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Chapter 7 Is He A Friend?

  • Alex's point of view:
  • "Ah! Help baby!" I heard in my sleep, as a slap landed on my face jolting me upright ,as I turned to see the assailant with my hand on my cheeks.
  • It was morning and here I am seeing a girl in just a shirt in bed with me glaring at me.
  • "Who are you and how did you get in here?" I asked the girl.
  • "How dare you touch me?" She asked in anger and I was about to speak when the door burst open and my friend ran in.
  • "Baby what happened?" He asked the girl who ran to him and embraced me.
  • "He touched me!" She cried out ,as I got off the bed.
  • "What nonsense are you talking about? I just woke up and saw you in the bed, when did I touch you?" I asked her in annoyance.
  • What is wrong with these women, framing me of things I didn't do?
  • "Alex, how dare you assault my girlfriend ,when I gave you a room to sleep in?" Paul, my friend, asked me angrily, as he rushed to grab my collar and I was taken aback, as I tried prying his hands off my collar but it just tightened.
  • "L..let go..." I pushed him hard ,because he was choking me and he let go and I coughed.
  • "Oh ! so you also want to attack me in my own apartment?" He asked and I looked at him in astonishment.
  • "Please , I am begging you, if this is a prank stop it. I have had enough of this nonsense." I told him in a serious tone,but I don't think he was joking in any way.
  • "Babe, I want to sue him for sexual assault, we can't let him go." The girl cried out to my friend Paul.
  • "Ha! Me! When did I touch you? I was sleeping and you came into the guest room by yourself, Paul was the one who told me to stay here, there was no one here when I came in, please stop this nonsense" I said ,as I raised my hands in surrender.
  • "Alex, if I were you, I would give her money and settle this privately, if you don't want to go to the police." Paul told me with a smug look on his face.
  • "Settle what, when I did nothing?" I asked in disbelief.
  • "What evidence do you have that you did nothing?" He asked me.
  • I was tired of this bullshit and I didn't know what type of game they were playing, so I decided to take my phone on the nightstand and just leave with my backpack,but turning to the nightstand I couldn't find my phone.
  • "Are you looking for this?" He asked me as a smirk was on his face, as I saw him take out my phone from his pocket.
  • "Give that back." I told him, as I took a step forward and he pulled his hand from behind him and took out a gun he had tucked away in his trouser and pointed it at me and I immediately stopped and raised my hands up.
  • "P... Paul, what are you doing?" I asked with a stammer as my eyes widened, when he cocked the gun to show it wasn't fake and he wasn't playing around.
  • We have been friends for years and I have always treated him like a brother.
  • Why is it doing this to me now?
  • What is even going on here?
  • "Alex , I think you should just settle this with us and leave , let's not ruin our relationship over something so small." He replied, as he dropped his gun and I slowly dropped my hand.
  • "What is it that you want?" I asked in a weak voice.
  • I was tired of this.
  • "Why are you even trying to do this? I did nothing wrong, we have been friends for so long. Why would you try to screw me over?" I asked in disbelief and pain.
  • I didn't even know what I did and I was confused.
  • Not only did I find out that my wife I think was cheating on me, accused me of cheating and divorce me, now the only good friend I had was trying to frame me for something ,I didn't commit to possibly getting me arrested and jailed.
  • What did I do so wrong to deserve all these?
  • "Alex, you asked a question, what do I want?" He smirked and turned to his girlfriend and winked at her.
  • "Baby you formed a brilliant plan." He told me as he kissed her and then turned back to me.
  • "Okay , Alex you just got divorced from a rich and classy lady ,you must have gotten something in the divorce, give me my own share and I will take it as if this never happens." Paul said and I scoffed.
  • Did he even know how I literally had to run away from reporters just to get here?
  • "Didn't I tell you that I got nothing in the divorce, I was accused of cheating, I didn't get any money." I cried out in frustration and he clicked his tongue in annoyance and glared daggers at me.
  • Last thing I wanted on my record was a criminal record, because Paul and his girlfriend wanted to get me arrested.
  • But I can't give something I don't have.
  • He narrowed his eyes on me.
  • "Babe, just called the police with the way I am looking and the CCTV evidence, it will be easy to get him arrested, he can pay us from jail." The girlfriend said as she casually adjusted her cloth, so I could see a bruise on her neck and my friend clenched my phone in his hand.
