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Chapter 4 His Pov

  • What insolence!
  • They thought they could deceive me? It had taken nearly everything in me not to reach for Andrew and snap his neck with my bare hands when I saw Ally.
  • Did he think that I would appreciate him for giving me someone else instead? The kind of embarrassment I would have faced if the external guests I invited knew of the situation is incomprehensible.
  • If it wasn't Lucy, then it couldn't be anyone else.
  • Andrew really thought he could deceive me and get away with it. I'll teach him a lesson, that was for sure. I also need to find out what happened to Lucy. That bullshit that he told me about her being cursed was a lie from hell and I could sense it. Whatever it was that was wrong with her wasn't my business. I just wanted her and no one else.
  • I felt so stupid for not knowing that there was something wrong from the beginning because her face was bent down the entire time before I lifted the veil and I wondered if it was because she was scared.
  • I called the guard who was standing outside the door.
  • “Get me Coden.”
  • Coden would be the one to help me figure out what the hell was going on. I was too busy for this type of rubbish but then at the same time, I needed answers. And I needed them fast.
  • I wouldn't let that sorry little thing stay in my house another day, no, I won't allow it. She was ugly, and I would be lying if I wasn't surprised when I lifted the veil and saw her face. She looked exactly like Lucy but you could differentiate because they weren't twins.
  • Everything about her just infuriated me and made my chest boil. The way she shook whenever I was near her, the way she couldn't meet my eyes, the way she acted like a lost puppy! Everything about her just pissed me off.
  • She wasn't as innocent as she claimed to be. Apologizing like she could take back the damage done, I'd already married her, and I was trying to keep my image. If not I would have dragged her by her hair and thrown her out of my house. I didn't care where she went after that.
  • There was a knock on my door.
  • “Alpha, you sent for me.”
  • “Lucy. Find out what happened to her. I don't care what you have to do or where you have to go, just find out what the bloody hell happened to her and where she is. That bullshit that stupid father of hers told has me on the edge.”
  • He'd known about the incident and it had taken him sending me a mind-link, reminding me about the guests, to calm me down a bit.
  • ”Will do.”
  • He started to leave when I called him back.
  • “Find out about that mangy dog in my room too."
  • “Mangy dog?”
  • I almost threw a book at him.
  • “Her sister, goddamnit! Leave!"
  • She was irritating and smelly and everything under the sun that I hated. I hated women, they were weak and feeble. The way Ally reacted to me said it all. She couldn't even look in my face for once since yesterday and the fact that I despised weak people wasn't helping her cause.
  • There was another knock on the door and thinking it was the stupid maid I'd asked to get me water an hour ago, I picked up the book and flung it towards the door, hoping it would hit her and make the water pour on her.
  • Well, it wasn't her. I'd also forgotten that I'd scheduled a meeting with Alpha Jake and thankfully, he didn't enter first. His bodyguard did so when the book hit him, I sighed in relief.
  • “Jake… welcome.”
  • I pointed to the seat in front of me and as he entered, he cast a glance at the book on the floor before continuing towards the table. He didn't sit though.
  • “Is everything okay?"
  • “You launched a book towards me or is that the way you treat all your visitors?” He raised an eyebrow.
  • “Oh no, I thought it was the stupid girl I asked to get me water a while ago. Come, sit down. Let's get down to business.”
  • He continued standing there and I sighed in exhaustion.
  • “What is it this time?”
  • “Well, I don't know what girl you were waiting for but you hit my guard…” I was still waiting for him to get to his point. “You hit my guard and you have to apologize."
  • You have got to be kidding me. I was in an already bad mood and the last thing I needed was more bullshit.
  • “You’re joking, right? You have to be, you want me to do what?”
  • He pointed to the guard who was now looking at us with wide eyes. This was cinema-worthy though.
  • “I said you should apologize to MY guard that YOU hit with YOUR book.”
  • My eyes moved to his guard who was stumbling over his words.
  • “Alpha, that's not necessary. I-”
  • Jake raised his hand up to silence him.
  • “No, Peter. I don't treat you like that so no one else will. Apologize now or I will walk out and never return."
  • Now, I knew he wasn't joking.
  • “Jake, if this is a test, I'll fail okay? Just stop this-"
  • “Apologize, now.”
  • He was very lucky that I was the one who had reached out to him for his partnership. I was building a bigger army and I could use a partner and right now, I'd heard good things about his pack and how very well they were doing.
  • So it took everything in me to make the decision to swallow my enormous pride and say those words.
  • “I’m sorry.” I didn't bother looking at him because he wasn't even worth the words I was saying to him.
  • Jake's face had metamorphosed into a deep scowl suddenly released and there was a forced smile on his face.
  • “You see, why can't we all be friends? Now, let's get to business.”
  • The meeting finished quickly and I was boiling by the time it ended because I kept realizing that I had just apologized to a lowly guard. A common man who wasn't even up to my status. I never even said the word sorry to anyone at all and now, I'd been forced to say it to a common guard.
  • I rounded up the activities for the day and made my way out.
  • There was only one place I could go that would make me feel at ease and if I dared to go back to my room to see that filthy puppy, I just might lose all my composure.
  • Going to Violet to reduce all my frustration had always been my thing. Ever since the day I'd seen her attend that ball five years ago, I'd been stuck to her and she had been fine with the arrangements, also happy to be of service to me.
  • She was the princess of the Caste pack, a smaller pack close to me before the river. Her father, Luke was a strong man in all his doings, and just like me, he had managed to amass as much wealth as he could, bringing fame to his name. That alone had strengthened our relationship.
  • Although, I don't know how he would react if he found out that I was sleeping with his daughter.
  • I didn't want to marry her, that was for sure. I just enjoyed how good she was in bed and how she knew every trick in the book.
  • Her smile was almost immediately when she saw that it was me. She leaned against the door, folding her hands across her chest and causing her breasts to peek out more from her nightgown.
  • “Well, look who we have here.”
  • I rolled my eyes.
  • “Why are you shocked to see me?"
  • “Excuse me for not expecting a newly wedded man at the house of his mistress barely a day after the wedding.”
  • I knew there was some mockery in here but I ignored it.
  • “Are you going to keep me out here for everyone in your pack to see or you're going to let me come in?”
  • She moved out of the way for me to pass through and I plopped down on the chair, spreading my legs, ready for action.
  • “Why are you here?”
  • “Just stop with the questions and get over here."
  • She took her outer robe off, leaving just a short gown that showed off those long and sexy legs that I loved so much.
  • That wasn't all, her long brown hair that fell over her shoulders and the way she always wore it in a ponytail wherever I came over got me, giving attention to her face where her beautiful large brown eyes, pointed nose, and soft rosy lips that I could kiss all day.
  • She strode over to me, pushing he legs out one at a time, knowing that it always got me.
  • When she was well settled into my lap, I pulled her by her waist, wanting to bring her head down but she moved away.
  • “Why did you marry someone else if you came back to me?”
  • "I'd come here to get away from all that and not talk about it like it was some fucking therapy session."
  • “Drop it. I'm not in the mood to talk about it. Not now, not ever.”
  • She looked at me for a moment and then nodded.
  • “Now, strip.”