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Chapter 5

  • **Elora's POV**
  • “You can't be serious!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. Was he that shameless to use the “Omega” trick against me?
  • Omega wolves are low ranked, but that doesn't dispute the fact that I am the Alpha's daughter and the throne is mine.
  • The elders shook their heads as they looked at me, and I mentally rolled my eyes. Elder Blake gave me a reassuring look and I exhaled.
  • “Elora, you're an omega; a low rank wolf. It's not right for you to lead us.” One of the elders said.
  • “I am an omega, yes, I am not arguing, but that isn't going to stop me from taking what is rightfully mine!” I snapped.
  • They were about to talk, but I raised my hand. “Hold it, I'm not done yet. When my father was alive, Beta Dexter had suggested they hide the truth about me being an omega. I didn't consent to that and so did my father, but he sweet talked my father into hiding the truth from you all. I should have known he was waiting for the perfect day to bring it to the light, but you know what? It's fine that way. At least, you all will get to see that an omega can do a better job than an Alpha wolf.” I folded my arms.
  • The Elders exchanged looks before averting their gazes to Beta Dexter.
  • “So, you suggested it?” Elder Blake asked.
  • “Yes, because it's a shameful thing for the Alpha's daughter to be an Omega. I did all that for her own good. Should the people find out, their respect for her would reduce.” He defended and I scoffed.
  • “I never asked you to look out for me, Beta Dexter. I can take care of myself, and I'll take care of the throne better. I have the blood of my father running through my veins. There is no difference between me and an Alpha wolf, so I'd suggest you step down while I'm being nice. You don't want to get forced down, do you?” I asked.
  • “Enough!” The second-oldest Alpha stood up. He glared daggers at me as he approached me, but I stood with my head up. Elder Matt, I knew him too well. He joined hands with Beta Dexter to sell off one of my father's lands after his death. He had automatically added himself to my blacklist and won't be spared either.
  • “Do you have any idea who we are, child? We are the elders of this pack. We've been doing this even before you were born, and it is up to us to decide whether you'll sit on that throne or not. You're still young and have no experience. Now, go to your room and forget we ever had this conversation.” He turned his back to me.
  • “Wow! That's a pleasant one. So, because I am omega, you want to strip me of my right to the throne?” I asked lazily.
  • “No one is stripping you of your title. We are only waiting for the right them — for you to come of age. When that happens, and we see that you are mature enough, we will gladly hand over the throne to you.” Elder Matt said in a matter of fact tone and took his seat.
  • They think I'll back down that easily, they were mistaken.
  • “I still stand on my decision, elders, and if you aren't ready to support me, the door is that way.” I pointed to the door, hoping they would just stand and leave the throne room.
  • “Are you chasing the elders out?” Dexter asked and feigned surprise before facing the elders. “You see what I'm talking about? This girl will throw this pack in the mud if we let her emerge as Luna. She might even turn us into slaves.”
  • I rolled my eyes and counted 1-5 mentally to calm myself down. There wasn't any need to raise my voice anymore. I'm going to take things slow and steady.
  • Elder Blake stood up and with his hands tucked into his robe, he faced Beta Dexter.
  • “As a leader, you're supposed to lead by example. I've said this before and I'll continue saying this. Before the late Alpha died, you promised that you would allow Elora to ascend the throne whenever she was ready. You promised the Alpha that you would guide and make sure she doesn't make the wrong decisions, and I am a witness to that. That day, nothing of this sort was mentioned; omega, age restriction and so on. She said she is ready, and I see her potential. Give the throne to her.” He said calmly.
  • “What the hell are you saying? Do you want a little girl to be your leader? And not just any little girl, an omega?” Dexter snapped.
  • “We won't accept that!” An Elder stood up.
  • I have had just about enough of all these shenanigans. I've been talking and talking, but it seems action is going to speak louder than words in this case.
  • I snapped my fingers and the guards turned to face me.
  • “I will give the two of you one last chance to take that man off my throne right now. Disobey my orders at your own risk,” I thundered, and could swear my gaze on them was fiery, judging from how they shuddered, while looking at me.
  • “Alpha, please step down, or we would have to forcefully take you.” One of the guards said.
  • “You wouldn't dare! Do you want to have your heads hung on the poles?” He threatened.
  • “Take him.” I ordered, my voice bold, firm and authoritative. If they don't want the easy way, I'm ever ready to use the hard way.
  • The guards approached him and grabbed him, taking him away from the throne. He tried to fight them, but couldn't.
  • “Elora, you're making a grave mistake!” One of the elders yelled.
  • I ignored him and cat walked to where the throne was placed. On the floor laid the crown that had fallen from his head when the guards took him. I picked it up.
  • “Do not wear it, Elora!” Beta Dexter yelled.
  • I yawned and placed the crown on my head, then took the Scepter and proceeded to sit on the throne.
  • “Don't you dare sit on it.” They snapped.
  • I smirked and sat down, then crossed my legs.
  • “All hail the Luna.” I smirked.