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Chapter 5 The Fourth Titan

  • Bella
  • Stepping off the plane into the bustling Avalon City airport terminal, I breathed a deep sigh of relief. The long cross-country flight was finally over. Now, to track down the man I had impulsively dropped everything to come find - the only man who had ever truly held my heart.
  • Tristan.
  • Just the thought of his name was enough to send my pulse quickening. So many years had passed since we were both awkward, studious teenagers at Avalon Prep. Back when I'd secretly nursed a hopeless crush on the gangly, bespectacled boy with the shy smile.
  • Never in my wildest daydreams did I envision he would grow up to become the elusive, brilliant tycoon who anonymously saved my family's struggling company from impending ruin. His quiet kindness and generosity, hidden behind an unassuming facade, left me utterly smitten.
  • Not that I ever stood a chance at catching his eye, not with him devotedly married all this time to that narcissistic shrew, Vivian. But now, with news of their bitter divorce plastered across every gossip site and newspaper, a tentative flame of hope had flickered to life inside me. Maybe, just maybe, fate was affording us a second chance.
  • I scanned the row of black sedans parked outside arrivals until I spotted the discreet town car Alex had sent to collect me. Sliding gratefully onto the plush leather seat, I confirmed Tristan's address - the sprawling Sterling family estate on the outskirts of the city.
  • My knees bounced with nervous anticipation as we pulled into the late afternoon traffic. Would Tristan even remember me after all this time? And after the trauma of his marriage imploding so publicly, would he be receptive to reconnecting?
  • Or worse, would he assume I was just another opportunist trying to exploit his vulnerable state for personal gain?
  • I gnawed my bottom lip anxiously. Showing up unannounced like this was awfully forward of me. What if my attempt to insert myself back into his life was more of an unwanted intrusion?
  • But no - I refused to sit idly by doing nothing when the man I loved was hurting. I had to take this leap of faith. Otherwise, I might spend the rest of my life drowning in regret over chances not taken.
  • The imposing wrought iron gates of the palatial Sterling estate eventually came into view. I took a deep, bracing breath as the town car slowed to a stop. Time to see if my gamble would pay off, or spectacularly blow up in my face.
  • My kitten heels clicked across the cobblestone drive as I approached the imposing carved oak front doors. Before I could lose my nerve, I grasped the ornate door knocker and rapped sharply three times.
  • A distinguished older gentleman in a crisp suit answered, surveying me critically. After a brief hesitation of scrutiny, his eyes flashed with recognition.
  • "Miss Gates, welcome back," he greeted cordially, stepping aside and ushering me into the grandeur of the cavernous foyer. "I shall go inform Master Sterling of your arrival."
  • I gazed around, awestruck, as he disappeared deeper into the soaring six story mansion. Hard to believe the shy, awkward boy I knew grew up amid such finery and privilege. My floral sundress and simple heels suddenly felt woefully underdressed.
  • The stately butler returned swiftly, his polished wingtips clicking crisply across the marble floors. "Unfortunately Master Sterling is still out attending to some business matters. However, his grandfather is available to receive you in his private study."
  • I blinked in dismay and surprise. Meeting Tristan's imposing grandfather had definitely not been part of the plan. But I wouldn't waste this unexpected opportunity.
  • Squaring my shoulders, I followed the butler up a curved staircase with gilded railings, then down a richly appointed hallway lined with oil paintings in ornate frames. He rapped sharply on an imposing set of carved mahogany doors before briskly ushering me inside.
  • "Miss Bella Gates here to see you, Sir," he announced with a crisp bow.
  • Seated at a massive antique desk was an elderly, white-haired gentleman with hawk-like eyes that bored into me the moment I entered. Tristan's grandfather. I carefully wiped my suddenly clammy palms on the skirt of my sundress before approaching him.
  • "Miss Gates, welcome," Mr. Sterling greeted smoothly in a cultured baritone. "To what do I owe the unexpected pleasure?"
  • I cleared my throat softly, hoping desperately my voice wouldn't shake and betray my nerves. "Mr. Sterling, I came here because of your grandson, Tristan. I heard about his divorce from Vivian, and I wanted to offer my support during this difficult time."
  • His gaze sharpened, turning assessing. "My boy could certainly use a true, loyal friend right now to ease the blow. Tell me child, what exactly is your relationship with him?"
  • I felt my cheeks flush warmly under his laser-focused scrutiny. "We were classmates and friends back at Avalon Prep. But Tristan has always been there for me and my family in our times of need. I care about him very deeply."
  • Mr. Sterling smiled slowly, knowingly. Almost cannily. "Is that so? Well, should you succeed in securing my boy's agreement, you have my full blessing to pursue him."
