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Chapter 5

  • Leiah spoke for several seconds and the woman turned back with the tray.
  • “Crud,” I muttered.
  • Then she proceeded to my table. But she wasn’t alone, she had support. I should have bolted out of there, but I wasn’t scared of her. I hated being the centre of attention, especially for the wrong reasons, but I carried zero fear for her.
  • I lifted my chin. Deep down I knew this couldn’t be good.
  • “Look what the cat dragged in. Lost?”
  • Her friends snickered. One of them was even more gorgeous than Leiah. Crystal blue eyes, pale pink lips with snow-white hair that ran down her back. She didn’t seem to like me either.
  • I offered Leiah and her squad a pressed smile, “You know I came with Alex.”
  • A surge of energy hit me like a load of bricks to the head three times continuously. What the heck?
  • “Well, he should know that omegas like you are worthless little pieces of garbage and you don’t belong here!” She yelled and another blow of power went to my head.
  • Ouch. I cradled my head and glared at her. Her outburst brought the room to a total standstill. She managed to get rid of my breakfast and give me a headache for three weeks I might as well leave. I wobbled to my feet.
  • “I wouldn’t want to eat here anyway. I’m leaving.” I said, assuming I made it to the door without fainting.
  • “Wait, Leiah doesn’t that hoodie look familiar?” The girl with white hair asked, casually.
  • Oh, screw her.
  • “No, why would it—” She let out an overly dramatic gasp. “Take it off right now!”
  • No, why in the middle of the cafeteria? I fisted the edge of the hoodie and ground my teeth.
  • “You want me to strip?”
  • Her eyes flashed the colours of hell. Literally. Then came another blow to the head. I stumbled back and nearly hit the floor.
  • “Take it off omega.” She said through clenched teeth. “Or do you want some more?”
  • “Fine, alright.” I pulled the oversized thing over my head and tossed it at her feet.
  • Gasps filled the cafeteria along with assaults and barks. Geez, I was just an omega. I half expected someone to throw a tomato at me. Leiah marched over to me, her eyes still blazing the colour of hell. She grabbed my jaw and dug her fingers into my skin. I lost feeling in my legs and knelt on the marble floor.
  • “Disrespectful little slut. You’re going to the beta gallows.”
  • ***
  • “What? What did they feed these guys?!” I groaned.
  • Leiah dragged me all the way to a shithole called the beta gallows. A place with fur, rotten food and it smelt like feet and farts. This was the place the betas came to train and other dumb stuff. Leiah ordered me to make the place sparkle like that was possible.
  • The betas mocking me was helping either.
  • “It helps if you bend over nice and low.” Someone laughed.
  • “In your dreams jackass.” I dragged the rickety broom alone the ground. A rake would have been better.
  • “Oh, this one has an attitude.” A tall lean fellow with jet-black hair and bronze skin circled me like a hawk. “Where did you get that?”
  • He beckoned his friends for his actions. There had to be less than ten of them training, but they wanted to pick on me. A bulkier guy with dirty blond hair gave me a dirty grin. What did he want a kiss? Gross.
  • “Listen, guys, the faster I get this done the sooner I get out of your hair. So can we all pretend like I’m not here? Thanks that would be great.” I went back to hauling up trash, but the deep laughter told me my plan had not worked.
  • “Fresh meat. It’s been a while since I broke a newbie in.”
  • I recoiled.
  • “She’s all yours Baxter.” The lean guy backed up. Jackass.
  • Baxter cracked his knuckles and grinned. “I’m going to teach you some manners pretty thing.”
  • His meaty hand landed on my shoulder and I flicked it off like a fly.
  • “Don’t touch me you pig!”
  • “Pig? You don’t know who you’re talking to bitch.”
  • His friends snickered. He flashed his wolf at me. If I learned anything from my mom it was how to defend myself from anything and I had a weapon in my hands. Bring it.
  • “What are you going to do about it? Pig.”
  • He growled. I gripped the broomstick. Before he could raise his hands I bashed the end of the broom on both of his ears. Shattering his senses. His nose would have been worse. He howled pressed his palms against his ears and backed up. He tripped on rubbish and landed on his ass.
  • Score one for me, but now I’d done it. The nine other betas glared at me like raw meat. I swallowed.
  • “Little bitch.” The lean one growled, flashing his wolf at me.
  • I stumbled back, holding onto my only weapon.
  • ‘Don’t… don’t come any closer.”
  • Baxter stopped howling. I hadn’t even realized, but I heard him in time to turn and duck in time before he could pin me to the ground. I couldn’t escape his claws. He sliced my arm and it burned like hell. I raised my broom and bashed his nose. Then his friend grabbed my broom and snapped it like a twig.
  • “Oh shit.” I’m toast.
  • They advanced.
  • “Stop. Leave the omega alone.”