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Chapter 2 Going hunting

  • “Yeah, I wasn't born this way. I was trained this way,” I took a step towards him, but he took a step back.
  • “Pardon me, my king,” he looked as Ashen as a ghost, “I will take my leave!”
  • Before I can say a word, he has already reached the doors of the throne room.
  • “Good riddance.” I walk to my chair which is next to my father's throne and popped down on it.
  • “Star!” Father was mad.
  • He looked like he was only ready to combust at any moment.
  • “What's it, father?” I frown at him, “what did I do wrong? I only came to chat with my soon-to-be husband, not knowing he's just a chicken, like the others.”
  • Father huffed in anger before he stormed towards the door.
  • “Dearest father, where are you going to?” I call out to him, but he didn't answer me. He stormed out of the throne room and banged the door behind him.
  • “Gods.”
  • I sigh.
  • Fathers can be so demanding.
  • I don't understand why he wants to get me married off as soon as he can. It's not as if I'm doing anything wrong by living here.
  • ***********
  • “My princess!” My maid ran after me.
  • “What's it?” I narrow my eyes at her,
  • “what do you want?”
  • “The prince of the South is in the throne room. Your father's requested not to—”
  • “And who said I'm going to the throne room?” I frown at her.
  • “But—”
  • “I'm not in the mood to exchange words with you.” I sling the small hunting bag I Always take with me, and headed straight to the exit of the palace.
  • The few guards I met on the way, didn't try to stop me. Instead, they made certain they were standing a few
  • distances from, me to avoid getting the brunt of my wrath.
  • “Baby sister.” My eldest brother and his entourage of guards stepped in, the moment I tried to leave.
  • “What do you want?” I narrow my eyes at him.
  • I took a ready stance.
  • Should in case he repeats his actions of days ago, I will be ready to take him head-on.
  • “You don't have to act so hostile. We are siblings, after all.” He said with a smile that made me itch to punch him in his face.
  • “If you don't have anything productive to say, you better get out of my way.” I tried to walk past him, but he stopped me, with a hand on my right hand.
  • “What do you want?” I slap his hand off my arm.
  • “Don't you think you need to start acting like a princess? You are getting married to the prince of the South, and you are—”
  • “You can get married to him since you are softer than I am.” I pushed him to the side, and walk out of the palace, with my brother calling after me.
  • None of the guards patrolling the ground, tried to stop me as they knew how it will end up.
  • With them on the ground, of course.
  • *****
  • “Your horse is ready.” The stable boy brought my favourite starlight to me.
  • He's the most beautiful horse in the stable, with his unusually blue colour.
  • “You are a darling.” I touch Starlight (I named him after me).
  • He neighed at my touch as he nuzzled on my hand.
  • “Do you miss me that much?” I brought out the apple I reserved for him, and gave it to him.
  • The happy crunching sound he made as he ate the apple, caused me to smile.
  • “My princess, are you going hunting, tonight?” The stable boy asked as he brushed the other horses.
  • “Yes.” I touch Starlight's back.
  • “The wise one predicted a dark storm,” the stable boy said, with his face masked in a frown.
  • “The wise one?” I scoffed at him, “there is nothing like a storm. Besides, today is the best night for a hunt.”
  • Just the mere thoughts of the hunt sent a thrill down her spine. She can feel the blood as it cursed in expectancy.
  • “You need to be careful, my princess. The predictions of the wise one always come to pass.”
  • “Don't worry, I won't be there for long.” I smile at him, to reassure the poor boy.
  • “Okay.” The smile on his face, made me want to pet him on the hair, but I restricted him from doing so.
  • Smiling with him was more than I would have done with others. Patting him on the hair will be like a slap to my sharp personality.
  • “I will see you when I return.” With one swift, practiced motion, I climbed the horse and got comfortable.
  • Starlight neighed.
  • “Safe journey, my princess. I will be patiently waiting for your return.”
  • “Don't worry, I will get something for you, like Always.”
  • “I will be patiently waiting.” He gently pats Starlight on the butt, “be a good boy, and bring our Princess safe.”
  • “Don't worry, he has always been a good boy. He will keep me safe.” I smile at him before I lightly kick Starlight on the side, “let's go, boy. It's time for us to make a show in the forest.” I guided him out of the stables and headed out of the place.
  • The guards opened the gates without further Ado. None of them tried to stop me, and neither did any ask where I was heading to.
  • They dutifully made way for me to exit.
  • “Have a nice night. Don't forget to send my regards to my father, should he ask of me.” I blew kisses at them before I raced out of the gates, and headed towards the villages of the kingdom.
  • The great forest lies at the end of the village, and it's my favourite spot, although only a few people are brave enough to venture into the forest.
  • There are numerous tales about the forest, but none of them was enough to stop me from venturing there.
  • Not only will the guards not attempt to look for me there, but there are plenty of animals there, unlike the other forests.