  • My eyes widened, certain I had misheard. Was he actually implying...?
  • "In fact, as providence would have it, I may know of a way you can help convince young Tristan's of the merits of accepting your... romantic overtures."
  • He then proceeded to outline the daunting challenge he had assigned Tristan's - to recruit the backing of the shadowy cabal known as the Four Titans, who secretly controlled the city from the shadows.
  • I hid a small smile behind my hand. If only the old man knew just how easily securing that backing could be arranged, considering my own father happened to be the Fourth Titan himself. This was an unexpected but highly fortuitous turn.
  • "You have my word, Mr. Sterling," I replied as evenly as I could manage. "I fully intend to do everything in my power to help and support Tristan in whatever ways he needs."
  • "See that you do," Tristan's grandfather said, satisfied. Clearly dismissed, I turned and exited the imposing study in a daze, my thoughts racing wildly.
  • I had come here just hoping to comfort Tristan's as a caring friend. Yet somehow, I was leaving with the grandfather's blessing and encouragement to actively pursue him! Sometimes, fate worked in wonderfully unpredictable ways. There was a certain poetic symmetry to it all.
  • Lost in thought, I rounded a corner and suddenly collided with a solid chest. Strong hands quickly grasped my shoulders, steadying me before I could stumble. I looked up, heart in my throat, into achingly familiar piercing green eyes set in a classically handsome face I would recognize anywhere. Eyes I had never stopped searching for in crowds over the long, empty years.
  • "Tristan," I breathed, almost dizzy with equal parts emotional whiplash and proximity. Before either of us could speak another word, two other figures stepped into view from a nearby parlor.
  • With a sinking feeling, I recognized them instantly as Tristan's lecherous cousins, Brady and Blaine. Their faces were mottled with ugly blotches of broken capillaries, no doubt from years of booze and debauchery. But more alarming was the predatory way their gazes raked over me.
  • "Well, what do we have here, brother?" the stockier blond one leered, looking me up and down. "Seems our dear cousin Tris has been hiding away quite the tasty little treat."
  • "What's this now, coz?" his equally odious brother chimed in mockingly, reaching out to grasp and toy with a lock of my long hair. "Who might this lovely flower be that you've been keeping all to yourself?"
  • Rage flashed dangerously in Tristan's eyes and he immediately knocked the offending hand away before pulling me protectively back against him, enveloping me in the security of his tal frame.
  • "Bella is not your concern," Tristan bit out coldly, a commanding edge of warning in his tone I had never heard before. It sent an illicit little shiver down my spine. "Come, sweetheart, let us speak somewhere more private."
  • Keeping a firm but gentle hand at the small of my back, he quickly guided me away down an adjacent hallway, leaving his lecherous cousins sputtering indignantly after us. Once we were safely out of their view, he released me and took a full step back, looking contrite.
  • "Please accept my apologies for the uncouth manhandling, Bella. I simply couldn't tolerate them speaking to or about you in such a disrespectful manner."
  • My cheeks were still flushed from where I had been pressed tightly against his firm chest. "It's alright, I know you were just trying to help diffuse the situation," I managed, cursing my fair complexion for advertising my flustered state so plainly. I fidgeted with my hands, suddenly feeling shy. "But really Tristan, it's so wonderful to see you again after all this time."
  • His answering smile was gentle and a touch bemused. "You as well, Bells. I must admit, I'm very curious about what could possibly bring you all the way out here unannounced."
  • Before I could gather my scattered thoughts to explain, hurried footsteps rapidly approached from around the corner.
  • Arthur's loutish cousin Brady appeared, face mottled with ugly splotches of anger. "I knew it!" he crowed spitefully. "I always suspected you had some slutty side piece hidden away for your own sordid amusement!" His vicious glare bounced contemptuously between us. "Does your dear Vivian even have any idea you were carrying on an affair throughout your marriage, you devious bastard?"
  • I gasped, utterly horrified at being labeled in such a vile, scandalous manner. But Tristan merely frowned in disappointment, clearly unsurprised by this continued pettiness and cruelty from his relatives.
  • Without another word, he gently took my hand and led me away down an adjacent hallway, putting distance between us and his toxic cousins. I followed wordlessly, my mind spinning chaotically. This reunion was unraveling nothing like I had anxiously envisioned all throughout my flight.
  • Clearly, there was much Tristan and I needed to privately discuss and clarify. But thanks to this family's voracious gossip mill, our budding relationship was already being interpreted and painted in the very worst possible light.
  • I could only pray these malignant seeds of misunderstanding and mistrust wouldn't utterly poison our chances before we even had a real chance to begin growing something beautiful.