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Chapter 42 You're Amazing Baby

  • Lexa’s [POV]
  • I had given him a bit of a tease on the way home from dinner, but I had been scared things would finish too soon if I wasn’t careful. Besides, I liked seeing him all worked up. His face had flushed, and there was a bead of sweat across his brow by the time we reached the house. I leaned closer and stroked his cock, which was still hard and throbbing when he shut off the car.
  • He turned and kissed me, my hand never stopping, and he slipped his down to my thigh and moved it higher up my skirt until his fingertips brushed against my mound. I moaned against his mouth, and he pulled away as if to give me payback as he got out of the car. He made sure his cock was hidden behind his pants as he came around and opened my door.
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