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Chapter 8

  • Lily POV
  • Before I could process what was happening, the big wolf caught two rogue wolves and with the flick of his wrist, as if it was so normal tore them apart.
  • Blood splashed all over his face giving him a more dangerous look. He caught two more rogues and tore them apart too. I just remained there, watching as he continued fighting the other wolves until he stood among their scattered remains.
  • His chest was heaving with exertion, blood matted his fur. He faced the moon and growled, causing the rest of the rogues to scamper away whimpering. Suddenly, his eyes locked on mine and for a second, I thought I saw a smile but then I realized he was coming towards me.
  • There was no doubt that I was going to end up dead like those rogues. I pumped the engine trying to get out of the ditch my car was currently stuck in. My body trembled as he marched towards me and in one heave, removed the car from the ditch and set it on the road.
  • Now back to the path, I muttered a hurried thank you, before driving off. From the rear-view mirror, I could see the big wolf standing, staring at me as I drove away. Just when I was satisfied, he was not going to chase after me, I saw him launch into pursuit.
  • My car swerved dangerously as my body began to tremble again at the big Wolf’s pursuit. I could feel my car protesting… I had driven it past its limits but there was nothing I could now especially now.
  • A deep rumbling growl from the wolf again, spurred me as I placed my feet on the accelerator winding through the thick forest. The chase continued for what felt like hours but it had been only a few minutes. I was exhausted… my arms were aching me, my neck was too stiff and the big wolf was closing in on me.
  • The path curved surprising me who wasn’t expecting it to take such a turn. At full speed, I veered off the road. There was a loud crunch of metal on wood as I slammed straight into a tree near the edge of a lake.
  • The vehicle teetered precariously for a moment before settling, steam hissing from its bashed hood.
  • I could hear the pounding paws of the Big Wolf… couldn’t he see that I was injured because of it? The scent of my blood filled my nostrils as I felt my strength slowly ebbing out of me and yet, the big wolf didn’t want to relent.
  • “Moon goddess, please!” I murmured in my heart. I could taste my blood in my mouth and my vision was becoming blurry.
  • was lying motionless on the left side, I couldn’t feel my body. I could feel life slowly sapping out of my body. From where I lay in the wrecked car, I saw the big wolf stop at a distance and I almost celebrated that he would finally let me go.
  • Only for him to rush towards me. In an instant, he was at the driver’s door. Using his paws, he tore the door in one heave. He growled as he took one look at me making me wonder if he was glad that I could finally become his meal.
  • “Get away from me!” I whispered feeling my consciousness slip away from me. Just before the darkness enclosed me, I saw tenderness flash through its eyes.
  • ***
  • I didn’t know how long I was out as I regained consciousness. For a moment, I lay there, trying to piece together where I was and what had happened. Like a rush, everything that had happened came back to me, making me dizzy. The chase, the crash, the big wolf that didn’t want to let me go and the birds that had helped with the rogues.
  • My eyes flew wide open, my heart raced as I struggled to sit up. Since I was alive, it means that the big wolf hadn’t eaten me up. And were, was it?”
  • As my vision cleared, I realized I was lying next to the battered wreckage that was my car. The windshield was cracked beyond repair. I could smell the acrid scent of leaking oil but at least I was alive. Somehow, I had miraculously survived.
  • Aside from the dull ache to one side of my head, and a few bruises, I felt nothing broken. At least, I could still walk until I got to safety. Letting out a shaky breath, I hoisted my body up, placing my weight on my knees.
  • That was when I noticed the silence. The birds that had helped me with the rogues were not here.
  • “Thank you, birds or whatever you are,” I sighed looking at the trees “I don’t know if you all helped me on purpose but I am super grateful,”.
  • I felt the air shift and a chill ran down my spine. I heard slight water sounds behind me and slowly, cautiously, I turned my head towards the direction of the noise and my breath caught in my throat at the sight that greeted me.
  • This was definitely the reason the birds had run away… this fierce-looking man in the pond was enough reason for anyone to escape. Was he the big wolf that had been chasing me?
  • I watched as he waddled through the lake as if it were nothing more than a muddle of water with water cascading off his rippling muscles. I wanted to turn away and run but his eyes on me, captured my attention. They were golden and intense just like the big wolf that had chased me before. No doubt, this was it – in human form. His eyes were fixed on me with an emotion I couldn’t quite name.
  • Fear gripped my heart… this was it… I was his prey and he had come to claim my prize. Rogue wolves didn’t eat dead meat. Perhaps he was waiting for me to come alive before he feasted.
  • To hell if I would let him come an inch close to me. My eyes darted to my car which was beyond repair and was still stuck to the tree close to the lake. Slowly, I rose to my feet, my eyes still trained on the predator whose gaze had not left me once.
  • Moving on pure instinct, I entered into the wreckage that was my car… from where he was in the lake, it’ll take him about five minutes to come to land, put on his clothes and come after me. Even if he wanted to shift, it would take another 10 minutes for him to completely transform into his wolf. So I had 15 minutes to escape.
  • I fumbled for the keys still miraculously in the ignition. The engine sputtered and coughed and then by some small mercy, it roared to life. I threw the car into reverse… one eye trained on the man in the Lake and the other begging my car to come out of the tree. After about three minutes of firing the engine, the car finally climbed down from the tree.
  • Turning the wheels 360 degrees, I peeled away from the lake, kicking up a spray of mud and grass driving in the opposite direction. I caught one last glimpse of the man in my rearview mirror. He hadn’t moved to chase me. He simply stood there, watching me go with almost what looked like…
  • Longing?