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Chapter 5

  • Amber’s POV
  • “Good morning beautiful,” Roy said, planting a kiss on my chin causing me to turn on my side and gaze drowsily at him.
  • “Is it morning already?” I asked, slowing sitting up on the bed to see the time. “Oh my goodness, Roy, you should be leaving for work already,” I said, feeling awful for sleeping in and not up to prepare his breakfast.
  • “Come on, Amber, you do not need to worry, I am already prepared to leave for work that’s why I woke you up.” he said, smiling down at me. That’s when I noticed that he was already dressed for work.
  • “Oh no, did I sleep in Mina’s room?” I asked, realizing that I was in our daughter's room.
  • “Yes, honey, you did,” Roy said, smiling brightly causing me to smile too. Our almost two year old daughter wanted me to sleep beside her last night until she fell asleep but I ended up spending the night with her instead.
  • “I am sorry, Roy,” I apologized, feeling a little awful. I have been spending the night in our daughter's room lately and didn’t spend enough time with my husband Roy.
  • “You do not have to be sorry Amber, our daughter needed you, in fact, I also came to sleep here with you two last night because I felt left out,” he confessed.
  • “You did, I didn’t notice,” I replied, smiling.
  • “Yes, you were fast asleep and snoring you know,” he said teasingly.
  • “Hey, I do not snore,” I told him, pretending to be angry.
  • “Sorry, but you snore a little,” he added, teasingly again. Turning to kiss our daughter who was still fast asleep on the bed.
  • “I need to go now, Amber, I do not want to be late.” he said. I quietly climbed out of bed to walk him out to his car.
  • “Are we still going to meet the birthday planner for Mina’s birthday party?” I asked, reminding him of our plan to see a birthday planner for Mina’s birthday party. She will be two years old in a weak time.
  • “Yes, Amber, call me when you are ready,” Roy said, kissing me goodbye on the lips before going to his car.
  • I waited to wave him goodbye before walking back into the house to get ready with our daughter Mina.
  • Roy had done a great job providing a beautiful life for us, it didn’t take long for him to be hired in a good company after our wedding which was why we enjoyed this much luxury. For someone like me, it was more than I had hoped for and Roy is making sure that I do not miss my family very much and of course, we still have Maven and Susan.
  • After a few hours, I and Mina were set to see the birthday planner. I called Roy to tell him that we were leaving the house before Mina and I left our house in my car, with Roy expecting to leave his office and join us.
  • I was driving and singing happily to cheer Mina who was seated at the back seat of my car when suddenly a car ran into us from another side of the road. I panicked and tried to steady my car but failed to do so until it crashed against a pole, causing me to black out.
  • “Hello Miss, are you alright?” I heard a voice say, snapping me out of my unconscious state.
  • “What happened?” I muttered, not knowing how long I had passed out, my head spinning as I lifted my gaze to the stranger that was standing beside my car.
  • “You had an accident,” the man said again. A few other cars had pulled out of the way probably because of my accident.
  • “Mina,” I muttered immediately, recalling that my daughter was in the back seat of the car. I turned to check the back seat of my car to see that my daughter Mina was unconscious.
  • “My daughter,” I cried, gesturing for the man standing beside my car to help me. He quickly opened the car door after he discovered I had a child in my car. I pulled Mina from the back seat of my car but she was covered in blood.
  • Confused and frightened at the same time I glanced around but luckily there was already an ambulance approaching, I guess someone must have reported the accident.
  • They took my daughter from me immediately and started attending to her.
  • “We need to look at you Ma'am," one of the medics said, grabbing my trembling hands that were covered in Mina’s blood.
  • “These are not my blood,” I muttered, peering at the medic with teary eyes afraid of what would become of my daughter.
  • “Here is your bag, Miss,” the man who helped me earlier said, giving my handbag to me. He must have seen how confused I was.
  • I just took the bag from him without a word and immediately left the medic standing by my side to join my daughter who was still unconscious in the ambulance. The driver drove off almost immediately, while I stared tearfully and blankly at my daughter, wishing I could turn back the hand of time, we would have just stayed at home and invited the birthday planner instead.
  • A few minutes later we arrived at the hospital. “Please save my daughter,” I kept muttering as they wheeled my daughter into the intensive care unit.
  • “Please wait here Ma’am,” a nurse said to me when I wanted to follow them in.
  • I do not know how much time passed while I waited for news about Mina but a doctor came out afterwards asking after the mum of Mina.
  • “I am her Mum, doctor, how is my daughter,” I asked blankly, clapping my trembling hands against the doctor’s hands.
  • “Your daughter needs a blood transfusion immediately Ma’am, I am afraid we do not have her blood type available at the moment as she has a rare blood type, are you a match?” the doctor asked.
  • “No doctor, but my husband is a match, they share the same blood type.” I told the doctor, recalling that I had not called Roy to tell him about what had happened.
  • “You need to get your husband here immediately.” the doctor said and left after I nodded in response.
  • “Roy,” I mumbled, cursing myself for not calling him until now, and wondering if he had called me. I scrambled for my phone in my handbag and found that Roy hadn’t called.
  • I quickly dialed his number which rang but he didn’t answer. “Roy, please pick up,” I muttered tearfully again, after repeatedly calling him but he didn’t pick up. I called the birthday planner’s office to check if he had reached there but I was told he hadn’t shown up yet.
  • I dashed out of the hospital, deciding to go find him in his office instead. I rushed into his office building, took the elevator that seemed so slow to get to his office floor. I dashed out of the elevator and rushed to Roy’s office still calling his phone just in case he would pick up.
  • My feet suddenly stopped when I reached Roy’s office and heard some strange sound coming out of his office. His secretary wasn’t in her seat which was strange but his office door was slightly open, so I slowly moved closer to the door to see what was going on.
  • My jaws dropped, immediately my gaze rested on Roy and a woman sitting on his laps, kissing so passionately. “Susan,” I gasped but pressed my hand tightly against my mouth, shocked by the sight in front of me.
  • I can see Roy’s phone on the table so I hid myself behind the door and dialed his number again. It began to ring so I peeked to see what he would do but he didn’t take his call but continued to moan out loudly with Susan on top of him.
  • Feeling very furious and devastated, I rushed out of his office, taking the stairs this time and running as fast as I could, tears blurring my vision as I wondered how they could both do this to me.
  • I paused abruptly on the stairs as I recalled the reason why I had come to his office in the first place. “I will make him save my daughter Mina first and then deal with his cheating later,” I said inwardly, turning to climb up the stairs again and go back to his office.
  • I had barely taken a few steps when my phone started ringing, I checked to see that it was a call from the hospital where Mina was admitted.
  • “Yes, Amber Holden, speaking,” I said into the phone before the caller could ask.
  • “You need to come to the hospital immediately, Ma’am.” The caller said, I was about to ask for Mina when she hung up, causing me to turn around again, running down from the stairs and heading back to the hospital.
  • “I am Mina’s Mum, is my daughter awake?” I told the first nurse I found, hoping that my daughter had woken up.
  • “Please come with me ma’am,” the nurse said, gesturing for me to follow her.
  • I walked behind her as fast as I could, wiping my eyes with the back of my palm, eager to see my daughter.
  • “Where is my daughter?” I asked the nurse after she stopped in a ward, glancing around for my daughter.
  • “I am sorry Ma’am, we lost your daughter,” the nurse said slowly, gesturing to the bed where Mina was.