  • Now that I noticed a big bruise in the girl's neck, probably a hickey from her rough sex with Paul, I wonder if it was all over her body.
  • My eyes widened?
  • They were actually trying to accuse me for sexual assault?
  • What the heck?
  • "Wow! Wow! What is this?" I asked in disbelief that this was happening to me.
  • All I just wanted to do was rest my head for the night here and then pick myself up and look for a job, but now this is happening a day after his divorce.
  • "Fine then, since you want you to do this the hard way ,I will call the police and they will come and get you." Paul hissed.
  • Paul took his phone from his girlfriend and played a video of his girlfriend pushing me off and him coming into the room.
  • "Now you will know you have nowhere to run." He said.
  • "Wait, wait, I will show you my account balance and you see how much is in there." I offered.
  • I knew that I could be put in jail for trying to assault his girlfriend.
  • I loved my freedom and was too scared to do anything, when my friend had a video recording of his girlfriend screaming and pushing me off the bed.
  • I didn't even have enough money in my account to hire a lawyer and pursue a court case, when I was practically homeless.
  • My friend gave me back my phone and I opened it and showed him my account number.
  • Paul saw that I only had $5,000 in my account and then looked at the news and saw the news of me divorcing my wife because I cheated.
  • "You gotta be kidding me!" Paul yelled in annoyance, as he smacked me on the back of my head while his girlfriend was pointing the gun at me.
  • I don't even know if they would actually shoot me, but given that I could hear the sound of the TV on and they were shooting a gun in the show, won't his neighbors think that he was watching a movie, if I get shot?
  • "How could you cheat on such a beautiful woman and lose your chance of getting money from her after a divorce!" He yelled at me , who was breathing heavily.
  • I was tired of explaining that I did not cheat at this point , I didn't think my friend would even believe me.
  • Is he even a friend?
  • This is what you call an enemy in disguise as a friend.
  • "He is of no use to us anymore ,he doesn't even have money ,I was wondering why you came to my house after leaving your ex wife, oh goodness, how did I meet such bad luck." He clicked his tongue in annoyance and glared at me.
  • "Here I am thinking I made it big." He huffed.
  • "Alex, well you still have to give me money for housing you for the night." Paul told me and I looked at him in surprise.
  • "What?" I asked in disbelief.
  • "Don't act stupid, send me $5000 and I will forget any of this happened.I don't think I can use the money for anything, but you stressed me out, I still need the money." He clicked his tongue in annoyance.
  • "I want to use that money to rent an apartment and start up life again ..." I tried to explain.
  • "Shut up your mouth, I wasn't the one that asked you to cheat on your rich wife, do you really want to have a record of breaking and entering and sexual assault after your divorce?" He asked me.
  • Now I remembered ,when I was coming in I had to push his door with my shoulder, because it was faulty.
  • Paul knew a CCTV camera was in the hallway that would show me pushing the door open and walking in, they would think I was forcing my way inside.
  • He planned this well.
  • Paul had a police officer uncle and friend.
  • What should I do?
  • "The reporters will drag you to the mud, even if the police don't help me with this video ,I will release it to the media and you will see what will happen to you." He threatened me.
  • "You..." I tried to say.
  • "Stop wasting my time." He hissed.
  • Seeing that there was no way I could win against Paul.
  • I sent him the money and was yet again kicked out to the streets.
  • I stood at a spot laughing like a madman and everyone that walked past me would turn to look at me.
  • "Are you sure he's not mentally unstable, why is he laughing so loudly?" One asked.
  • "Should we call the police , he might try to attack someone." Someone said,
  • I just stood there shaking my head disbelievingly.
  • Paul , my friend took my money and I was only left with my wallet.
  • Should I try calling the police?
  • Does that even matter?
  • I think my in law's might try to kill me if they see me , so I should go away.
  • Pain!
  • Anger!
  • Then something else burned in my heart.
  • With determination written all over my face, I waved down a cab.
  • I was still left with some change, about $90 in my back trouser pocket , which can take me to where I want to go.
  • I got into the cab.
  • "Take me to Daniel's corporation." I told the taxi driver and he raised an eyebrow and chuckled nervously.
  • "Sir, that's far from here, it will cost a lot." He reminded me.
  • "I don't bloody care, just take me there." I replied through gritted teeth and the driver turned on the far and drove off.