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Chapter 6 The Monster

  • Ella
  • What I have just experienced is nowhere near my wildest imagination. I knew this man was delusional and trust me I have met all sorts of crazy. First, he dragged me along with a lie that we were going for a ride. Honestly, I don’t know if I’m supposed to be grateful or shaken because I thought he brought me here to kill me.
  • He killed two men with a promise of killing more when I disobeyed him. What type of sick bastard is he? I contemplate as my fear and anxiety slowly turn into anger.
  • After throwing in threats and killing two men, he lazily got up from the chair and continued chatting with the man he just threatened. The man had lost a few front teeth and his mouth was full of blood but tried to mask it as Adrian kept tapping his shoulder making him flinch each time.
  • He asked one of his guards to take me home and from the exchanged eye contact I could tell they were friends. The car drove at high speed as my mind drifted back to the insane turn of events. When is he going to tell me why he bought me?
  • Just a reminder that he promised to ruin me makes me shiver and my eyes swell with tears but I refuse to cry. It has been so many days and I haven’t called my Nana and Grandpa all week Eventually they will start to wonder and worry.
  • “Hi uhm. Do you happen to know where my phone is?’’ I ask, despite my fear.
  • “No love, you haven’t earned that yet.’’ He laughs and I almost slap the back of his head but I decide to just try another method. Especially since they are very much likely to kill me soon.
  • “Look, I just need to call my Grandparents. They will start looking for me.’’
  • “No, they won’t because they are the reason you are in this shit in the first place,’’ he responds and his words send anger rippling through me.
  • “You have no shame! How dare you drag my weak grandparents into your mess?’’ I yell, my stomach twisting with fear.
  • "Well if they worked harder, you wouldn't have had to borrow money now would you?" he asks in a mocking tone.
  • What about Todd? Tears roll down my face as I realize he must think I'm dead or I just ran away from him.
  • My life was taken away from me in the blink of an eye for a reason I thought was debt but now it seems there is more to the story.
  • My mind has drifted in thoughts that I don’t even notice how I get to my room.
  • A soft knock jolts me back to reality.
  • “Come in,’’ I say, looking up at the door.
  • A pretty young woman in a maid's uniform walks in. From her features, she looks like she is the same age as me. Smiling, she takes a seat on my bed.
  • “I know we haven’t met yet but my name is Camilla. I thought you could maybe use a friend?’’ She offers.
  • “Thanks.’’ I force a smile. Not sure if I should trust her or not. She notices my hesitation and stands up.
  • “Don’t worry, you will trust me very soon. I am on your side. But for now, you will need to take a quick bath and get ready for dinner. The Boss will be home soon.’’
  • “Right. Thanks.’’
  • Maybe I can take this opportunity to see if there is anything I can do for him to let me go.
  • After a quick shower, I wear a pair of jeans I was wearing the day I was kidnapped and my old Tshirt. Heading downstairs, I find the table already set and empty.
  • “Nonna?’’ I call out.
  • “Sit. Adrian will be in soon. We will be in the kitchen. Make sure you behave.’’ Her voice reaches me when she steps into the dining area.
  • They expect me to sit alone with him on this huge table? I almost laugh at the ridiculousness. I take a sit and count numbers to pass time because it seems the criminal has no regard for time.
  • Doors burst open and as if the air is suddenly pulled out of the room, my body goes rigid.
  • “What are you wearing?’’ He asks as he takes a seat opposite mine and threads his hands together, placing them under his chin.
  • “What?’’ I look at him, confused.
  • “Do you always answer a question with another question, Ella?’’ His deep voice questions and I immediately regret my response.
  • “No, Sir. I’m sorry. I am wearing a jean and a Tshirt.’’ I answer.
  • “Why?’’
  • “Because I don’t have anything else to wear.’’ I respond as I fight the urge to role my eyes.
  • Isn’t it common sense that I didn’t exactly have enough time to pack looking at how I was brought here in the first place?
  • He looks at me for a minute and continues to put food on his plate. I do the same and we eat in silence for some time until I’m full and can’t take it anymore. But the way he makes me feel so nervous, I decide to keep eating to avoid his gaze.
  • “Have you eaten enough?’’ His deep voice comes.
  • “Yes,’’ my voice is soft as I respond.
  • “Good, stand up.’’ He commands coldly, his voice sending a chill down my spine.
  • Is he going to kill me now after feeding me?
  • “Why?” The words leave my lips before I can stop myself.
  • He raises his brow at me and I immediately stand up.
  • “You will do exactly as I tell you to do without question or else someone will pay for it, do you understand, schiava?’’ He asks his voice deep and low, making me want to sit back and stay away from this dangerous man.
  • “Y- yes Sir.’’
  • “Good, now remove your clothes.’’
  • What?
  • My face goes pale and all the blood drains from my body as I realize that he bought me to be his sex slave. Will he sell me after he has had his way with me?
  • Tears roll down my face as I remove my T-shirt and jeans. I stand in fear with only a bra and panties.
  • He looks at me ignoring my tears. His cold gray eyes look like they are having a storm brewing in them and that makes me want to roll on the ground and weep. But I will not give him that satisfaction to completely break and ruin me. I wipe my tears and remove the bra and panties with my eyes locked on him.
  • “Walk to me.’’ He says with his voice now hoarse.
  • I walk and the friction that rubs on me as I walk turns me on. I’m a virgin! I shouldn’t feel such things, especially for this criminal.
  • I love Todd… I remind myself as I walk to Adrian.
  • The moment I reach near him, he pulls me to him and spins me around so my back is to his front. He bites my ear lobe as his hot breath fans my neck, making me moan involuntarily.
  • His hands cup my breasts and squeeze them, making my nipples hard. He takes his other hand and messages my opening except he doesn’t touch where I want him to touch.
  • The feeling is heaven and I feel like my eyes are rolling in the back of my head as his hands move around me.
  • Suddenly, his hands disappear and I’m left with longing. Confused and frustrated, I turn to look back at him but his face is as cold as ice.
  • He lays back in his chair and pulls out a cigarette as I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do and my center throbbing.
  • “Get out.’’ He says as he breathes out a breath of smoke.
  • Tears roll down my face as I feel a stabbing pain in my chest.
  • Was I not as experienced as he would want?
  • Will he kill me now?
  • I pick up my clothes and put them back on and turn to leave when a voice stops me in my tracks.
  • “Don’t even think about fucking yourself. I will know.’’
  • Is this man a sick bastard?
  • How can I not have permission to touch my own privates?
  • But deep down, I feel frustrated for not being touched.
  • What is happening to me? Get a grip, Ella.
  • The frustration of not experiencing an orgasm builds and I curse at him for doing this to me.
  • I will revenge. I walk out and head to my room with a new plan forming in my head.