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Chapter 2

  • I woke up to the beeping of a machine beside me. I opened my eyes and looked around. I noticed that I am in the hospital. There are several machines attached to my body. I tried recalling what happened. I remembered being banned, running for two days, taking a rest and the rogues that attacked me before I passed out and I can’t remember anything else. I immediately panicked.
  • “Oh my god! Oh my god!” Where am I? Who brought me here?”. The heart matching attached to me started beating very fast, rhyming along with my heart. That must have attracted the attention of the people outside because the next thing I saw was a woman wearing a lab coat rushing inside the room to me.
  • “Hey! Calm down please, nothing is going to happen to you, you are safe okay!” She said to me in a calm pleading voice.
  • And that calmed me down. The next thing I felt was an injection piercing into my arm. And I immediately went back to sleep.
  • When I woke up later, I was more calm than before. I looked around the room and it looked like a hospital room. A luxurious one. If not because of the machines and medical equipment, I would have thought that I am in a hotel room.
  • Just then, the door opened and the lady entered into the room with a big smile over her face.
  • “Hey, how are you feeling now?” She asked me.
  • I nodded my head indicating that I was fine.
  • “That’s good! My name is Rose and I am one of the pack's doctors.
  • so i am in a pack, that means it was werewolves that saved me from those rogues.
  • I looked at her in confusion wondering which pack was this.
  • I guessed my face gave away my thoughts.
  • “Oh! In case you are wondering you are in the Sky blue pack. Our Gemma and one of our warriors were the one …”
  • I blocked everything she said as soon as I heard THE SKY BLUE pack. Every werewolf knows about them. They were the second most powerful pack apart from the Royal pack. The sky blue pack was also the largest pack with over a thousand members. The best thing about them was that they were ruled by two Alphas. No wonder they were the best. I mean there is a saying that says two heads are better than one. The pack is also known for not taking nonsense from anyone. I wondered what would happen to me as soon as I left the hospital. There is a high possibility that I will be killed. Maybe I should pretend to be sick longer so that way I can extend my lifespan.
  • “Anyway, two of your ribs are broken apart from that you are fine. In two days time you should be completely fine.
  • “So…” Rose began striking a conversation with me again.
  • “What happened to you? How did you become a rogue? You still smell nice so I guess that you have recently become a rogue.”
  • “I..
  • Just as I was about to answer her, the door opened and a girl rushed.
  • “Hey Rose, hey dear beautiful rogue!” The girl greeted jovially.
  • “ That's rude Lisa, you can’t call her a rogue, she has a name. Wait I don’t even know your name” Rose said looking directly at me. The new girl Lisa was also watching me with curiosity.
  • “Sophia!” I answered in a whisper as I bow my head down. Am not sure they heard me though. I am naturally a timid person and I normally don’t like being the mist of people.
  • “Well nice meeting you Sophia, what a lovely name you got there. Can I call you Princess Sophia? you know like The Disney princess Sophia the first.” As you know Lisa is the best friend to this brat here” Lisa answered as she threw a pillow at Rose who re- threw the pillow at her. Soon they started a pillow fight.
  • I smiled as I looked at them. What a lovely friendship I thought. I remembered my former pack Elsa and Lily. They were the two people Whom I actually felt comfortable with. I wondered how they were doing. Thinking about them made me emotional and I didn’t even realize that I was crying.
  • “Oh! You poor thing, you must have really gone through a lot! Come here”. Rose hugged me. Personally I can’t remember the last time someone hugged me. It feels so good to be hugged.
  • I hugged her back and began to cry out from the bottom of my heart.
  • After crying for about two hours, I finally felt better. It’s actually good to cry. When you cry you relieve the sadness and grieve in your heart.
  • “Are you feeling better now?” Rose asked me in a gentle voice.
  • I nodded my head at her. She is very nice and compassionate . I am just a rogue and she is treating me with love and care. no wonder she is the pack’s doctor. I remember the doctor at my old pack. She is very rude and heartless. On top of it all she resembles an ugly duckling unlike Rose who looks breathtaking with her deep blue eyes, curly ginger hair, pinky lips and a glowing skin.
  • “Hey! Who missed me!” Lisa said as she made her way back into the room. She had left earlier when I started crying. I guess she wants to give me space.
  • “Nobody!” Rose replied as she rolled her eyes at Lisa.
  • “O shut up! Am sure Princess Sophia missed me, am I right?
  • I nodded my head at her. I really need to stood nodding as if I am a lizard, I thought to myself.
  • “See! the princess has MISSED me!” Lisa said, stressing the “missed” as she stuck her tongue out at Rose.
  • “Whatever!” Rose said as she rolled her eyes at Lisa.
  • “Whatever!” Lisa repeated.
  • I laughed at how childish they were acting. I didn’t know that I laughed out loud until I noticed both of them looking at me with smiles on their faces.
  • “Well you do have a beautiful laughing princess!” Lisa commented and Rose nodded her head in agreement to that.
  • “Anyway, I brought food, I think we should eat before it gets cold,” Lisa said as she brought out warmers from the leather bag she came back with.