen stood up from his seat and rush to my side “ Miss Thomas are you okay?”. He asked as he gave me his hand so that he can help me up.
  • “I am fine!”. I answered embarrassingly as I took his hand. Immediately my hand touch his, I nearly let go because of the intense feeling I just felt. It was as if current pass through us. I don’t know if I am the only one who felt it.
  • Aspen was able to help me stand to my feet. I couldn’t look at him and kept my head bowed to the ground.
  • Aspen placed his hand on my chin and lift my face up to stare at him. I shiver as I felt his cold palm on my face.
  • “Are you sure you are okay?”. Aspen asked me.
  • I swallowed hard as I nod my head. I couldn’t answer him because I couldn’t find my voice. Him standing close to me and touch my face was messing my brain up.
  • Aspen let go of my face and lead us to the sofa at the corner of the office. I pass my resume to me and he asked me some questions.
  • “Well Miss Thomas that will be all. I will give you a call if you get the job.” Aspen said.
  • “Okay sir!”. I said with a small smile and left the office.
  • I was still dazzled at what happened In the office that I didn’t pay attention to anything else as I left the office.
  • I board a taxi and went home directly. Immediately I entered into my apartment, I meet Clara waiting for me with a big smile on her face.
  • “So tell me how was the interview with the hottest twins billionaire in the world?”.