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Chapter 11 An Invitation From The Skies

  • The North Street of Jacaster fell under the jurisdiction of Winona, tasked with ensuring the thorough cleanliness of the entirety of the street.
  • “I wonder what Franklin is doing right now?” Winona mused, her hands gripping a large broom as she allowed herself a moment of daydreaming about Franklin.
  • Just the day before, the thought of any man had never crossed her mind in such a manner.
  • Now, whether she was sweeping the streets or taking a brief respite, the image of Franklin lingered persistently in her thoughts, refusing to fade.
  • Clack!
  • The sound snapped her out of her reverie as a piece of watermelon rind hit the ground near her.
  • Winona promptly rose to her feet, driven by instinct to address the mess. After all, maintaining cleanliness here was her primary duty.
  • Almost immediately after, an irritatingly taunting voice rang out, “Come on, hurry up, you ugly freak. Clean up the watermelon rinds, or I'll complain about your laziness to the bosses. They'll surely fire you, and then you won't even have the streets to sweep!”
  • The voice belonged to none other than Rebecca, who gazed down at Winona from her elevated stance, her words dripping with condescension.
  • “It's absolutely repulsive,” Samuel chimed in, his voice thick with revulsion. “I was about to enjoy another piece, but the sight of this ugly freak completely killed my appetite.”
  • With a dramatic retch, he deliberately let the watermelon he was holding fall to the ground, where it smashed into pieces.
  • With her lips pressed tightly together in a thin line, Winona kept her gaze lowered, focusing solely on her sweeping task.
  • She was well aware that Rebecca was the apple of the matriarch's eye, a figure too influential to be openly defied.
  • Yet, Rebecca's antagonism didn't subside. With her hands placed firmly on her hips, she continued to badger, “You all saw that, didn't you? This freak is obviously shirking her duties and has a terrible attitude. I'm definitely going to report her later and ensure she's fired.”
  • With a crooked grin, Samuel reassured her, “Don't fret, I know the sanitation department head personally. I'll make sure this eyesore is sent packing back home, haha...”
  • Winona's face turned pale, and she quickly responded, “Rebecca... please, this is the only job I could secure...”
  • “Don't call me by my name, I don't recognize you as my cousin, you freak,” Rebecca interrupted with a face twisted in disgust. She had never accepted Winona as part of her family.
  • Changing her tone to one of cold mockery, Rebecca added, “If you kneel and beg, maybe I won't report you!”
  • “Come on, kneel down. It's hardly shameful!” Samuel's face bore the expression of someone delighting in the unfolding drama, completely detached from the potential turmoil.
  • Tears began to well up in Winona's eyes. Over the years, she and her mother had suffered endless humiliations at the hands of Rebecca. They had attempted to resist, yet the matriarch of the Leaven family always sided with Rebecca, leaving them to bear the brunt of the consequences.
  • Reflecting on all these injustices, Winona felt her knees gradually bending...
  • Just as Winona seemed poised to kneel, Rebecca's face lit up with a vindictive satisfaction, akin to enjoying an ice cream on a swelteringly hot day. She taunted, “Just so you remember, you must kneel whenever you see me—”
  • Before she could finish her sentence, a Rolls-Royce Phantom screeched to a halt nearby. From it emerged an elderly man dressed impeccably in a suit, who quickly approached Winona.
  • “Ms. Leaven, Lord Empyrean has tasked me with delivering this invitation to you personally. He cordially invites you to attend his succession ceremony!” Desmond announced, presenting a beautifully carved wooden box that contained a stack of over twenty thick invitations, placing it respectfully before Winona.
  • “Is this truly for me?” Winona's eyes widened in shock.
  • She had heard rumors of the Empyrean succession ceremony, but never imagined she would personally receive an invitation.
  • “What's going on? How did this happen?” Samuel's expression shifted dramatically.
  • The Webster family had exerted considerable effort and pulled numerous strings to obtain just one invitation. Yet here was Winona, unexpectedly holding several?
