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Chapter 2

  • **Elora's POV**
  • Betrayal hurts more than anything, especially if it is from someone you love; someone you thought loved and cared for you. That day was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, but it turned out to be a miserable one. I was brutally murdered, and my throne was at stake.
  • At that time, everything was pitch black with no way out. Then, I knew what I had to do, and that was to request favor from the moon goddess. She answered me and in that darkest hour, I emerged, not as before but as someone new; someone strong, someone who was ready to eliminate all her enemies.
  • *************
  • My eyes fluttered open and I exhaled. It was like breaths were gathering in my nose. I gasped and sprung up from the bed. My chest heaved up and down as if I was going to die a second time but after sometime, everything stabilized.
  • “Where am I?” I rubbed my eyes to see clearly, but it was all a bit blurry. Was this the afterlife? Wasn't the afterlife supposed to be clear and peaceful? I thought there was no pain after death but why does my heart ache? Why was the betrayal still fresh in my head? I wondered, but then my vision cleared, and I realized I was in my old room from two years ago.
  • What was I doing here? I had packed from this place after graduation and lived in the palace. What the hell was I doing back here, and why did everything look different?
  • I paced around the room, trying to comprehend what exactly was going, but couldn't place my fingers on it. I passed by the mirror and halted to look at myself.
  • It was me; me from two years ago. I still had that curly and stupid hair, looked small and naive with my glasses still on. Yes, I was a nerd, a book worm that got bullied by almost every student in college because I couldn't defend myself.
  • It was me; the pathetic me!
  • “Something is definitely wrong somewhere.” I muttered.
  • My phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID, it was Zora. “How dare she call me after what she has done?” That bitch! I threw the phone on the bed, but it kept on ringing. I had no choice but to answer, besides, I needed answers to what was really going on.
  • “Elora, where are you? The party is about to start.” Her voice boomed through the phone.
  • I arched my brows in confusion. What party was she talking about?
  • “What party are you talking about?” I asked.
  • “Stop being silly and get dressed already. The party won't start without you and I wouldn't be able to take a picture, duh!” She snapped.
  • “What party?” I asked firmly this time.
  • “Whoa, calm down, tigress. Today is our graduation party, Elly. So, quit the pretense and get your ass here!” She hung up.
  • “Graduation party? Graduation from college?” I muttered, thinking deep.
  • I graduated from college two years ago. The day of the graduation was when I met that bastard, Lucien! But what could I possibly be doing back in time? I was supposed to be dead. I was supposed to have moved on to the afterlife and had peace.
  • Suddenly, everything became clear. I remembered my prayer to the moon goddess and shrieked in happiness when I realized that she had actually answered my prayers and brought me two years back to when it all started. When it all fucking started and I was going to put this second chance to use.
  • There is only one reason why she brought me back, and that reason is nothing but REVENGE. I'm going to make them pay for every single thing they have done to me. None of them will be spared, starting from Zora and Lucien to my father's beta and cabinet members and all others who have contributed to causing me pain.
  • You all should watch out for me because I'm not that girl you know anymore.
  • In my past life, I have made numerous mistakes of being too nice, shy, kind and naive, oblivious of what the world truly was; oblivious of the evil going on but now that I know everything and what I should be expecting, I won't make those mistakes twice. I won't let them trample on me any longer or treat me like a piece of shit. I know my place and I'm ready to get it.
  • I have been reborn and the sole reason for my rebirth is to make sure they're all taken care of, every single one of them, and I won't hold back.
  • I quickly flipped through my wardrobe and brought out something to wear. It was a short red sleeve top with spaghetti straps, which was quite fitting since we would be attending a school function, so it would be rather formal attire. Also, it matched my favorite pair of jeans. I wore these because of how tight my pants got in the waistband. Not to mention, they also fitted my bust perfectly.
  • I applied a bit of makeup and picked up my purse and graduation gown before stepping out of the room. The chauffeur was already waiting for me.
  • When I got to the venue for the party, it was already in full swing. Music blared from the speakers and students danced with each other. I took a seat and watched everything.
  • “Whoa, you look different,” Zora exclaimed and sat beside me. I felt like digging my fingers into her eyes and pulling her eyeballs out, but I controlled myself.
  • “What difference do you see?” I asked, trying not to sound rude, but my voice gave me away.
  • “No need for the attitude. It's just that you haven't dressed like this or done makeup before, believe me when I say, it's cute.” She smiled.
  • I was about to say something when I saw Lucien coming from afar. My wolf growled just at the sight of him. We couldn't wait to rip him apart. I clenched my fists until the extent that my knuckles were turning white. I remembered gawking at him and telling Zora how good-looking he was that day. I fell for him at first sight, little did I know he was the devil.
  • He got to where I sat and took an empty seat at the other side. “Good day, princess.” He gave me a seductive smile. That smile sent butterflies down my stomach before, but now, I felt nothing. All I felt was anger and resentment, making me feel like wiping that smile off his face with a slap.
  • “What do you want?” I asked coldly, shocking him and Zora in the process.
  • Yeah, that's right. I was the shy, kind and naive princess before and that has made me lose everything, including my life. Now, I am back in full force, ready to shock all my enemies.
  • “Um, my name is Lucien Gray, son of the school's chancellor. It's a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled and I scoffed.
  • “Just go straight to the point. I haven't got all day,” I said lazily, and Zora gasped.
  • How foolish was I then? I kept blushing and giggling at every word he spoke. I was such a naive fool.
  • “Come on, Elora. A cute guy just found you attractive. Stop playing hard to get.” She said,
  • “I don't remember requesting your opinion on this,” I snapped, and her mouth parted in shock. “Lucien or whatever you're called, go straight to the reason you're here. I am not as jobless as you are.” I said.
  • “Alright, Princess. Well, I've been watching you for a while now, and I totally like you. You have everything I want in a woman, and I would like you to go out with me.”
  • I was quiet for a while. I looked at Zora through the corner of my eyes and saw how she was throwing seductive looks his way. He smiled and when I turned, his expression turned serious. So, this was where it all started. You all should get ready to face my wrath.
  • I stood up with the aim of leaving and he held my hand. “Let go,” I ordered, and he did so immediately. “When you're done making a fool of yourself, you can do my eyes a favor and get lost.” With that said, I walked away from there.
  • I cursed under my breath as I made my way to wherever my legs could take me. Being there with them will only fuel my anger. My anger subsided when a marvelous scent hit my nostrils. It was like fresh roses dipped in cinnamon water and perfumed.
  • My wolf leaped for joy and growled happily. This scent sent a churning feeling down my stomach and I inhaled, trying to get more of it. I sniffed the air and started following the scent, determined to find this scent that was fast attacking my nostrils in a good way.
  • Due to the hills I was wearing, I couldn't walk properly and almost fell, but a pair of strong arms grabbed me. That moment, it felt like the world had stopped. Something sparked within me and my wolf rose to the surface. I looked up and was shocked to see someone I hated for life. I quickly pulled away from his embrace and my wolf purred before mouthing the words I didn't want to hear even in a million years.
  • “Mate.”