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Chapter 9 Gratitude To The Universe

  • "Something very sinister is happening in this forest. There's too much malevolence for this mountain to host, and time is running out. I feel lost", he thought.
  • As they walked to find shelter, Yun, holding Siu in his arms, couldn't help but ponder the chaotic situation he was entangled in. He knew that even if there were a monument to the now famous Fenghuang at the mountain's summit, what were the chances of finding it there, when things in the surroundings were turning dire with every passing second?
  • As he understood it, the Fenghuang loved solitude and peace. There was everything in this forest but what would attract that mythical bird. And, as Siu's parents had said, the forest was no longer what it used to be; now it was practically suicidal to venture into it. He had been warned, but his heart guided him there; making a decision was crucial at that moment. Risking everything for his beloved mother was what he had to do.
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