  • Stunned, Rebecca froze for a moment before regaining her composure and rushing forward, exclaiming, “Sir, there must be some mistake. I am Ms. Leaven. Surely, it's me you're looking for!”
  • Desmond replied coolly, “My instructions from Lord Empyrean were specific to escort Ms. Winona Leaven. Are you Winona? If not, then please step aside!”
  • “Y-Yes, we're leaving right now!”
  • Rebecca wanted to protest further, but Samuel quickly pulled her away, thinking, This must be some sort of joke. The guy delivering the invitation is clearly from Lord Empyrean's entourage. We can't confront them recklessly.
  • As the duo made their awkward exit, Desmond then stepped forward, presenting the invitation to Winona with both hands before bowing and retreating.
  • “Is this really meant for me?” Winona stood, holding the stack of invitations, rooted to the spot in disbelief. It felt as if she were living a dream.
  • In the main hall of the Leaven residence, an important family meeting was underway.
  • “In just a few days, the grand succession ceremony for the new Lord Empyrean will take place. This event is without precedent, attracting only the elite of Jacaster's society, including political leaders and other prominent figures from various sectors,” the family matriarch announced to the gathered members of the family.
  • “Only a handful of second-tier families have been graced with invitations, not to mention third-tier families... It is crucial that we, the Leaven family, obtain an invitation,” she continued, her commanding presence felt by everyone in the room.
  • Yolanda Leaven, the matriarch of the Leaven family, then set the tone for the discussion that followed. As she spoke, the main hall erupted into fervent discussion.
  • “Empyrean is currently the most influential and secretive organization globally. Gaining entry to their event would significantly elevate our family's status!”
  • “Lord Empyrean controls assets worth trillions, holds unparalleled power, and commands a legion of experts...”
  • “What does a top-tier family amount to in his presence? They wouldn't even qualify to lift his shoes. If we can gain the favor of Lord Empyrean, not only could we advance to a second-tier family, but we might even rise to become a top-tier powerhouse!”
  • The atmosphere was charged with ambition and aspiration, as eyes sparkled with the prospect of ascending the social hierarchy.
  • However, Seamus Leaven a prominent third-generation member of the Leaven family, interjected with a dose of reality, “Considering our current standing, securing an invitation could be quite a challenge for us.”
  • His words momentarily silenced the room, casting a pall over the assembly as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown over their heads.
  • Indeed, despite some recognition in Jacaster, the Leavens were at best a third-tier family, unlikely to attract the attention of such a formidable figure as Lord Empyrean, let alone receive an invitation.
  • The hopeful thoughts that had filled the room seemed suddenly out of reach.
  • Even Yolanda sighed deeply, her heart heavy with the possibility that they might miss this significant event.
  • Just then, a voice cut through the silence from outside the hall, “Grandma, we have wonderful news!”
  • It was Rebecca, bursting into the room with an urgent update. “Grandma, the problem isn't the invitations; that ugly freak Winona has a ton of them!”
  • She proceeded to recount how Winona had unexpectedly come into possession of over twenty invitations.
  • “Impossible!”
  • The room buzzed with skepticism, some members shaking their heads in disbelief, and the elderly matriarch on the verge of chastising Rebecca for what seemed an implausible claim.
  • “It's true.” Rebecca, sensing the doubt, quickly pulled out her phone to show proof of her claims.
  • As the image displayed on her phone was passed around, every member of the Leaven family was struck with astonishment. They could hardly believe that Winona, a person they had scarcely regarded, had indeed captured the favor of the mysterious Lord Empyrean.
  • Instantly, the room transformed from disbelief to elation.
  • “Well done, Rebecca!” the elderly lady exclaimed, her voice trembling with a mix of shock and excitement. She then composed herself and issued a directive with renewed vigor, “Rebecca, go to Winona's house immediately and tell her to bring the invitations when she visits me.”
  • Determined more than ever, the Leaven family was set on securing an invitation at any cost.