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Chapter 5 The Night Party

  • (At Silver Resturant)
  • Rita and her coworkers were done serving the customers then the manager, Mr George, told all the workers to meet him in his office.
  • All the workers including Rita were twenty in number. The chefs, the waiters and waitresses and the cleaners were all present in Mr George's office except the security guards.
  • Mr George cleared his throat as he stared at his workers with a smile on his face.
  • Judging by his expression, one could tell that he was in a happy mood.
  • "One of the richest women in New York, Miss Jessica Moore, called me this morning then she told me she would be hosting a party tonight and..." He paused and took a quick glance at his workers then he continued.
  • "She told me that she wants our restaurant to be in charge of serving the guests so I want everyone to be in their best behaviour" Mr George said and everyone nodded in agreement.
  • "Sir, does that mean we'll work overnight?" A man asked.
  • "Yes but don't worry, I'll double everyone's salary for this month and you all will rest at your various homes tomorrow" Mr George replied and everyone smiled satisfactorily.
  • "You can all return back to your posts" Mr George concluded and everyone started leaving his office one after the other.
  • Bella and Rita walked together till they got to the reception.
  • There were just few customers left and since there was nothing much to do, they both sat down and watched the television.
  • Bella changed the channel to a news channel and the ongoing news got everyone's attention.
  • Everyone in the restaurant started murmuring amongst themselves as they watched the news programme.
  • The picture of Lucifer and his two brothers displayed on the screen.
  • "Who are those three guys?" Rita asked, referring to Lucifer and his brothers.
  • "Don't tell me you haven't heard of the L brothers." Bella said with a surprised look on her face.
  • "Sorry to burst your bubbles, I haven't heard of them and this is the first time I'm seeing them." Rita replied with an eye roll.
  • "You're joking, right?" Bella asked again. Still not believing the fact that Rita hadn't heard of Lucifer and his two brothers.
  • "Do I look like I am joking?" Rita scoffed.
  • "Alright then, let me tell you about the L brothers." Bella said.Then she adjusted herself on her seat and continued.
  • "The L brothers are three handsome brothers and they are the founders of L brothers Tech company which is also the biggest company in the whole of New York city." Bella explained.
  • "That's unbelievable!" Rita exclaimed as she returned her gaze back to the television.
  • She couldn't believe that the three handsome guys she was watching on the TV screen owned the biggest company in New York.
  • "They kinda look identical except for the hair colour." Rita said.
  • Bella nodded in agreement as they continued watching the news programme.
  • "The guy with the black hair is Mr Ferguson and he is the eldest of them." Bella said, referring to Lucifer.
  • "I heard that his real name is Lucifer but he prefers to be addressed as Mr Ferguson." Bella added.
  • Rita diverted her gaze from the TV to Bella. She stared at bella with a surprised look.
  • "Wait, you mean that guy's real name is Lucifer?" Rita asked, pointing at the TV.
  • "Yep" Bella simply replied.
  • "Who are the guys standing behind him?" Rita questioned.
  • "The guy with the red hair is Lucien while the other guy is Lucius. Lucius is the youngest." Bella answered.
  • "I wish they would attend Miss Moore's party tonight so I can have a chance to see their handsome faces" Bella said dramatically.
  • Rita kept staring at Lucifer on the TV screen. Surprisingly, she kinda felt attracted to him.
  • "Seems like someone is falling for Lucifer already" Bella teased.
  • "Nope, I ain't falling for him" Rita denied but deep down, she knew that she was lying.
  • "If you say so" Bella said and walked off. Rita kept staring at Lucifer's picture on the TV screen and she was already fantasizing about him.
  • "I'm going crazy" she muttered as she shook her head. She stood up and attended to the customers who were just coming in.
  • (At Miss Moore's Party)
  • (9:00pm)
  • A soft music was playing in the background as people arrived at the party. Not just ordinary people but rich and wealthy people.
  • It was an open space party. Everywhere was decorated with bright lights. Lots of chairs tables and were arranged .
  • Men and women with high ranking positions in the city were present. Camera lights were flashing across the place as men and women with high calibre walked on the red carpet.
  • Everyone seemed to be having a good time as they discussed cheerfully with one another.
  • Some were seated while some were standing in groups of two and three.
  • "Champagne please" A man requested as Rita carried a tray which contained various kinds of drinks.
  • "Thanks" the man said as Rita handed him a glass of champagne.
  • "Good evening everyone!" The party host, Miss Moore, greeted the guests.
  • Everyone faced the stage and paid attention to her.
  • "I am grateful that you all accepted my invitation so, let's enjoy the party!" She screamed and the DJ play a loud music.
  • Seven black cars suddenly drove in. Everyone diverted their attention to the cars.
  • Lucifer, Lucien and Lucius, stepped out of their cars. Bodyguards trooped out immediately from the other cars.
  • Reporters and journalists rushed to them with their cameras and microphone like they had been awaiting their arrival.
  • The three brothers wore the same outfit. A red tuxedo with a pair of black shoes.
  • Lucifer's golden earrings and chains were sparkling as the camera lights flashed on them.
  • The three brothers walked on the red carpet with style and swag.
  • Lucien smiled, revealing his golden set of teeth. Lucius was winking at the ladies and most of them almost fainted when he winked at them.
  • Lucifer kept a straight face with his right hand pocketed as they continued walking. Miss Moore walked towards them immediately with a wide smile on her face.
  • Miss Moore was also an epitome of beauty. She was fair skinned with moderate sized breasts. She had a slender body shape and a slim waist.
  • She wore a red gown which was decorated with silver. The make-up on her face was a bit excessive but it suited her. She also wore a matching red heels which made her attractive.
  • "Good evening Mr Ferguson" she greeted as she got to Lucifer and his brothers.
  • She kissed Lucifer on both sides of his cheeks. She also greeted Lucien and Lucius.
  • "I never expected that you guys were gonna accept my invitation even though you came late" miss Moore smiled.
  • "We came for the party and not for you" Lucius replied.
  • "Anyways, Congratulations on launching your new sex robot" Miss Moore said as they walked into the midst of other people.
  • "Thanks, you should also get one for yourself since you're still single. You're really gonna love it" Lucien said with a smirk on his face.
  • "Still as naughty as always" Miss Moore chuckled.
  • "I'm gonna get myself some drinks" Lucien said and walked off. It was obvious that Lucien hated Miss Moore's presence.
  • "Yeah, me too" Lucius also followed him.
  • Miss Moore fiddled her fingers nervously as she walked beside Lucifer. It was obvious that she had feelings for Lucifer.
  • "Good evening Mr Ferguson" An elderly man greeted Lucifer and they both shook hands.
  • "Evening Mr Ben" Lucifer replied curtly.
  • "And congratulations on launching your new invention" Mr Ben added.
  • "Thanks" Lucifer replied then Mr Ben walked away.
  • Lucifer took a glass of wine from a tray then he sipped from it. Miss Moore also took a glass of wine and she also sipped from it.
  • "Do you like the wine?" She asked with a seductive smile.
  • "Yep, it tastes nice." Lucifer replied and took another sip from his wine.
  • Lucifer glanced around then he sighted a familiar figure, serving the guests.
  • He tried to take a closer look at the lady but Miss Moore's voice interrupted him.
  • "Will you like to dance with me?" She asked.
  • Lucifer was about to answer when a glass of juice spilled on his tuxedo.
  • "Shit!" Lucifer cursed as the juice stained him.
  • He balled his fist in anger and was ready to punch whoever it was that spilled the juice on his tuxedo.