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Chapter 6

  • Artemisia
  • Shivering pleasantly, I force myself up to escape this situation before I do something to trouble my parents even more.
  • “Do you have a place like this on your pack lands too?”
  • As he catches up with me leisurely, my heart starts beating faster in my chest.
  • The moonlight touches the surface of the lake, creating a romantic scenery. His face gets kissed by the rays of light that illuminate his left side, taking my breath away.
  • It takes me a few seconds to realize that his looking at me as well. We stay silently for what seems like an eternity, and at one point I think that I must be dreaming. His eyes get black, leaving just single golden flecks to swirl in his irises.
  • I gasp, and as I’m about to take a step back, he is faster to stop me from it, grabbing my forearm gently. I get captured by his intense gaze, losing myself completely.
  • As he takes a step forward to stand even closer, I gulp. I’m a bit confused that I don’t feel any sparks on my skin as his touch feels heavenly.
  • “Cayden?” I whisper, watching him leaning closer.
  • But he stays quiet, his lips nearing mine slowly. My heart hitches in my throat, and I close my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine. I feel his warm breath fanning me, making me heat up even more.
  • His lips have barely grazed mine as a loud growly tears me out of my trance.
  • Cayden seems unfazed by the threatening roar as I look at him but looks just deadly annoyed. Turning my head to the origin of the sound, I find one of my brothers clenching his fist with his chest heaving.
  • “What the fuck, Blackwood!” He shouts, his wolf fighting for dominance.
  • Cayden straightens his spine unimpressed, while I panic.
  • And what stupid timing, idiot!
  • ‘Go away, idiot! What are you doing?’ I mind-link him, getting his angry expression to turn on me.
  • “Don’t dare to talk to me like that after I found you in such a bad position!” He roars, making me mewl.
  • So embarrassing.
  • But Cayden chuckles, apparently unaware that my brother is about to attack him. “Chill, Guerrieri! You are interrupting! Don’t you have some cake to eat?”
  • Oh, you can’t be serious.
  • Seeing my brother about to pop off, I stand in his way, trying to calm him down. “Zeno, please. You have to calm down. Don’t…”
  • “Don’t tell me what to do!” He growls, charging past me.
  • “No!” I shout panically, as I turn around, not able to stop my brother, who is shifting midair.
  • Turning around, I’m just in time to see Cayden blocking my brother and swinging him into the lake as if he were made out of hay.
  • He didn’t even shift partly, turning to look at my now struggling brother swimming in the lake back in his human form.
  • I run to stand next to him wide-eyed as my brother reaches the shore on the other side of the lake slowly.
  • “Oh my God! I’m so sorry! He is such an idiot!”
  • Cayden flashes me a gorgeous smile, his canines flashing in the moonlight. “Don’t worry. You told me you were their favorite!”
  • That makes me smile, and I shake my head while lowering my gaze to prevent him from seeing me blush. As my eyes set on his arm, my breath hitches.
  • “Oh, no! You are hurt!”
  • He clicks his tongue, lifting his arm. “Ah, no. It’s just a scratch. Don’t worry.”
  • I slip my stole from me to wrap it around his arm.
  • “Really, Missy. Don’t worry. There is no need to ruin your dress!”
  • Pressing the cloth to his wound which probably has already closed by now, I feel strangely agitated.
  • “Really!” He repeats, laying his hand on mine. “Missy.”
  • Taking a deep breath, I feel his touch calming me, and slowly but surely this is creeping me out.
  • He smiles as I look at him, feeling excruciated.
  • “You smell nice.” His husky whisper, hits me right in the heart, making my chest squeeze.
  • A clearing of a throat gets me to jump once again, meeting my brother’s eyes. “Are you alright? What happened?” Giorgio asks worriedly.
  • His eyes narrow as he sees Zeno walking back around the lake slumped and dripping wet.
  • “It’s my fault, Alpha Guerrieri,” Cayden says, and I look at him surprised. “I made a stupid joke. And he just wanted to protect his sister’s pride. I’m sorry for the fuss I created!”
  • Giorgio doesn’t seem to be convinced about what Cayden is saying, but he knows better than to accuse an enemy pack’s alpha of lying.
  • “No worries, Alpha Blackwood. I’m sorry if my brother wasn’t able to react like a grown adult to a joke.”
  • After a lot of diplomatic back and forth between the two, Zeno finally reaches us.
  • “Chiedi scusa!” I hiss at him, making him distort his face. [Apologize!]
  • Zeno sways back and forth, acting childishly, but as more and more people join us at the lake, he finally gives in. “I’m sorry, Alpha Blackwood!”
  • “No, please. I apologize as well.”
  • Cayden taps my hand gently before he steps away to meet his pack members standing a few steps away from us.
  • I watch him, rooted to the ground while Giorgio is reprimanding Zeno. As the group of men has reached the side of the house, about to disappear, I detach myself from the ground and run towards his broad back.
  • “Alpha Blackwood.” I cringe internally, as I call him, reaching him with fast steps. He turns around looking at me unamused, and I get immediately what angers him.
  • “Cayden, sorry.” While he smiles lightly, my stomach turns at the hateful glances I get from his entourage. “Thank you. For what you said to Giorgio. I hope you can forgive my brother and not think that badly of us.”
  • “Of course, Missy.”
  • He is about to open my stole bandage when I stop him. “No, please. You can keep it. I won’t be wearing this dress anymore anyway.”
  • I force a smile as he sighs happily, “What a pity. It looks stunning on you.”
  • “Oh, thank you,” I say, feeling my cheeks heat up.
  • With another smile and a slight bow, he turns around, his baritone seeping through my skin.
  • “Good night, Missy. Thank you for the tour.”
  • I blink several times before I get myself to speak. “All my pleasure, Cayden.”
  • “Good night,” I add in a stutter, hitting my leg with my fist repeatedly.
  • So, embarrassing.