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The Predator

The Predator


Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1 Lost And Exhausted

  • I've always dreamed of joining a pack. A warm house, clothes, food, and people who care about you… It's everything a rogue could dream of.
  • We've tried our best to join different packs in the past but all they did was shoo us away like some dogs.
  • Today, I'm in a pack ground, sitting in a chair in front of their alpha and luna. If this had happened in the past, I would've done everything to make them believe that we're harmless. But this time, I couldn't even utter a word.
  • I was covered in dirt. My clothes were ragged and I'm sure I smelled horrible too. I don't know… I've gotten used to the smell. I was dehydrated and hungry. My eyes were lifeless and all I could muster up to do was look to the side to make sure my mother was alright.
  • She had her head down, staring at the ground. Her body slumped on the chair like a rag doll. If her frail body wasn't moving every time she tried to breathe, I would've panicked thinking she left me too.
  • I heard footsteps coming closer. A sweet scent of jasmine invaded my nostrils as someone leaned closer to me.
  • "Hello," She said, her voice sweet as honey. "My name is Evelyn. I'm the luna of Shadow pack. You're in our territory right now, " She explained softly.
  • I couldn't help but look at her blankly. I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't because my throat felt so dry. It was hurting me to even swallow my saliva.
  • I think she understood my struggle because she immediately ordered someone to bring some water.
  • I was relieved to hear that. I grabbed the glass of water hungrily and downed almost half of it in one go before extending my shaky hands towards my mom. She must be thirsty too.
  • "You can drink that, dear. We'll give her another glass, " The Luna stopped me.
  • I looked at her for a moment before I downed the rest of the water. I saw someone helping my mother to drink and I let out a sigh of relief.
  • I looked at the luna, just beside her was the alpha. He had a sturdy figure, raven hair, and piercing eyes, silently watching me like a hawk.
  • "D-Don't hurt us… please, " I managed to stutter out. It hurts my pride to beg like this. My father taught me not to do that. He trained me to defend myself and keep my head high. But now he's gone and we're alone, exhausted, hungry, and my limbs won't even move.
  • Luna immediately shook her head. "I promise we're not going to hurt you. But can you answer some of our questions?" She asked.
  • I looked at her and the alpha for a moment, trying to figure out what they wanted from me. I took a deep breath before nodding.
  • The beautiful woman smiled. She tucked her blonde hair behind her ear before she sat down on the chair in front of me.
  • "What is your name, dear?"
  • "I-Ivy, "
  • "Full name, "
  • I flinched when the alpha spoke. His voice was deep and monotonous. It made me want to submit to him.
  • I suppressed my omega instincts before looking up. "Ivy Elsher, "
  • "And who is that?" She pointed to my mom.
  • "She's my mother. Her—her name's Isabella, "
  • The luna nodded. "Can you tell me how you all became hostage to those hunters? Were you captured from other packs? We can take you back to your packs if you tell me the name," She smiled. It was a warm smile. I've forgotten how long it's been since I've seen something like this.
  • "I… We're rogues… " I said softly.
  • "Oh… " Her voice went low. "When did they capture you?"
  • "I can't remember….. A month maybe…"
  • She nodded. "Did they do something to you?"
  • "They-They starved us. They were going to assault us but then… they didn't because of some reasons… I think they were planning to attack another pack… " I breathed out. Just saying that was enough to make me exhausted.
  • I saw the luna look at her mate before she looked back at me. "Where is your father…?" She asked, her voice being low and hesitant.
  • The question made me freeze. I felt my blood turn cold. My hands gripped the chair tightly as I looked down.
  • "T-They killed him… " I gritted out.
  • I had so much anger and so little energy to show it.
  • I saw her stand up from her chair. She took a deep breath before turning towards her mate. The alpha moved forward and wrapped an arm around her before looking back at the people in the room.
  • "Give them food, water, and clean clothes. Let them rest for a day and we'll come to meet them tomorrow, " He said to them before walking out with his mate.
  • I sat there, not even bothering to look around before I felt someone tap on my shoulder. A lady smiled at me and told me that she'll take me and my mother to a room. I just nodded in response because that was all I could muster up to do.
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • I checked on my mom again after I finished showering. The lady helped me shower her and get her dressed in warm clothes. She was really nice. I regret not asking her name.
  • I think this pack is nice. They gave us a room, warm clothes, and food. I haven't experienced anything nice like this in my lifetime.
  • It was nice.
  • My mother was sleeping. I felt relieved that she was finally getting the rest she needed.
  • Looking at her breaks my heart. My papa is gone. And soon, my mom will leave me too. It's just a matter of time.
  • No one has ever lived for long after their mate died. Except for one person…
  • Alpha Cassian…
  • The infamous predator.
  • I bit my lips as I stared at my feet.
  • How did he do it? How can he live for so long?
  • Can he—Can he save my mother too?