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Chapter 10

  • "I hate him."
  • Jane understood who she meant. "I don't like him either."
  • The mask on Alexa's face almost cracked as she laughed. "You should see her face, Jane. It's ugly like a bedraggled ghost."
  • "You pushed her into the pool on purpose?" Jane asked.
  • "I didn't mean to. Seriously."
  • A flash of memory entered her head. It's been a week since the party decorations at Ray's nightclub at that time. Since the incident where Hailey was accidentally pushed into the pool, she didn't show up when the club's main event took place the next day. She handed over full duties to her employees. That night she was satisfied with being scolded by Hailey with a series of sharp curses. Alexa didn't reply and acted as if she didn't do it on purpose.
  • It wasn't on purpose, but she enjoyed seeing her fall.
  • In the end, the toy cockroaches drifted away somewhere. And Ray didn't even defend anyone after the commotion happened—although he had plenty of room to blame Alexa, but he preferred to calm Hailey down.
  • The man is neutral.
  • "I'm curious about their relationship," said Alexa suddenly.
  • "Don't be like that, curiosity can kill a bird."
  • Alexa rolled her eyes. "A man should defend his girlfriend when she's in trouble, right?"
  • Jane's face, which was covered in a green mask, finally turned around. "You mean you'd rather be cursed at by him? I didn't know you were such a masochist."
  • The incident at the nightclub cannot leave her mind to this day. Apart from remembering how sharply Hailey's mouth was cursing, she also had to remember how her body was crushing Ray beneath her. Luckily, no one was cheering for them, maybe they were afraid, and no one even helped them until the scene lasted for several minutes.
  • Alexa immediately shook off the memory. "That's not what I meant, I—"
  • Jane waved her hand nonchalantly as she replied, "Yeah, yeah, I got it, no need for you to explain."
  • Alexa frowned. Didn't want to discuss this either.
  • The members-only room in the beauty salon was silent for a moment, the sound of paper being scratched somewhere in the room was heard, so Alexa remembered her son, Fillo. The four year old child was busy with a picture book which kept him quiet and focused. Jane and Alexa are honestly almost unemployed because it's the weekend. So the two decided to beautify themselves.
  • This was clearly Jane's idea.
  • "Fillo, don't go too far from Mom, ok." Alexa made a sound just to lighten the mood temporarily.
  • But the little boy didn't answer at all, passive like a robot.
  • "Lexa, my offer still stands by the way."
  • Alexa looked at her best friend again. "What?"
  • "About Preston," Jane scraped the tips of her nails with a nail file. "Kenric's single cousin. Remember?"
  • How had she forgotten the man Jane had been mentioning frequently lately? Jane must have hoped that her would be interested. Even though Jane's intentions were actually good, that didn't mean Alexa could just agree to it. For her to get to know a man again, it was not an easy matter.
  • If she ultimately decides to do that, there are many rituals she will undergo; such as getting to know each other through a complicated process, getting her prospective boyfriend to accept Fillo, and so on.
  • Alexa clearly couldn't accept any random man. Especially those who cannot accept Fillo's presence behind her. Nowadays there are too many fraudsters, on the one hand you see someone who looks good and friendly, but on the other hand he hides his rotten ugliness.
  • Really, she didn't want to go through problems like that—she couldn't cause Fillo to be hurt.
  • "I don't think that's necessary," she said confidently.
  • "Hey! He's rich, handsome and established. What's the problem?" Jane added after hearing her best friend sigh.
  • "But not now, Jane, I—"
  • "What?" the blonde woman interrupted sharply. "Do you want to live alone all your life? Busy at work and don't have time to take care of Fillo? He's lonely, Lexa. You know that, right?"
  • Alexa knew Jane means well, in fact Jane will definitely help her with her finances if she is in trouble. But she really wants to collect a lot of money right now, she wants her son to live without any shortcomings.
  • And looking for a boyfriend would waste a lot of her time.
  • Before Jane continued, Alexa said, "Actually that's not the only reason, I was just thinking about Fillo. I have to consider many things. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable."
  • After the words fell, her gaze fell on the little four year old child who was drawing. The little fellow didn't even know that the gazes of love were flowing at him almost like ten million fireflies flying through the air. That is the sincerity of a mother.
  • Jane also saw where the loving gaze was and sighed. Couldn't say anything.
  • Half an hour later, two salon attendants entered the room and sat down at the foot of the chair. The two staffs seemed to have remembered what service their customers requested so they immediately acted. She rubbed Alexa's dry nails gently, covered in several types of nail polish from transparent to colored, plus colorful glitter too. This activity didn't take long.
  • During that time, Alexa's mind wandered somewhere because she was thinking about many things. Her dark brown eyes stared straight at the reflection of the glass in front of her, but she didn't really see anything. It was just that her brain was completely filled with the name Ray.
  • Shit.
  • Alexa should have forgotten about that bastard since she gave birth to Fillo. Moreover, there was no sign that Ray would be responsible, that man would probably just pretend to forget over and over again, and would even continue to deny it until his beard turned white.
  • Was it really not Ray who slept with her?
  • No way, right?
  • Hold on. This has been something that she has been thinking about since yesterday, is it possible that Ray doesn't actually know her and he is the wrong person?
  • "What are you thinking, Lexa? It's over," Jane scolded, surprising her. In an instant, the woman had stood up and the girl serving her was waiting for her. "You should wash your face."
  • "Uh, oh, sure."
  • Even though she didn't say anything further, Jane still felt strange about Alexa's attitude. All this time, Jane was the one who accompanied this single mother through her worst days and she knew how the woman suffered.
  • In a way, she felt guilty because she had once dragged Alexa into her circle.
  • "Jane, I was thinking about something," said Alexa suddenly, before continuing, "What do you think, if it turns out I have the wrong person?"
  • ... to be continued ...