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Chapter 4 The Search

  • Jordan’s POV
  • "Do you want me to go after her, my Alpha?" Hector, my beta, asked quietly as we watched her jet take off.
  • "No," I murmured, my gaze fixed on the disappearing plane. "She's more powerful than I thought." I turned to look at him. "I want you to find out the truth about what she's saying. If this child is mine, only I have the power to heal him, and I want him under my control." Hector nodded in agreement and left, leaving me alone in the emptiness of the airport.
  • Returning to the pack in my human form, I reflected on how I had allowed myself to be led astray and ended up fathering that child.
  • It was rare for me to be attracted to someone of her species. They were always weak and petty, full of rules and fears. I could sense their vulnerabilities just by scent, but with Celine, it had been different; she had intrigued me from the moment she walked into my bar. No one dared look at her because they sensed my desire for her. She possessed a power that few humans did, and it excited my wolf.
  • Taking her into my arms had been easy; the challenge lay in restraining my animal instincts and not allowing my wolf to dominate when claiming her. I wanted to possess her fully, and she had surrendered willingly. Her acceptance had stoked my ego.
  • Waking up alone in that car had been a harsh awakening. I realized how naive I had been, allowing a human's emotions to nearly lead me to ruin. I had let myself be swayed by her feelings and vowed never to make such a mistake again.
  • Now, two years later, she returned claiming to have borne my child and threatening me.
  • "Damn it!" I roared in frustration, shifting into my wolf form and sprinting toward our pack territory.
  • Entering our village with fury pulsing through me, I felt the pack members turn away as I made my way to my house.
  • Shifting back into my human form, I forcefully opened the door, the hinges creaking under the strain.
  • "What happened, my Alpha?" Angel, seated in my armchair, knelt to greet me.
  • "It's none of your concern," I replied tersely, striding past her without acknowledgement.
  • "Of course, sir," she said softly. Her voice faltered, and I paused, turning to face her. "Please rise." She stood, sadness in her eyes. "What are you doing in my house?" I demanded sharply.
  • "As your future wife, I thought I could spend more time with you, learning your customs and preferences," she said, approaching with a sweet smile. I narrowed my eyes.
  • "What can I do for you, my Alpha?" she asked, her tone gentle.
  • "Leave immediately and return only when I summon you," I growled, my patience worn thin.
  • "Yes, my Alpha," she responded quietly, turning to leave. I watched as her shoulders slumped in defeat.
  • "If you wish to be my Luna, show strength. I do not tolerate weakness at my side," I told Angel sternly. She straightened, meeting my gaze over her shoulder.
  • "It won't happen again, sir," Angel replied, leaving and closing the door carefully to avoid further annoyance.
  • I proceeded to my office, determined to learn more about Celine and the situation she had brought upon us.
  • Upon investigation, I discovered that Celine Jones was one of the country's most influential businesswomen, CEO of the construction conglomerate Jones and Associates. Her face graced the covers of top business magazines, and she was renowned as a leader in the construction sector.
  • "That's the difference," I thought, satisfied that my supposed son wouldn't have a weak matriarch.
  • I spent the afternoon delving into Celine's background, uncovering her long-standing relationship with another prominent businessman. I couldn't fathom why this information infuriated me, but I pushed the thought aside.
  • By late afternoon, Hector returned, reporting that our trusted men were already investigating the information I had given.
  • "If her claims are true, what do you intend to do?" Hector asked, meeting my gaze squarely.
  • "I will reclaim my child. He belongs to me," I stated firmly. Hector nodded, reviewing the papers I had provided.
  • "We will need a DNA test to confirm, but that poses risks—they could uncover the mutation in our cells," Hector cautioned. I raised an eyebrow, probing his intention.
  • "I am aware of the risks. That's why I have our medical team in place," I growled. Hector tightened his grip on the papers, sitting on the edge of his seat.
  • "Sir, I only meant to suggest..." Hector hesitated, then took a deep breath. "Perhaps it's best to let the pup perish," he suggested cautiously. I glared at him, rising to my feet and slamming my hands on the desk.
  • "I decide who lives and dies in this pack. If my blood flows in that child's veins, I will determine what's best for him," I declared darkly. "When I seek your opinion, I will ask for it. For now, follow my orders," I commanded, catching Hector off guard with my intensity. "Find out which hospital she's at with her baby and inform me. I want our medical team there the moment I locate her."
  • "Yes, my Alpha, of course," Hector responded hurriedly, quickly exiting my office to gather more information.
  • I settled back into my chair, studying Celine's photo on my laptop. Her serious expression and alluring figure intrigued me in a way different from others, but I couldn't ignore the new challenge she presented.
  • If the child truly belonged to me and I had the means to save him, would I? What price would come with keeping him alive and battling his mother for custody?
  • As I wielded power in my territory, so too did Celine wield power in hers.